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Old February 16th, 2006, 04:40 AM   #1
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PPro2 or FCP?

I need your advice.
I have to buy a new edit system for SD and HDV. I have a Matrox RTX100 based system now, so I am working with PPRO. Unfortunately the system is not so stable even though I installed only approved components and software. I am happy with the Adobe package AE, Audition and Encore. I have some friends who are trying to convince me that FCP is a much stable and reliable solution. I mention that I have a JVC GY HD 101 camera and I intend to use the edit system for capturing and editing HDV 720p 25fps.
Any input is much appreciated.
Many thanks,
PS. I am too poor to buy a cheep thing so the price is not a major argument.
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Old February 16th, 2006, 08:29 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Eugen Oprina
PS. I am too poor to buy a cheep thing so the price is not a major argument.
Hi Eugen and welcome to DV info. I'm a little confused by this last statement. If you switch to FCP you will need to buy one of the faster Macs plus Final Cut Studio, and all of your other Windows software won't work anymore. So it won't be cheap... this would be at least a $3,000 investment, maybe more. I assume you're aware that FCP doesn't run on Windows machines, right?
Boyd Ostroff is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 16th, 2006, 09:04 AM   #3
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Hi Boyd,
Yes I know that FCP works on Mac only.
I want a new system besides the one I have.
On each platform Mac or PC I expect to spend 3 to 5000 USD for a new system.
My question is if it's worth to switch from PC to Mac's Final Cut.
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Old February 16th, 2006, 09:13 AM   #4
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OK, that's cool... didn't understand the part about you being too poor.

This topic has come up a number of times around here. See this other active thread on the subject:


And also these:

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Old February 16th, 2006, 02:10 PM   #5
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Thanks a lot Boyd.
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Old February 19th, 2006, 10:45 PM   #6
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Pp 2.0 /fcp5.0.4

I use both, PP 2.0 on a 3.2GHz Pentium and FCP on a G5 DP 2.0GHz. Both programs are an excellent bargain. Premiere Pro 2.0 has the nice feature to import 1080i mov files from FCP or MOTION 2. The Adobe media Encoder is a very powerful tool and lets you produce the best quality WMV files unlkike any other workflow. I like both platforms/programs and would never give up one. I have both computers liked with an Ethernet router so file transfer is easy. I use 4 screens (2 each) and am very happy with the setup.
H.P. Tschupp is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 20th, 2006, 05:54 AM   #7
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Eugen, what exactly are the specs of your PC, please? I have 3 computers running Premiere Pro 1.5.0 or 1.5.1 and find it very reliable. Which version of Premiere Pro have you been running?
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Old March 6th, 2006, 05:56 PM   #8
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Hi Colin,
I have a P4 3,2HT proc. + Intel PBZ motherboard + Matrox G550 video + Audigy 2 Platinum for sound + 2GB RAM + 8GB system drive +4 external via USB2.0 video drives. I use OS XP SP1 + PPro 1.5
I have the following problems:
- It does crash once or twice a day saying that PPRO will try to save the project.
- During play from timeline sound disappear. If I stop and play again sound is on again.
- Even that the auto save is on (every 5 minutes) sometimes the last auto saved version is from hours ago
- I can't trimexport my project or export an AAF project. It returns an error or freeze.
My project are TV serials with one or two video tracks and 8 audiotracks.
What should I do?
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Old March 6th, 2006, 05:58 PM   #9
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I forgot to say that I am using a Matrox RTX100 pro for capturing and processing video.
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Old March 9th, 2006, 07:45 AM   #10
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Keep in mind the Intel/Mac merger and how PPro 2.0 reviewers are saying that the new PPro 2.0 interface and workings are making it out to be the "FCP for PC."
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 05:06 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by H.P. Tschupp
I use both, PP 2.0 on a 3.2GHz Pentium and FCP on a G5 DP 2.0GHz. Both programs are an excellent bargain. Premiere Pro 2.0 has the nice feature to import 1080i mov files from FCP or MOTION 2. The Adobe media Encoder is a very powerful tool and lets you produce the best quality WMV files unlkike any other workflow. I like both platforms/programs and would never give up one. I have both computers liked with an Ethernet router so file transfer is easy. I use 4 screens (2 each) and am very happy with the setup.
Hello Eugene and Everyone Else

I think that PPro is great, and if you have the video collection, standard/pro the integration is great... and hard to give up!

But guys, I think the operative is that Eugene is using Matrox RTX100.

I am presently using Matrox as well but also used Canopus Storm, and although I personally think the Matrox is better (no argument please, I know others feel the opposite) I believe the problem is that Premiere likes to play by itself!!

What do you guys think of the speed comparison between PPro without any accelerator cards and other NLEs, including FCP?

I have a 3.6Ghz P4 with 4Gb RAM and a 120Gb system drive with nearly a terabyte of RAID... shouldn't that do a pretty good job of RT without my Matrox RTX100 ?

If so maybe I'll pull it and put it into my 3.4Ghz, 2Gb RAM machine??

What say you??

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Old March 11th, 2006, 06:12 PM   #12
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I like Adobe.. But the MAC seems like a good buy also..

Personally I have two edit machines running adobe 1.5 and the RT.X100 Matrox card. My third is running Adobe Production Studio Premium and well I barely touch my two other machines now.. Production Studio is a great workflow..
Pat Sherman is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 12th, 2006, 11:57 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Pat Sherman
I like Adobe.. But the MAC seems like a good buy also..

Personally I have two edit machines running adobe 1.5 and the RT.X100 Matrox card. My third is running Adobe Production Studio Premium and well I barely touch my two other machines now.. Production Studio is a great workflow..

WOW, so you are saying that your 3rd machine running Production Studio Premium is as fast and delivers as much RT as the Matrox boxes??

OR it runs more stable and therfore better workflow??

What are the specs on the Production Studio Premium machine?

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Old March 12th, 2006, 12:40 PM   #14
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Dell Precision
Dual Xeon Dual Core Processors
4GB Ram
OS Drive 2x74GB Raptors RAID 0
2x500GB SATA II for projects
Nvidia PCI-E 7800GTX
24" LCD

I have the Matrox installed in this machine also, but I like Multicam editing and recording audio into the timeline and the Matrox Presets prevent that from happening and not to mention several other features..

Now with Production Studio utilizing your GPU and I use Magic Bullet Editors V2 and Look Suite which is realtime now with a GeForce Nvidia 7800GTX card.. I don't really miss my RTX--well not enough to start a project on that machine with a Matrox Preset..:)
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Old March 12th, 2006, 03:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Pat Sherman
I have the Matrox installed in this machine also, but I like Multicam editing and recording audio into the timeline and the Matrox Presets prevent that from happening and not to mention several other features..
Are you still running with the X.Tools release for Premiere Pro 1/1.5? Matrox is currently working on an X.Tools release that will support Premiere Pro 2.

Originally Posted by Pat Sherman
Now with Production Studio utilizing your GPU and I use Magic Bullet Editors V2 and Look Suite which is realtime now with a GeForce Nvidia 7800GTX card..
Can you do real-time three point color correction natively in Premiere Pro 2.0? By real-time, I mean real-time, full quality playback, including output to DV tape, like one can do with the RT.X100's three-point color correction.
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