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Old March 2nd, 2004, 12:46 PM   #196
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nope, no camera is hooked up. All the video I'm editing are files on the hard drive.
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Old March 2nd, 2004, 01:32 PM   #197
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Hi Bret.

The reason I asked because you normally see this sort of thing with a DV camera attched.

If thats not the problem then it could be 1 of 2 things:

1)Your Hardrive is not keeping up with the speed required to playback DV. Or your system is not keeping up. Are there any errors in your event viewer relating to Harddrive or system?

2)A setting has been pushed somewhere in premiere. I suggest that you reset premiere to factory defaults. this is done by holding down Ctrl+shift while opening up premiere.

I would also suggest that you put the 6.02 patch on.


Ed Smith
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Old March 2nd, 2004, 11:21 PM   #198
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I'm not receiving any errors and I think the hard drive should be fine. Its a maxtor 120 with 8mb cached buffer. My laptop never had problems and I doubt it had any more than a 2mb buffer on the hard drive.

I reset the factor settings and still nothing. Then I downloaded the patch and got nothing again.

any ideas?

thanks again,
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 02:53 AM   #199
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Premiere Pro duplicate clips conniption?

Hey all. Please bear with me. I'm going to describe what I think is the state of things, and I'd appreciate if anyone could correct any misconceptions I have, or provide alternative methods.

Back in the halcyon days (what does that mean, anyway?!?) of Premiere 6.5, you could capture a whole tape, thereby saving your poor pathetic excuse for a DV deck (i.e. your camera) from premature wear, and then cut the resulting big clip into subclips by marking an in and out and then duplicating the clip. Not as elegant as logging or using scene detection, but a reasonable approach.

With PPro, however, the duplicate function doesn't seem to work the same way. First of all, you can't invoke the duplicate command directly from the Source window. Instead, you have to mark your in and out, then select the clip in the project window and do the duplicate. Suck!

Second, your duplicate clip may not even keep the proper in and out point, so you end up with a bunch of duplicates that aren't really subclips, or at least not the ones you intended. Double suck!

Finally, when you make that duplicate clip, it considers this new "thing" you made to be a completely new clip, and conforms the audio of the clip. But I mean, the *whole* clip, not just the subclip part. So if you have a 4Gb AVI and you chop it into 20 clips, your harddrive is going to end up filled with 20 versions of the conformed audio for the entire 4Gb clip. Triple suck!

So now I'm left with a couple work-arounds:

(1) In the original big clip, put a marker at the start of each scene so you can access each scene relatively easily. The problem is that you now can't reasonably use clip markers to mark spots inside each scene.

(2) Make a new sequence for each "subclip." One sequence per subclip. Now you can work with the sequences as if they were proper subclips (including using markers), but you have to remember to CTRL-double-click the sequence in the project menu in order to view it in the Source window.

So clearly this is a sad state of affairs. (Clearly, right? Right?!?) Am I missing something, or what the !@#$?!?

(BTW, in case you're wondering why I don't just use scene detection, it's because the video came on a DVD, and plus PPro's scene detection quadruple sucks. And just so you know, I don't have the $$$ for Scenealyzer at the moment!)

Any ideas, folks? Thanks!
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 03:14 AM   #200
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A solution found...

Okay, I just figured something out. You can set in and out marks for a clip in the Source window, then drag the clip from the Source window to the project window, and that'll create an instance. Then you can rename it.

Can someone point to me where in the manual this is? I have a feeling it's around page 112 but I can't find it!

Edit: Wait, this doesn't work either. Never mind. Any ideas?
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 03:44 AM   #201
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Hi Bret,

I see that you have installed premiere on your media drive (120GB maxtor). Most people install it on their system disk and leave the media drive just for video/media clips.

All though it might not make much difference, I would probably try un-installing it from your 120GB and install on your system disk. See whether you get the same problem?


Ed Smith
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 08:40 AM   #202
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That worked! *confused*
not sure why that would do it, but right now I don't care. It works ad everything looks good.

Thanks for all the help!

- Bret "computers are just weird" Pritchett
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 09:17 AM   #203
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Hi Bret,

Glad to hear that it is now sorted :-)

As for why it works now - I don't really know either. it could be that Premiere was taking resources to run premiere which it need to play the clip (thru-put) this has now been freed because you have re-installed premiere on another HD. But I don't really know.


