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Old September 27th, 2006, 01:46 AM   #1
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Can't Export...need help!!

XP, Premiere Pro 2.0, 2gig RAM

I have a 30 minute sequence with clips from 2 different cameras. Everytime I try to export, it gives me an error compiling movie message. I saw that it kept giving me that message around frame 475, so I looked around that time in the clip and it has a weird green pixelation to it. So I pulled back the clip to reveal the other camera on the layer beneath (past the pixelated part) and the export got further in the process, but again with the error message.

I have color correction and luma correction on each clip, so I tried turning those off, didn't work. I tried removing those corrections and exporting, didn't work. I then redid the color and luma correction. I tried rendering it first and I get a preview error. I tried exporting to media encoder and get an error.

I tried exporting and/or rendering just small sections from different areas of the workbar. I tried using different codecs (Huffy, Uncompressed...), not all of them, but a few, none worked. I am now trying to export directly to dvd, but fear it won't work.

Two questions:
1. Any idea how I can get this thing out of here?
2. What happens if I keep all the clips and cuts in place, but delete all the source files from my disk and recapture them? Will the same timecodes hold up so all the cuts will still be the same? Or does that screw everything up?
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Old September 27th, 2006, 02:40 AM   #2
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Jeff, kind of does sound like the source files may have drop outs in them; if so, the question is going to be whether they are actually on the tape or just glitches in the capture process. Recapturing will help the latter, but not the former.

Is this DV or HDV? If HDV, what flavor? Are you using any plug-ins like Cineform and if so, what version?
Pete Bauer
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Old September 27th, 2006, 03:02 AM   #3
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Pete, it's just DV, no plugins or anything. I hope it isn't the tape. But, so I'm clear (I never did this part), if I delete the source files and recapture (I did whole tapes at once), Premiere will keep all the same cuts...meaning, the timecode will stay the same, correct?
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Old September 27th, 2006, 03:14 AM   #4
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Yes, in fact you don't have to delete the first captures, which if you have the disk space to spare I'd recommend just in case you end up wanting the originally captured files. To recapture, you can either:

- just move the existing source files to a different folder so they show as offline and then recapture, as all the IN and OUT points will be preserved in the project (good idea to give them a slightly different file name)
- do nothing with the original source files and create a separate batch capture file to use for capture. Sorry, I'm at work so unable to be more specific how to do that; might need to dig into the help files for that.
Pete Bauer
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Old September 27th, 2006, 03:49 AM   #5
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Thanks, Pete. I'll try the move them to another folder option. Hopefully, this will work.
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Old November 28th, 2006, 02:29 PM   #6
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No sound exporting

I've tried a couple times, exporting my project from Prem.Pro 2 to tape. It exports the video fine, but there's no sound at all. I have exported to AVI and DVD without problems, but to tape always no sound.

No idea what i'm missing. I have exported to tape with iMovie (on mac) and it was so simple, i thought it would be just as simple on the pc.

Any help appreciated on this. (i couldn't find the exact same issue on the forum already when i seareched)
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Old December 11th, 2006, 11:22 AM   #7
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Solved My issue

My issue with no sound appearing on the tape...figured it out.

I was trying to export to tape via Firewire, to a video cam that has no mic input. I guess that particular camera can't take input sound at all - not even through the firewire.

Strange. But at least I figured that out, used a different cam to export to tape and everything worked like a charm.
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Old December 12th, 2006, 06:59 PM   #8
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there is a switch in PPRo2 that plays the audio on the system or remote device, that may be the audio problem.... maybe...
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