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Old November 16th, 2010, 10:00 AM   #1
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The KiPro and the Sony EX-3

I'm preparing to do a chroma key job where I hopefully will be able to use a Ki Pro to record 10-bit 4:2:2 from my Sony EX-3 camera. I do have som practical questions:

Is it possible to start recording (on the Ki Pro) when pressing the record button on the Sony EX-3? If so do I need an additional cabel to do this?

I believe I've read somewhere that the Ki Pro now recognizes and records 1080p25 (due to a software upgrade earlier this year). Can anyone confirm this?

I would also like to get a confirmation about the actual recording procedure in a set up that I've mentioned.
I presume that I can both record to the internal Sony cards while I output via the HD-SDI connector to the Ki Pro? Are there any gotchas I should be aware of? (Connections, configurations ect)

I understand that it's possible to power both the Ki Pro and the EX3 using my
Anton Bauer QR-EX3 gold plate adapter. I've been looking for a suitable cabel to distribute the power to the Ki Pro. Is it possible to use the following cable to power the Ki Pro?:
Thank you!

Kind regards,
Terje Rian
Terje Rian, Creative Director
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Old November 16th, 2010, 02:45 PM   #2
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Terje R. - Yes, you can have the Ki Pro begin recording by using the incrementing timecode on the Sony PMW-EX3's HD-SDI output. You will need to be sure that the TC In parameter in the CONFIG menu is set to SDI RP188 and that the Arm Recording parameter in the CONFIG menu is set to TC/Rec Key. Finally, be sure your camera is outputting HD-SDI and timecode within that signal.

Ki Pro can record 1080p 25 if that is the signal sent to it with firmware versions 1.1.1 or 2.0; you can check your firmware version in the CONFIG menu.

If you are cabled for HD-SDI between both devices and use the settings noted, it should be straight forward to configure. If you need assistance, feel free to contact AJA technical support.

The P-tap to XLR cable you listed should work fine.

Hope this is helpful,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.
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Old November 16th, 2010, 05:24 PM   #3
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Thanks for your quick reply, Jon! I'm really looking forward to test the Ki Pro.

By the way, has there been a change in the useablity of the Ki Pro/Ki Pro in a DSLR (Canon)
set up? I remember when Ki Pro was launched there where issues (and maybe still is?) with the HDMI output of these
cameras, not making it possible to record a useable output. Maybe Canon solved the issue in one of their updates to the
camera (5D)?

I attended IBC this year, and people at the Atomos Ninja stand really made a point out of how useful
their product was in the DSLE context. If so I guess this should also be true for the Ki Pro products?

Terje Rian, Creative Director
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Old November 16th, 2010, 06:11 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jon Thorn View Post
Terje R. - Yes, you can have the Ki Pro begin recording by using the incrementing timecode on the Sony PMW-EX3's HD-SDI output. You will need to be sure that the TC In parameter in the CONFIG menu is set to SDI RP188 and that the Arm Recording parameter in the CONFIG menu is set to TC/Rec Key. Finally, be sure your camera is outputting HD-SDI and timecode within that signal.

Ki Pro can record 1080p 25 if that is the signal sent to it with firmware versions 1.1.1 or 2.0; you can check your firmware version in the CONFIG menu.

If you are cabled for HD-SDI between both devices and use the settings noted, it should be straight forward to configure. If you need assistance, feel free to contact AJA technical support.

The P-tap to XLR cable you listed should work fine.

Hope this is helpful,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Hello Mr. Thorn,

In reference to the above quote, are you suggesting that a single Anton Bauer Dionic 90, for example, is sufficient to power both the camera and the Ki Pro?
If so, how would that apply to a Sony PMW-350?

I had been considering the Ki Pro Mini but after careful consideration I have decided upon the original Ki Pro for, among other reasons, its hard drive, which in the long term should reduce media cost when compared to the high speed CF cards. With this in mind, I anticipated the need for a separate Dionic 90 to power the Ki Pro which would be carried in a Porta Brace over-the-shoulder case along with the battery for field use.

Thank you in advance.
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Old November 19th, 2010, 01:06 AM   #5
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Terje R. - To the best of my knowledge, there have not been any official updates to DSLRs that provide clean (free of on-screen display information, full scale, etc.) output.

Ron W. - Depending on the power requirements of the camera used and the capacity of the battery, etc., it is possible to power both a camera and the Ki Pro from a single battery with appropriate adapters, cables, etc. Sorry, I'm currently not able to look up the PMW-350 power requirements to determine what would be needed as I'm bouncing around in the back of a taxi at the moment.