Ed Smith
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Old March 4th, 2004, 01:39 PM   #204
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Premiere Pro HD Mpeg2-TS in 1080i (CAN IT BE DONE!)

Is there any way to export a 1920x1080 MPEG2-TS file using Premiere Pro? I tried exporting a 1920x1080 file with Adobe Media encoder, but it re-sized the file to 1920x920. After being on the phone with Adobe tech support for hours the so called head engineer informed the tech support goon that Adobe Media Encoder does not export 1920x1080 files. Has anyone been able to find a work around? Any information would be greatly appreciated!


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Old March 4th, 2004, 04:12 PM   #205
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It is an issue with the shipping Abode Media Encoder within Premiere Pro. We have fixed this issue with Aspect HD, but PPro has this error when used alone. If you don't have Aspect HD, you can use Premiere 6.5 to make the correct export.
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Old March 4th, 2004, 05:48 PM   #206
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You know, I'd edit it in 720p. It is technically a higher resolution due to the progressive nature, then once youhave output the movie back to the camera or deck, you can do an upconvert from the deck to the camera or visversa.

Does that help?

Darren Kelly
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Old March 5th, 2004, 12:12 AM   #207
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Title Transitions in Premiere Pro...

Is there a plug-in out there that has different title transitions other than the normal cross dissolve transition? What I'm try to ask is if there is anyway I can use the video effects for a title transition, but make the effect focus only on the title part of the layer.

Is this unclear to anyone? If so, I'll try to explain it more clear.

Ryan Krga
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Old March 5th, 2004, 10:26 AM   #208
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Premiere 6.0/DV500 ver 4.5 compatible?

Hi all,
I'm still working on getting my DV500 DVD working with Premiere as posted a while back, still not having any luck. I've found that I can install everything except the DV500 Pinnacle software and avi file capture and playback is fine (using Soundblaster Audigy firewire port with GL-1), but once I install the software avi playback is horribly jerky and stuttered. This goes for all video programs, even Windows Media Player.

In searching the archives, some have mentioned Pinnacle version 4.5 compatibility problems. I have upgraded Premiere 6.0 with the 6.0.1 patch and am using the 4.5 DV500 software (originally had 4.0). I've even seen some people recommending using 3.0 drivers.

Is there really a compatibility issue with these software version combinations? For reference, here's my machine's setup:
ABS Awesome 3500 computer
2.4 GHz Pentium 4
512 MB Crucial Ram
120 GB Western Digital 7200 RPM HDD, 8 MB cache, partitioned to 30 and 90 MB (OS and Media use)
ATI 8500LE graphics card
DV500 DVD capture card
MSI 648 Max motherboard (SiS648 chipset)
Sound Blaster Audigy
WinXP Pro

Thanks for any help,
Jeff K
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Old March 5th, 2004, 11:48 AM   #209
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Hi Jeff,

I've never come across that problem before. I'm currently running DV 500 with Premiere 6.5 on my Dell machine: 2.4Ghz P4, 1gig RAM, 40GB system drive and an 80GB media drive.

I can't remember what version of DV 500 drivers i'm using but i'm sure its 4.something (DVD version).

I also know somebody who is using DV500 DVD version and does not have this problem. Hes running P6.5 on a 600MHz P3, 768MB RAM, 40GB for system files and 60GB for media.

I don't know what to suggest at the moment. Did you follow the installation instructions to the word?

It might be your partitioned drive causing the problem. Might be worth changing that back to 1 big volume. and possibly buying another (small) disk and using that for your system stuff and your large one for your media. You'll probably get better thru-put.


Ed Smith
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Old March 5th, 2004, 12:15 PM   #210
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Thanks, Ed. I originally had the drive as a single partition, but partitioned it to try and fix this problem; no change. A second physical drive is in the works as soon as the church authorizes the purchase. What's strange is that if I don't install the DV500 software, Premiere works fine (that's how I'm using it now, with the Soundblaster's firewire port). However, I don't have Adobe 6.5, so I wonder if that might be part of the problem. I have used 6.0 on my home PC, a PIII 800 MHz with 192 MB Ram and a generic firewire card, both before and after I partitioned that one and had no problems in either case. This Pentium 4 computer has been fully wiped and reinstalled twice, both times I made sure to install Premiere first, then the DV500 software. Originally I had version 4.0 then upgraded to version 4.5, still no change.

Jeff K
(If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.)
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