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Old December 3rd, 2004, 08:49 AM   #1366
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Thanks for the response - in fact, upon a subsequent restart of Premiere, the audio playback worked no prob. I think it was just a temporary glitch. I will keep in mind your checklist if this occurs in the future.
John Michael Harper is offline  
Old December 3rd, 2004, 08:57 AM   #1367
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Hi John,

You'll notice this on many occasions and it can be puzzling when you first start with PPro... it seems to default back to the camera playback setting.

Always check that you have clicked the
"Play audio on audio hardware" button.

this is found by left clicking on the little triangle at the top right corner of your right hand monitor window.
Scroll down to "Playaback settings".

alternatively click on Project > Project Settings > and then click on the Play back settings button..

Et voila

This did confused me for a whole day when I first used PPro, I find it an annoying feature, and not very well thought out...IMHO

Otherwise I love it.


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Old December 4th, 2004, 08:18 PM   #1368
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Out of curiousity why didn't just using the colour pass effect work?

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Old December 5th, 2004, 11:27 AM   #1369
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The way the scene was shot made me do the motion tracking AE. The shot began with him in the sunlight and then walking into the shadows. That made the shirt two different shades.

Also masking and titling in AE is better than PPro
Stephen Jackson
RoaDDoggZ productions
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Old December 5th, 2004, 07:05 PM   #1370
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Europe and the Adobe eurostore

Trying not to sound too cheap (but rather economical :)
If you live in Europe, do you have to buy your adobe-stuff through the eurostore (or affiliated dealers in Europe), or can you also buy online at US stores? Will Adobe accept activation and give you support if you imported the apps yourself?
I'm asking this because at the moment of writing, the prices in EUROS in the adobe-eurostore ( are exceeding the prices in DOLLARS in the US store. Taking account of a 0.75 currency rate, this means that if you take for instance AE pro, you pay 73% more if you buy in europe (€1300 -vs- $1000=€750). That seems a bit ridiculous to me. So if it's not possible, I'll probably consider other software from a company that hasn't got a eurostore ;)

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Old December 6th, 2004, 10:58 AM   #1371
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I've found that after importing footage if I leave the playback deck or camera on the sound will not work in the program, but still be scrubbable. Of course turning the stuff off fixes that.
itimebomb productions
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Old December 6th, 2004, 11:07 AM   #1372
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I've tried importing a PPJ into AE several times with no success. The timeline is only 4 minutes in length and seems to cause AE to freeze up completely. Any ideas?
itimebomb productions
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Old December 6th, 2004, 04:11 PM   #1373
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Exporting For Web

I've got a 12-minute short film I'd like to encode for distribution on the web using Premiere 6.0. It seems that Quicktime is the best solution for video for the web, since its fairly cross-platform and has a larger installed base than something like DivX, but the Cleaner5 EZ setup that comes with Premiere doesn't seem to like exporting at resolutions higher than 320x240. I'd ideally like to export at full-framerate, 720x480.

I know it's possible to get a 24-minute video on that scale compressed down to <200 mb -- anime fansubbers do it all the time, in DivX, but I don't know what settings to tinker with in Cleaner..

Help greatly appreciated.
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Old December 6th, 2004, 04:47 PM   #1374
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Why in the world would you want to post a full frame video to the web!?
"IF" you could actually get it compressed to a reasonable file size it would look like butt "AND" if you compressed it to look decent, the bandwidth charges would eat you alive from downloads. There is a reason video on the web is smaller! Most people can't and won't download a 200MB file! I would, but then again, I've got a fast connection, and then, only if it were a QuickTime progressive download. That way if it sucked I could stop it.

A little trick you can try is to encode it very cleanly at 320x240 and have it play back a 2X size. That's what the Divx and WMP folks do, and yes even Quicktime. The problem you will have is with the presets in Cleaner EZ. You need to do a lot of testing and re-testing of custom settings but I don't know what "EZ" will let you do. You may need Pro to really get it perfect. There is a setting in Cleaner 6 for QuickTime full screen download but it is 1.5mbits/s and is still 320x240, just doubled.

Things to tinker with... frame rate, video bit rate, audio bit rate, keyframe rate, gamma, contrast, brightness, etc...
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Old December 7th, 2004, 12:09 AM   #1375
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MPEG2 Export Error "failed to return frame"

Hi, I got a quick question for you guys. I'm trying to export an 15 minute documentry into a MPEG2DVD file to put into Encore, but several minutes later it starts exporting a error comes up that says, "Adobe Premiere Pro failed to return a video frame. Cancelling the operation." I have the stock settings for the MPEG2 file and stock settings for NTSC footage. How do I fix this? I need to have this burned by Wensday, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Jake Sawyer is offline  
Old December 7th, 2004, 04:21 AM   #1376
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I don't know why you get that error message.
But have you tried to export an avi file from Premiere, and import the avi file to Encore? Then Encore can do the mpeg encoding.
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Old December 7th, 2004, 07:19 AM   #1377
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<<<-- Originally posted by Trond Saetre : I don't know why you get that error message.
But have you tried to export an avi file from Premiere, and import the avi file to Encore? Then Encore can do the mpeg encoding. -->>>

No, I haven't, though I will try, but the encoding will mean more extra time and I'm really on the line to get this burned and sent out. If anybody elses knows how to solve this problem please help.
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Old December 7th, 2004, 12:54 PM   #1378
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Known issue

Check out Adobe's Support Knowledgebase and let us know if you can get it to work.

However, I prefer to export to AVI, especially if there are several files. Encore can do incremental encoding before the final encode, so while you have some down time, you can tell Encore to transcode the assets you have so far.

So if you import some of the files, you can tell Encore to transcode them. However, this works best when the total amount of your material does not approach disk capapcity (which would force Encore to encode everything over again).
David Yuen is offline  
Old December 7th, 2004, 12:56 PM   #1379
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Hi Jake,

Try this:

Hope it helps,
Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old December 7th, 2004, 04:04 PM   #1380
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<<<-- Originally posted by Ed Smith : Hi Jake,

Try this:

Hope it helps, -->>>

The first solution solved my problem. Thanks everyone!
Jake Sawyer is offline  
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