What's wrong with Adobe's Transport Streams? at DVinfo.net
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Old July 9th, 2007, 07:25 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 11
What's wrong with Adobe's Transport Streams?

Ivan Barbarich has a nice tute here about creating Transport Streams from Adobe:


But has anyone tried to actually write that transport stream to a camera? When I try, I just get a blank screen on the camera (Sony HC3). Yes, I picked all the right settings: 25 MBPS, NTSC, 1440x1080i, 16x9, etc.

I know Adobe has an "Export to tape" option, but there are lots of problems with that. The worst problem is that every 3.5 minutes or so, it hiccups. The hiccup is actually in the file it generates. I saved off the file before it gets deleted and tried other computers’ firewire, with the same hiccups at exactly the same points. I have a feeling it’s some kind of muli-core rendering bug.

Now, AspectHD has a plugin that generates transport streams, and that works very well for exporting to tape (using either HDLink or the “MPEG TS writer” from Edius4). But why should I have to go buy a 3rd party plugin when it seems Adobe has the support built in? Especially since I don’t want to pay for all the stuff AspectHD has that I’ll never use (I don’t do intermediate codecs).

I would love to start some discussion on this topic!
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Old July 10th, 2007, 12:01 PM   #2
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I've never gotten any HD tape export to work in Premiere, although I really wish I could. I have Aspect as well and still that doesn't work; they say they're working out the bugs and to just use the Adobe Media Encoder but that doesn't work for me either, I get "Error compiling" whatever.

I have quad cores also so your multi-core rendering theory may be correct.
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Old July 10th, 2007, 07:51 PM   #3
New Boot
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That's odd that even AspectHD doesn't create valid TS files for you. Have you tried a super-simple project just to make sure it's not a weird filter or something giving you the trouble?

If Cineform sold just the plugin that does TS generation for a fraction of the price of the whole thing, I would buy it in a split second. But my wife would kill me for blowing $500 just to render to tape, something Adobe is already supposed to do!

Somethng just doesn't sit right that no one at Adobe has tested writing Media-Encoder produced TS files to a real camera. How can this be the state of the world today?

If you've ever written HDV back to a camera, please just post a quick messge here saying what method you use. Thanks!
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Old July 13th, 2007, 09:36 AM   #4
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Unfortunately, writing transport streams back to camera can be a little interesting, and just as the cameras all generate different modifications of the HDV spec (24f, CineFrame, JVC's 720p true 24, etc...), outputting to these cameras isn't nearly as standard or straightforward as outputting to DV.

As much as an Adobe advocate as I am, I have never had much luck with the HDV native editing mode. Canopus GV Edius has always been far superior in its handling of HDV native files...and Vegas seems to have a fairly straightforward workflow as well. I've always used CineForm products and simply not experienced the many struggles that many HDV native editors seem to deal with.

There is something odd between PPro v1.5 and v2 with the Media Encoder in this regard, and since most of my stuff that starts life as HDV doesn't end that way, I just haven't had a lot of experience with it.

Have you looked at CineForm's product line lately? The prices did all move just before NAB...and NEO HDV is 249.00. It doesn't have the RT edit support, but it will get you CineForm's output module...
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