I Need Premiere Pro Help ASAP!!!!! at DVinfo.net
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Old January 19th, 2007, 03:00 PM   #1
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I Need Premiere Pro Help ASAP!!!!!

So heres my little story...

I downloaded the trial for premiere pro from Adobe's website. The PC that I am working on does not have a firewire port so I had to import the video on my mac. I then compressed the video to Sorenson 3, 428 x 240. Then transferred the video to the PC via cat 5. I then Created a new project in Premiere, settings at DV NTSC Widescreen (not costume, just the standard preset settings). Then I imported the footage into Premiere and edited it all together. When I was doing this I thought something about it looked funny when I previewed it because it had black all around the outsides of it. But because I have never seen it before (Premiere), I just assumed that it was the way Premiere worked. Then, when I went to export it, I set it to the same settings as I did the footage before (Sorenson 3, 428 x 240). After it did that, I watched it and the footage had black all around it just like it did in premiere, and it also stretched it up. It converted it to 4:3 aspect ratio, as posed to its true 16:9. OMG!
So now I am stuck trying to figure out what to do to make this work right.
So I came here to ask on the forms to know if anyone knew how to fix this.
Also, premiere does not have credits. That seems to make things hard. now I have to transfer it to windows movie maker in order to get the credits on, right?

Someone please help me! I don't have much time. I appreciate all feedback/help.

Gabriel Photography
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Old January 19th, 2007, 03:11 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Gabriel Yeager
So heres my little story...

I downloaded the trial for premiere pro from Adobe's website. The PC that I am working on does not have a firewire port so I had to import the video on my mac. I then compressed the video to Sorenson 3, 428 x 240. Then transferred the video to the PC via cat 5. I then Created a new project in Premiere, settings at DV NTSC Widescreen (not costume, just the standard preset settings). Then I imported the footage into Premiere and edited it all together. When I was doing this I thought something about it looked funny when I previewed it because it had black all around the outsides of it. But because I have never seen it before (Premiere), I just assumed that it was the way Premiere worked. Then, when I went to export it, I set it to the same settings as I did the footage before (Sorenson 3, 428 x 240). After it did that, I watched it and the footage had black all around it just like it did in premiere, and it also stretched it up. It converted it to 4:3 aspect ratio, as posed to its true 16:9. OMG!
So now I am stuck trying to figure out what to do to make this work right.
So I came here to ask on the forms to know if anyone knew how to fix this.
Also, premiere does not have credits. That seems to make things hard. now I have to transfer it to windows movie maker in order to get the credits on, right?

Someone please help me! I don't have much time. I appreciate all feedback/help.

My guess is that it is because you are importing a 428 x 240 video into a project that is 720 x 480 - hence the borders.

If you need 428 x 240, don't use the DV NTSC setting, use a custom setting.

Or, convert to a 720 x 480 format on the Mac.
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Old January 19th, 2007, 03:16 PM   #3
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I am assume you mean listing of cast, or director, etc. Premiere has a great titler that will do all that. Simply select file, new, then select title. From there, you have a title to work with, and can select rolling credits, static, etc.

As to 16:9 issue, first you should select DV wide project to start. Import all the footage you will use, and drag it to time line. In the project monitor move the cursor on the time line till you have the have the a full frame on the project monitor. Left click on the project monitor You should show corners that can be dragged to fill the frame.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old January 19th, 2007, 03:17 PM   #4
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Hi there
I think you'll be better off importing the footage into your mac and saving as an AVI file... this you can transfer using an external hard drive or a DVD-RW.

Copy onto your Pc and then import into a new PPro project. Premiere doesn't like Mpeg files and in any case they are hightly compressed. As the previous poster says you'll need 720x480 in ntsc..

Once edited you can output to what ever size you like... in whatever format...

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Old January 20th, 2007, 05:26 PM   #5
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Location: Washington, NorthWest USA
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Thanks guys! It worked! I guess reading the manual helps! lol.

Thanks for the help!
PS: The titler is awesome! Thanks for telling me about it.
Gabriel Photography
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