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Old April 23rd, 2004, 02:06 AM   #361
New Boot
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Thanks Ken & Jan

Fully understand... Once again, thank you very much! It really help on my decision making...

Cos i been stuck on the DVCAM issue, I insist on the quality of the DVCAM is much better than the quality of DV... and the value that i weight between DVCAM is much higher than the camera section & lens...

Thanks, Gareth Watkins

Thanks for the link...

Edmond Chan is offline  
Old April 23rd, 2004, 06:09 AM   #362
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Why can i only ripple delete sometimes?

This problem has annoyed me some time. Usually can ripple delete but occasionaly I cant. Seems when I start to apply effects premiere stops handing out ripple deletes .

Any ideas?

Ben Gurvich
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Old April 23rd, 2004, 01:16 PM   #363
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Hi Ben,

Can you supply more information. Especially the version of Premiere, how big your projects are, how many effects and which ones, computer specs etc.

Hopefully then we can get a bit more of an idea.


Ed Smith
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Old April 23rd, 2004, 01:23 PM   #364
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Hi Edmond,

There will be a slight quality loss when converting to DVD as you have to compress the footage.

How does it look through a normal TV. Obviously blowing footage up to larger sizes will decrease the quality slightly.

How does the DVD look cmpared to your DVCAM footage in your computer at 720x480?

The artifacts and flickering could be caused by wrong field order, or that the title has not been deinterlaced.

I believe that MyDVD also does its own compression on the footage when you author the disk. I also think that you can import an DV AVI file and My DVD will convert it, maybe try that?

If anyone has any other suggestions please chime in...
Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old April 23rd, 2004, 03:50 PM   #365
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I am always afraid to use ripple delete because i don't know what it does exatcly anf i am afraid for surpises.

Who can give me more trust in the process? Whar does it doe and what safeguards it?
Jan Roovers
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Old April 23rd, 2004, 03:54 PM   #366
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Does it recognise the stereo signal also?

I own a PDX10p and Premiere does not recogise the stereo signal.
I must use scenalyzer for that.
Jan Roovers
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Old April 23rd, 2004, 04:09 PM   #367
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I prefer the stand alone version of the mainconcept encoder and prefer and use it always!

It gives really amazing good results and faithfull details and colours which I very much prefer above the TMPGenc encoder which I used before!

I use widescreen and the stdrd Mainconcept plugin crops the widescreen into 4x3 which i don't want. (resulting in a black upper and under part of a 4x3 screen) So I lose vertical resolution. May be it is my fault, but i could not reach better. Correct me iff I am wrong.
Jan Roovers
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Old April 23rd, 2004, 09:40 PM   #368
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Media Encoder in PPro

So I have been outputting some of my work to WMP and Quicktime to post on the web. Or at least trying to output...

It seems as if everything I try ends up with so so quality in a file size that is too big for the result I am getting. I have tried all the presets, and they suck, especially for quicktime. Then I did some of my own modifications and they were okay at best. Considering I had a 24MB file of a 2 min video at 320x240, I would expect some better quality.

One interesting thing I personally found was that I get better quality using the codec for WMP 8 than WMP 9. In fact I was getting a pretty big difference. I ended up using WMP 8 for my final product, but its still just not up to my standards. You can check the result here:

What have you guys figured out to work best?
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Old April 24th, 2004, 01:14 AM   #369
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I see a black empty area around the picture. Those pixels ar not used. That is not optimal for windowsMedia. You lose pixelinformation.
You use a very high bitrate. So I expect a better quality. How is the source?
If the source has the black borders, try cropping it for better results: more pixels. With yr bitrate it should be no problem.

I use the stand alone WinMediaEncoder from MS. I prefer it. I agree that the the Premiere plugin gives not the optimal results I want.

Version 9 must certainly gives better result as version 8.

The movie itself is fun. I like it.
Jan Roovers
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Old April 24th, 2004, 01:28 AM   #370
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no worries,

i am using premiere 6.5 and i guess it happens when i put in a dissolve, basically something that requires rendering.
I am using 3 video track with 2 used for clips im not using or about to use, and one used for the real project.

Ben Gurvich
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Old April 24th, 2004, 08:43 AM   #371
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Ed Smith,

The image from the DV directly to the projector is better than the image from the DVD-R using the Philips Q50 deinterlaced the 480i into 480p to my Sony VPL-VW10HT projector. The image is more sharp and colorful than the image from the DVD-R...

As you mentioned, Sonic MyDVD 5.0 does its own compression on the footage when i author the disk. Should i stay back to Adobe software to do the job?

