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Old December 27th, 2003, 12:16 PM   #16
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Ram for Preimere

I have 512 Meg of ram , Will increasing it to 1 Gig make any diffrence to the performance Premirer 6.5 ?
Thank you
Thanks for your help everyone.
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Old December 28th, 2003, 09:40 AM   #17
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Hi Thomas
More is always better in my (somewhat limited) experience. I was at 512, then went to 1 Gig back when I was using Premiere 6.0. It did make a difference--less hiccups, general better performance overall, less work for the hard drive(s).

Actually, I just ordered another 512 stick of Ram--going to be at 1.5 gigs soon. That should tell you what I think of more memory--the more the merrier. Plus, the price of the memory I use has come down about 20USD in the past 2 months.
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Old December 28th, 2003, 12:49 PM   #18
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You are going to get a very small performance increase if all your DIMMs are identical and in pairs. Ideal setups would be 2 identical DIMMs and 4 identical DIMMs. The difference is somewhere in the range of a few percent (like the difference between a Pentium 3.2 and 3.0). You probably will not notice the difference.

However having more RAM can give a HUGE performance increase, but only when the RAM is a bottleneck. When you run out of RAM your computer has to use the hard drive, which is slower than RAM by a factor of 60 or so.

I don't use Premiere 6.5 often (Pro, Vegas, Avid, FCP are all much better) so I don't know if it is a bottleneck if your system.
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Old December 28th, 2003, 01:50 PM   #19
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<<<-- Originally posted by Glenn Chan : but only when the RAM is a bottleneck -->>>

How can this be determined?

Also, my motherboard only has 3 slots for Ram (Asus P4PE). Does this mean that my best performance is only obtainable with 2, and not 3 sticks of memory?
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Old December 28th, 2003, 03:00 PM   #20
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Also, my motherboard only has 3 slots for Ram (Asus P4PE). Does this mean that my best performance is only obtainable with 2, and not 3 sticks of memory?
Oops I didn't think about AMD processors. The manual for that Asus board might say what the best performaning RAM setup is. It does for my Asus p4p800 (Intel 865PE chipset).

From what I gather, dual channel (2 identical sticks in the right slots) on AMD board makes very little difference unless you are running integrated graphics. If you already have one stick then I suppose you might as well find another stick of the same model.

<<<-- Originally posted by Glenn Chan : but only when the RAM is a bottleneck -->>>

How can this be determined?
Hmm I'm not sure how to check RAM usage.
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Old December 28th, 2003, 03:14 PM   #21
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The Asus P4PE is an Intel 845 chipset board. I have a Pentium 4 2.4Ghz running in it.
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Old December 30th, 2003, 07:36 PM   #22
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dvx-100a and premier pro - rendering?

i have been playing with my new camera and i don't understand why if i just take a clip that i shot and put it in premiere pro i have to render it.

just straight footage, no effect/transitions etc.

i did shoot it in 24p but not in 24p advanced.

i almost posted this in the dvx-100 forum but i just know it would have been moved in here anyway, so hopefully someone has a dvx-100 and understand what i mean by 24p non advanced and 24p advanced...

i am using a canopus raptor rt2 card and my project settings are the straightford 29.97

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Old December 31st, 2003, 01:50 AM   #23
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Premiere "RED" bleed crap

I'm trying to do in AFX in which a photoshop is animated....nothing fancy. However, I'm very aware of the color bleed when using a certain pigment of red. Just when I thought I found the winning combination i.e. no bleed, I brought my uncompressed AVI title into Premiere and rendered it. The static letters look fine but the animated ones look crappy. Does anybody know a pigment of red that I can use in Photoshop so my animated letters in AFX wont look like crap when I put them on the timeline in Premiere?


Seth Peterson
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Old December 31st, 2003, 11:58 AM   #24
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time remapping in after effects and premiere for music video

what would be some of you all's recipe for doing time remapping? i want to use slow down to speed up clips as inserts in a music video. each clip would probably be only 3 sec. i want to get them on beat.

i'm thinking that i can edit it in premiere, cut a 3 second audio file plus a 3 sec video clip, export it to after effects and then adjust the footage without adjusting the audio, then i can just bring it back into premiere and match it's audio to the original spot where i clipped it and then the time remap should be the way i want it.

by the way i plan on using twixtor
Patrick Falls is offline  
Old December 31st, 2003, 06:16 PM   #25
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Help Premiere Pro Problem

Some background
I use a toshiba laptop, and for firewire connections i use a pcmia card that has two firewire A ports.

right now i have my dv camera attached to one port and an external HDD conneted to the other port.

1) how bad would this be?
2) when i try to capture in premiere it always gives me the "maximum filesize exceeded" error, what am i to do?

thank u for ur help in advance.
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Old December 31st, 2003, 11:50 PM   #26
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What's the length of the video you're trying to capture? And what file system are you using? (Fat32, NTFS). I know Fat32 has a 4gig limit, which might be the cause.
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Old January 1st, 2004, 05:04 AM   #27
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Ligos MPEG plugin for Premiere 6


does anyone use this plugin to do their encoding? If so I would really be keen to know what the best settings would be for maximum quality. I never do anything more than 1 hour so can afford max quality. I am a PAL user but that will only affect on or two settings.

PAL XL-1, DV Raptor, Premiere

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Old January 1st, 2004, 07:36 AM   #28
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MPEG-2 settings in various encoders are mostly the same so you should get some help from this link:
It describes settings in TMPGEnc but I've found it useful in other encoders, like the Main Concept plug-in in Premiere 6.5.

David Hurdon
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Old January 1st, 2004, 11:29 AM   #29
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Thanks David will go check it out.
PAL XL-1, DV Raptor, Premiere

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Old January 1st, 2004, 11:44 AM   #30
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To the best of my knowledge (when I looked at Ligos years ago)
it doesn't have that many settings. Bitrate is the main factor in
quality. If it does VBR encoding than that's better as well.

Rob Lohman,
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