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Old March 10th, 2004, 07:19 AM   #226
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The footage looks fine on my camera, just when I dump and playback on this computer

Its a P4 2.8GHz, 120GB HDD with 8meg cache, a Radeon 9700 and 1 GB of ram so I know there shouldn't be any problems there.

The file is choppy wherever I play it, its choppy in the same parts I can see on premiere when capturing and on WMP. I no longer have my Sony camera or I would, I'm going to school to see if the school computers will work to dump with.
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Old March 10th, 2004, 08:52 AM   #227
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Okay, I just tried dumping my tape at school and it works fine, no problems whatsoever. I used a JVC MiniDV Player. Not deck, just a handheld player. No choppiness whatsoever.

So here's the problems, I really hope somebody can help me:

Home Computer - Dumping with GL2

Premiere Pro -

DV Control Enabled
Captures 54 Frames then says "Can't Find Timecode" nomatter what tape I use or on what camera it was recorded

DV Control Disabled
Will capture up to 54 frames on tapes recorded with GL2, will capture all on tapes recorded on another camera however it is choppy.

Premiere - Same as Above

Vegas - Will capture anything, but drops frames constantly on everything.

School Computers - JVC MiniDV Player
Captures anything recorded on my GL2 or older tapes, and I'm using Premiere 6.5

The only other test I can see is to bring my GL2 to school to capture however I don't really want to do this because our school computers have somehow fried 5 Canon ZR60 ports and 3 XL1s Ports so I don't need my GL2 port to be fried. I've come to learn Canon ports are very fragile.
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Old March 10th, 2004, 09:01 AM   #228
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First of all, Vegas should not be dropping frames like crazy. That leads me to believe there's a system problem somewhere. However, you may want to try Scenalyzer Live and see if it works.

As a first step, how about verifying that all of your hard drives are set to DMA and NOT PIO.
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Old March 10th, 2004, 09:03 AM   #229
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Hey Tim,

I, too, just bought a GL2 not too long ago and actually just dumped some footage into Premiere Pro as a test yesterday.

I dumped both interlaced and frame mode footage.

The -very- first time I went to record on the device control I hit Record, and then play, because I just wanted to record from that point. That's when I encountered the error that you spoke of.

Pretty dreadful feeling, I feel your pain.

I backed up the tape a bit, and this time just hit Play. The tape rolled forward and when I got to the point I wanted to record, I hit Record to go from there. It started to record and did not give me the error again.

I was expecting to get the error again because let's face it, that's not quite a genious workaround (I usually start simple), but from there it worked like a charm. Footage came in and exported later just fine.

Might want to give it a try (if you haven't already).
Rob Zeigler
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Old March 12th, 2004, 10:44 AM   #230
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Premier pro - no move overlay

anyone here used premier pro?

I recently tried it at the store and found out that it no longer uses overlay for the main viewer (still does the clip viewer).

This is a real problem for me because I wanted to upgrade, but I used this feature heavily in the older version. because I am on a low budget I used my geforce card to zoom full screen the overlay window to my second monitor for easier editing. I cant do that now because adobe has killed this feature.

I was wandering if anyone had a work around - like patch or plugin.

I have been told to use a external monitor or TV and hook it to my DV cam (ie. pc > DV > TV) but i dont like the idea of leaving my camera on for ages as i do my edits.

Hope someone can help - or atleast explain why adobe has removed this feature - please dont tell me its cos it increases performance - because if thats the case we should have been given an option.

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Old March 12th, 2004, 12:37 PM   #231
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Anyone know where I can find a list of all the default keyboard shortcuts for Premier

I'd like to get one of those colored keyboards, but I figure I should just learn the strokes rather than spend the money.

A full list would be great, a picture of the keyboard with the buttons would be awesome.

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Old March 12th, 2004, 12:40 PM   #232
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Premiere comes with a stand-alone list of keyboard shortcuts, printed on nice, sturdy paper... at least mine did...
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Old March 12th, 2004, 03:00 PM   #233
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I was afraid of posting this as I haven't cracked the box open since I got the bundle last summer. A 'look in the box stupid' would have been appropriate. :)

I'll check (I'm away from the office right now). I got the Video Collection Bundle, but I'm sure if it came with the individual PP it would be in there.

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Old March 12th, 2004, 03:46 PM   #234
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I have the previous Digital Video Collection, which came with P 6.5, AE 5.5, P-shop and Illustrator and the box included "Quick Reference Cards" for each application (I'm back home and looking at them right now...). So I assume yours will, too.

They're nice -- three-paneled and printed on sturdy paper so you can stand them up on your desk and look at them easily
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Old March 12th, 2004, 03:49 PM   #235
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I just looked in my box and I don't have any quick refrence cards for anything in there. Just a bunch of advertisments.

Dang. Those cards sound perfect. I wonder why I don't have any.

I bought it straight from Adobe, brand new.
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Old March 13th, 2004, 10:02 AM   #236
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Premiere Pro effects

Does anyone know if PP transitions etc. can be viewed in their effects window without applying them to the timeline?
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Old March 13th, 2004, 02:19 PM   #237
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Me Again,

Just to clarify the question, in premiere 6.0 as well as Vegas, transition examples (motion) can be viewed outside of the timeline in the transition menus.

It seems that Premiere pro only lists their names, not motion examples.

Is this true?
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Old March 13th, 2004, 03:10 PM   #238
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transitions are fully viewable and configurable after being applied in the timeline. Just highlight the transition and edit in the effects menu, each effect has a flyout button where you can adjust the transitions parameters and even see your clips.
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Old March 14th, 2004, 05:58 AM   #239
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I believe that all the shortcut keys are mentioned in the help file in Premiere. Might be worth looking there.


Ed Smith
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Old March 18th, 2004, 11:46 PM   #240
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Bugs in Premiere Pro?

I am currently a fluent user of Vegas Video and really like the software. However, I'm getting into using After Effects for composite (muuuuch faster and more flexible than the basic titling in Vegas) and I'm finding Encore to be much more powerful than DVD-A with Vegas.

I have a couple questions about going to Premiere though...

1. I've heard it's incredibly "buggy". There are annoying hesitations and pauses when starting/stopping playback with the space bar, that the program often freezes up for no reason, and that "saving after each and every edit stroke is a way of life with Premiere".

How true is this? I do have proper hardware - P4 2.8 with Hyper Threading, 512MB high speed ram (probably going to 1Gb soon), and I have high speed S-ATA hard drives, the latest motherboard with high speed busses and so on. My edit machine is also "clean" in that it is used only for editing... it doesn't have all those other extra applications running in the background - so the machine is powerful and clean.

Should I expect to have "bugs" with Premier Pro with this setup then?

2. I do not use "A-B" edit on Vegas... I use an edit style where all the clips are added to a single timeline, and the clips are auto faded if bumped into eachother. Premiere in the past has had an A track and a B track, and fades occured between these tracks. This sounds like more trouble than me. Can I make Premier work the same way as I'm used to working with Vegas?

3. Finally .... if you were me..... what would you do?

-I have a lot of time invested in learning Vegas and I am fully fluent in Vegas. Anything you need, I can do in Vegas. But I will also be using After Effects and beyond that - vector work taken from illustrator. I'll then be formatting to Encore DVD to actual author my DVD's for me. Is it worth it to me to re-invest about 100 hours to re-learn a new software package?

Will I be happier after loading up Premier and integrating between the two?

Any clairifications on this subject would greatly help.

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