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Old October 20th, 2004, 04:34 AM   #1156
RED Code Chef
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The problem is that it might not be memory related at all. The RW
might be a problem as well, hard to say.

You will probably need at least 4 - 9 GB free on your harddisk,
memory should be more than enough. Do you have multiple
partitions? It might be that your temporary drive for Premiere is
to a drive/partition that does not have enough space.

Rob Lohman,
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Old October 21st, 2004, 09:15 AM   #1157
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smushed/stretched export

Since i am not sure what part of my system is causing this problem, i decided to post here (hope it's the right area)

I am using premiere pro
capturing from a sony dcr-trv 22
using standard dv/ieee1394 capture settings
project settings are default ntsc

when i capture, the aspect ratio looks fine
but when i render or export (either by export movie - avi, or media encoder)
the resulting video is smushed vertically so everyone looks really stumpy
i played around with pixel aspect ratios in the export, but it doesn't
affect anything that i can tell...

what am i doing wrong? (or what are some of the possible things i could be doing wrong?)

thanks in advance!
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Old October 21st, 2004, 09:42 AM   #1158
RED Code Chef
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Please provide us with the following information:

1. premiere version
2. exact premiere project settings

3. output format (sounds like avi)
4. exact settings for this output format including codec

5. which program/system are you using to play the resulting file with

Without this it's hard to say. Definitely sounds like an pixel or
screen aspect ratio. You might have set the project or export
settings to 16:9 screen aspect ratio when your footage is just
4:3 or the other way around. Otherwise it is probably a pixel
aspect ratio.

Windows Media Player might/will not playback DV AVI or MPEG
in the correct pixel/screen aspect ratios. If you outputted to
DVD for example watch that with a software DVD player on your
PC or an external DVD. DV AVI can be checked by exporting it
to your camera/DV deck and play that back on a TV.

Otherwise export to a web format like QuickTime/Windows Media
and set the pixel aspect to 1.0 on export and that should play
back correctly in Windows Media Player/QuickTime player for example.

Rob Lohman,
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Old October 21st, 2004, 09:51 AM   #1159
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i'll post the full settings when i get home, but i have tried exporting to:
windows media
microsoft avi
microsoft dv avi
and changed pixel aspect ratios where available in the video export settings

played back the files in real player or windows media player

project settings are d1/dv ntsc (0.9)
version is premiere pro (i'll get exact build code tonight)

same results no matter the settings or the playback program...

should/might real player have the same problems playing a dv avi or mpeg in the right aspect ratio? if so, is there another mpeg or avi player that i should use/try?

thanks for the help!
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Old October 22nd, 2004, 02:28 AM   #1160
RED Code Chef
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I can't speak for Realplayer, sorry. In my personal case WMP is
not playing it at the correct aspect ratio with a DV AVI at 1.0
pixels. The problem for me is that it is hard to see how much the
distortion is and whether it is normal or not.

If you output to something like windows media (or anything
besides DV AVI and MPEG2/DVD) you should set the pixel aspect
ratio to 1.0 (computer PA). That SHOULD play back correctly in
WMP for example. It does so here.

So your footage is NTSC 4:3? If so your project settings should
be okay. I don't need the exact Premiere build number, but I was
wondering whether you are running an old version or Premiere
Pro 1.0 or 1.5 for example.

I just checked and my Media Player Classic (MPC) DOES play my
DV AVI's back in the correct pixel aspect ratio, you can get it here:

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Old October 22nd, 2004, 09:06 PM   #1161
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Cropping your shot

I have this idea for a music video and I was wondering if there is a way to crop your shots in Adobe Premier 6.5 or Pro. If there is Holla Holla.

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Old October 23rd, 2004, 01:14 PM   #1162
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Premiere has Crop effects, its normally found in the video effects palette.

I guess it also depends on what you mean by crop. Could you please explain how you imagine the effect?

Ed Smith
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Old October 23rd, 2004, 01:18 PM   #1163
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Croping effect

I want to shoot something and then cut it in half :)

I can't quite explain it. Are there tools that crop the image?

Something I can use to just cut the clip in half.

Thanks for the reply Ed
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Old October 23rd, 2004, 01:25 PM   #1164
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If you want to cut the image in half and want black at top or bottom then use the clip effect.

If you want half of the image to fill the screen use the crop effect (you will loose resolution).

If you want to squish the image then the transform filter should do the job.

As I said most of these are found in the video effect bin...

Let us know if you need some more advise,

Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old October 23rd, 2004, 02:33 PM   #1165
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Rock on man. Thanks, I don't usually edit, but my editor is away and I really want to make this video :) Once I'm done I'll drop it by :)

Thanks Again.
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Old October 23rd, 2004, 03:45 PM   #1166
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Crop in prem pro is different to 6.5.

It's a proper crop in prem pro

In 6.5 crop would only take upto 5% or so off the picture edges, and the picture would expand to fill the screen.

In prem pro, it's a crop where you can basically cut out any rectangular part of the picture. The resulting cropped picture does not expand to fill the screen, but remains it's original size and you can put it over another picture if you wish for a picture in picture effect - the crop now has an automatic keying matte.

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Old October 23rd, 2004, 07:25 PM   #1167
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Thanks for that I don't really use Pro so much I kow it's better but once I get used to something I get used to something if you know what I mean. I figgured if you apply the effect of crop onto the clip more than once you can take off more and more (thats a solution) :)

Thanks again
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Old October 24th, 2004, 09:45 AM   #1168
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i'd like to split the image but how can i remain the full image? if i crop it, it's only the half of it and i would like to split the screen in 2 images.

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Old October 25th, 2004, 12:56 AM   #1169
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60i to 24p conversion in pro?

I see alot of people posting about good 60i to 24p conversions. I was wondering if this is possible in pro, and how to go about doing it. How does it effect the image quality? Any help on this would be appreciated.

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Old October 25th, 2004, 11:40 AM   #1170
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You can copy the wanted effect from a clip.
Select however many clips on the timeline you want by either shift click, or click drag, or click drag + shift.
This will select any number of clips on a timeline.
You just paste attributes.
As said above, it will add to any effects already on a clip, but IT DOES WORK for any number of selectd clips.

Although, it may be a better idea to use the other method - new sequence, drag the sequence you want and apply the effect that way.

BEWARE - Premire Pro does have memory leakage that can prevent some Canopus effects from completing properly (currently I am aware of Mirror when using Chroma Key). This seems to occur when using the 'main concept' mpeg writers multiple times!
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