Now the question is the soften image is due from the DVD authorizing process in Sonic MyDVD 5.0 or from the MPEG process in Adobe Premiere 6.5?

I don't know the Sonic MyDVD 5.0 will accept the AVI format or not, but i will try it tonight and see...

Beside Sonic MyDVD 5.0 can you recommend any authorizing software to me? Do you think the MPEG decoder from the adobe premiere is good? I already upgrade to 1.3 beta version from the adobe website...


P.S. Thanks for your reply... Thanks!
Edmond Chan is offline  
Old April 24th, 2004, 09:20 AM   #372
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EMERGENCY - cam not found correctly by Premiere

Thought I had this posted here already. Posted this in the PDX10 group and the NLE group but am having no luck so I'll give you Premiere folks a crack at this issue. I am an Avid / Premiere Pro guy myself but this is frustrating the heck out of me.

Well, I just discovered a very odd thing happening here with the old PDX-10 and any editing application.

I have been using a DSR-20 for a long time and it has been working flawlessly. I plug the 1394 in and it goes through the normal discover messages for a new DV device to which I cancel out of - all 4 messages. New DV device found, new AV tuner, etc. (which is odd as there is really no tuner in the DSR20)

I plug in the PDX-10 and I only get one message. I cancel it and can open my apps - Avid XpressPro, Premiere Pro, Vegas, etc. I can capture and control the camera in VCR mode. I however for the life of me cannot get dv playing out from any applications back into the camera. They are set right and think they are as evidenced by the stuttered output on the PC screens.

Keep in mind that it works fine with my tiny Sony Vaio laptop. I get imediate in and out. Same 4 messages I get using the DSR20 on the home system when I connect too.

Now, here's a hint. When I plug into the laptop, I look at the device drivers and notice there is a 1394 device listed, the TI driver is showing. On the bigger home system, I have a generic (probably Microsoft) driver. So far, in almost a year of editing with the DSR20, the driver hasn't been an issue and I am a bit reluctant to fool with a mostly working very well system.

A few questions come to mind, why does the DSR20 work fine with both drivers?

Why doesn't the PDX10?

How do I fix this?

What are you folks seeing as the listed device driver?

How can I change so I only use the right driver?

Why does the home PC only ask one question for the PDX10 and 4 for the DSR20?

How do I get and load the TI drivers and will that help.

Tried removing the 1394 drivers and letting Winf=dows discover the devices agian, no better.

Reinstalled Avid Xpress Pro to set up the correct drivers, no better in any app.


I will need to get video back onto the camera at some point. That's 33% of why I bought it. I know it can work. It works fine from the laptop. What do I need to make it work right on the big PC?

The 1394 card in the home PC is a built in card so I can't change it. I can add a second one which I may have to do.

I just discovered all this last night so I will work on it this weekend but it's quite nerve wracking right now.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
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Old April 24th, 2004, 09:22 AM   #373
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Is it possible that the unused tracks are "in the way" of the ripple delete? The only time 6.5 won't do a ripple delete for me is when clips on the other audio or video tracks butt up against (or near) each other in a way that would keep that whole section of the timeline from moving down. Everything above and below the clip you want to bump has to have room to move to the left. The ripple delete moves the whole timeline, not just the track you are editing.

Does that make sense? It seems easier for me to visualize than to explain...
John Britt is offline  
Old April 24th, 2004, 09:30 AM   #374
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As as guy from a broadcasting background, if tape time isn't an issue, go for the fastest tape speed. You could sort of look at it as a resolution issue but not like you think. Faster tape speed means the information has more magnetic particles actually recording each pixel (or however you want to look at it). More space between signals results in less smear of magnetic information between tracks. Each track is cleaner and has lower signal to noise ratios.

Like cars and motorcycles, faster is sometimes better.

Taps speed suffers however. That 60 minute MiniDV tape willnow be 43 minutes of DVCam footage.

The actual signal in your NLE or played out to a monitor is exactly the same for MiniDV, DVCam and even DVCPro 25. The DV format is the DV format is the DV format. DV is DV and is not dependant on tape speed to be the format.

Hope that helps.

And as a gy with a PDX10, I can tell you, it has more pixels in 16x9 than any other camera out there until you ht the pro cameras.

Look for reviews of the camera or drop by the PDX10 group for lots of good info.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
- my hero - David Lynch
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Old April 24th, 2004, 09:44 AM   #375
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<<<-- Originally posted by Edmond Chan : But is the "higher tape speed uses more tape to lay down the footage" means better resolution or it only means it do prevent the drop-frame issue... -->>>

Well it also means that Sony will sell you 50% more tape, so they have a bit of a vested interest in all this... ;-)
Boyd Ostroff is offline  
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