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Old July 10th, 2004, 04:37 PM   #721
Capt. Quirk
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Howdy neighbor! You need to give us a little more info, such as the length of the video, and what NLE you currently use. Premiere has Cleaner, which will help you with presets. Lowering the frame rate, and making it smaller will cut size. Say, 320x240 and 15 fps.
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Old July 11th, 2004, 02:59 AM   #722
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The video is 3mins and 40 secs long...
I believe it's standard 38? NLE DV/IEEE1394?
I wanted to confirm this but suddenly Adobe started locking up as soon as I plugged my camera in :/
(I'll try again after some sleep)

I saved it with
File -> Export -> Adobe Media Encoder -> WM9 NTSC 512k Download

We just put together another one of the flowers/sky/etc that my daughter had filmed by the pond...'tons of interval shots'. Again, I'm pleased with the quality of the AVI but not quite as pleased with the compressed web version... maybe it's just me... :dunno:

Here's the "time lapse" one...

Maybe later we'll practice holding the camera still :P
Noth'n Wrong w/ a G'Ol Fashioned Home Movie :P
Debbie Gillespie is offline  
Old July 12th, 2004, 07:39 PM   #723
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Hey Derrick, What Jimmy said.

We also do concerts and multicamera, but are just getting used to the editing. Multicamera is nice for fading into a close up of a musician doing a riff. Sync can be done easily using a visual or audio cue or both, like a person clapping in front of a mike.(preffered)
I use Premiere 6.5 which has only one place to put a transition, so I use the upper tracks for multicamera work. I have heard rumor that you Pro users can place a transition in between any track.

Anyway, like Jimmy says, place the video from the stationary camera in track 1 , with the other camera(s) occupying the upper tracks. In 6.5 all upper tracks will supercede the tracks below, which allows you to use the razor knife to "slice and dice" the upper tracks while leaving the main camera track in place. (also, you may want to look at the lower tracks while leaving the upper ones in place, so just de-delect the eye icon on the left of upper video track so you can see the lower one) It is quite easy to select the clip for deletion that you just cut with the razor. If you need a little more or less of the upper clip that now remains, you can stretch or shrink or move it to your liking after deleting the part preceding. Razor cut your desired out point, and there you are.
By keyframing the upper tracks, you can effectively create a dissolve between tracks, just like you would do with an audio fade. If I want a specials transition, like a wipe, I have to bring the clip down to track A or B and put the transition in between.

As you practice, you will find all kind of creative ways of making things look like you had cameras all over the place. I have shot musicians entering onto the stage from a camera back stage, and then dissolved from that view into a front view from a completely different song. Have you ever noticed how many cameras Austin City Limits has in their production. Must be nice to have a mega budget.

Sweetwater Productions
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Old July 12th, 2004, 09:52 PM   #724
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Bingo! If your second camera operator is quick with the framing and keeps a steady stream of different content coming with an eye for "get the good stuff at all times" then you are very fortunate. Then, you (the safety cam operator) can get a little creative with a few blast zooms or tight shots on the various performers, creating an editing environment that appears as though 3, 4 or even more cameras were deployed at the event!
But err to the cautious side of the edit bay ... you need a safety shot at all times to fall back on when your second unit is re-positioning...
Well stated Richard...
Jimmy McKenzie is offline  
Old July 14th, 2004, 01:35 AM   #725
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Problems Capturing DV in Premier Pro

Has anyone else had a problem capturing DV with Premier Pro 7? When I try to capture footage from my Panasonic NV-DS1, the video looks blocky and tears across it. The audio seems to be fine. My camcorder records in PAL format and I have tried all kinds of settings including NTSC and custom settings with the same results.

I also have Pinnacle and Ulead software installed on my system which captures the DV footage fine.

My PC is a AMD 2000+ with 1Gb memory. 120Gb 7200 Hdd, ATI All-in-Wonder video, IEEE 1394 and USB2. I use the IEEE 1394 to capture the DV.

Although I could use a different program to capture the DV, I would like to resolve this issue and use only the Premier Pro. Thanks in advance for any help you might give me. I don't look good with greying hair.
Chris Adams is offline  
Old July 14th, 2004, 04:29 AM   #726
RED Code Chef
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Is the upgrade to Pro 1.5 free? If so I would go to that version.
I heard it fixed a LOT of problems. Otherwise you can try one
of the external programs like Scenalizer or CapDV (WinDV?).

Rob Lohman,
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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:05 PM   #727
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Online download of premiere for $60??? a scam?

hi- I was just surfing and came up with a site claiming to supply online dowloads of Adobe Premiere for only $60. Is this a scam?
here's link-

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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:25 PM   #728
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This is from their website.

"If anything on this site is illegal in any way, shape, or form, then we are unaware of it. Neither us nor our host will be responsible for it. All backup devices are for personal use and should only be used in a legal way"

That's all you need to know.. It is illegal software.
Scott Balkum is offline  
Old July 14th, 2004, 08:32 PM   #729
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hmmmm, thankyou...I thought something smelled wrong.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:32 PM   #730
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Even better quote

"Our products can not be registered with the software company however this will not effect the use of the program in any way. If you are needing some support, we recommend you buy some cheap tutorials off of sites such as ebay, they will usually run around $20.00"

I am not sure how these people still have a functioning website.
Reading their Terms of Service is outright funny. Especially the part about chargebacks being fraud and how they will contact the FBI on you if you do... heh... some people.
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Old July 15th, 2004, 06:28 AM   #731
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Thanks for the information. To be honest, I'm not sure if the upgrade is free or not. I would hate to think that I spent this much money on Premier Pro and had to pay again to fix any bugs in the software. I will do a little research on the software you spoke about.
Chris Adams is offline  
Old July 15th, 2004, 11:28 AM   #732
Inner Circle
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u want Pixelans Step Time plugin and run a preset called Pulse on Stills

in here u can also adjust fade range, tempo, frame etc etc etc
Works great :)
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Old July 15th, 2004, 11:34 AM   #733
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Progressive capture, Edit and Output with Premiere

Hey all,
I have an Italian friend who requires some assistance with Premiere. As i am a Vegas User, i dont want to steer him the wrong way, so im hoping some of u "Pro" users can assist.

Ive translated his questions as best i could so please try to keep the answers in Basic English (or Italian if you speak it) as he may have some trouble absorbing the english jargon

thanx guys

Hi Guys,
Im an Italian DVX100 user who is in PAL land, and im wanting to capture my footage and edit using Premiere.
I have some questions im hoping someone can answer.

1) Can someone please tell me the correct procedure to capture and export 25p material using premeiere?
(or using the best softwere for that operation)

2) Must I capture using no fields? Or do I capture with "lower field first" Whereby I would deinterlace in Post and blend fields in Progressive?
What are the ideal settings for progressive capture and editing?

3) After editing, i author my DVD. Now will this DVD have that annoying flickering problem on my TV? Or is this a thin/thick detail setting on the DVX camera?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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Old July 15th, 2004, 02:06 PM   #734
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Awesome. I'll try that.
Kent Metschan is offline  
Old July 15th, 2004, 06:32 PM   #735
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In Premiere Pro effects look in the 'Time' folder and apply the 'Posterize Time' effect. Adjust the frame rate down (probably 2-6) and see if that is what you are looking for.
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