Hope this is helpful,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.
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Old November 19th, 2010, 10:19 AM   #6
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Dear Mr. Thorn,

Thank you for your reply.

I suspect that regardless of the the 350's power requirements, powering both units from the same battery supply would logically limit the runtime of both, making the use of independent batteries a more reasonable choice.

I apologize for the initial question, it was the result of multitasking that interfered with my normally logical approach to matters of this nature.
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Old November 24th, 2010, 01:49 PM   #7
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Hello Jon,

I received my KiPro today. It seems to work just fine. I've managed to initiate recording on the KiPro just by pressing the record button on my EX-3, as you suggest in your recent response. Great! I know try to figure out the best way for me to utilize the KiPro during my upcoming chroma key session. The manual suggests that I can connect my Macbook Pro to the KiPro through the Host connector for passing data. I've tried to find more info on this topic, but without any luck. Would you mind elaborate on this topic? Is it possible for me to connect the MacBook Pro to the KiPro during my shooting and be able to access the hard drive inbetween shots? I understand that I can monitor and check clips on the KiPro, but I would like to do quick keying tests (in FCP or AFX) on some of the scenes during shooting and I therefore need access to the recorded material on the drive. Or do I have to shut the KiPro down, disconnect the hard drive and then mount it on my MacBook Pro to access the clips?

It would be great to use a scope on the set. Scopebox is an alternative, but as I understand it this software needs Firewire for it to do the job. Could KiPro provide an output to the Macbook Pro through Firewire?

I've looked through your introduction videos, without finding an answer to my question. I'm aware of that I might have overlooked some info in the manual. I'm sorry for this. I appreciate your response. Thank you.

Kind regards,
Terje Rian, Creative Director

Last edited by Terje Rian; November 24th, 2010 at 06:32 PM. Reason: Added question
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Old November 25th, 2010, 12:03 AM   #8
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Terje R. - The Ki Pro FireWire 800 connector is not yet enabled for data transfer; this is noted in the Ki Pro manual. Alternately, for your proposed workflow, you can connect the Ki Pro Storage Module to your MacBook Pro via FireWire 800 for review purposes. You could copy off select shots and try compositing those shots. The Ki Pro Storage Module can be removed while the Ki Pro is powered up, but you must first depress the SLOT button, wait for the green LED to go out, depress and hold in the media release button while removing the drive. This information is contained in the QuickStart Guide as well as the manual.

It's usually a fairly quick process to copy a shot or two to your local storage for review and experimentation. Another option would be to use more than one Storage Module alternating between one copying while the other is in use. I think you will be fine with one module to start and evaluate your first project to see if you feel two modules would be preferable.

Please keep in mind that if you need assistance, you may contact AJA technical support at no charge. However, they will be out of the office until Monday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Hope this is helpful information,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.
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Old November 25th, 2010, 07:04 AM   #9
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Thank you for the clarification, Jon! I'm sorry for missing the data transfer issue in the manual.
I think I'll be able to find a work flow that'll suit my upcoming session. Thank you!

Best wishes,
Terje Rian, Creative Director
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Old February 1st, 2011, 12:05 AM   #10
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10 bit output from EX3 possible with kipro ?

The EX3 camera is 8 bit 4:2:0 35mbps only but with nanoflash we are able to enhance the quality like 4:2:2 upto 280mbps and above but still 8 bit.My question-Is it really possible to record 10bit with kipro mini from sdi out ?Jon Thorn may like to reply.
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Old February 1st, 2011, 12:13 AM   #11
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Ramji M. - The output from the Sony PMW-EX3 is 10-bit, 4:2:2. Ki Pro Mini can be used to record this 10-bit output from the camera to a 10-bit Apple ProRes 422 QuickTime file. The nanoFlash product, by comparison, is limited to producing 8-bit 4:2:2 recordings.

I hope this information is helpful,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.
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Old November 5th, 2011, 08:17 AM   #12
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Re: The KiPro and the Sony EX-3

I believe over and under-cranking is not possible in AJA Ki Pro Mini,great feature available in Nanoflash
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Old November 10th, 2011, 08:06 AM   #13
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Re: The KiPro and the Sony EX-3

Look forward to the KiPro Mini doing overcranking at 422 10 bit 50Mbps.
Paul Cronin
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