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Old April 11th, 2006, 08:17 PM   #61
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Yep, even though Premiere resizes the DV frames to get a widescreen image, it doesn't resize imported images so you have to generate them at a 1:1 PAR. I tried a 720x480 matte out of a vain hope of something magical happening... but, no, it was squashed even narrower.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 01:53 AM   #62
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Exciting Times! But what about all these incompatabilities?!?

These are indeed exciting times for us adobees yes? With the new video editing suite, Dynamic link and all, but after evaluating all of the products I don't see how I can incorporate it all into my editing bay, and the reasons are mostly because of the plugins, perhaps someone here can help me:

My stable working bay:
PPRO 1.5.1
BorisRed3GL for PPRO
AfterEffects 6.5
Various useful plugins for the above
Encore 2 (this is a great improvement)

I tried to update the above with PPRO2 and AFTEREFFECTS 7, but no dice. Here were some of the problems:
* capture card plugins not compatible with PPRO2 (showstopper for now, I guess I have to get a new card)
* BorisRed3GL won't install with new PPRO2
* Most other plugins won't either
* New Aftereffects7 won't save comps as PPRO1.5 projects (for backward-level editing).

That's just the short story of incompats. I really REALLY REALLY like the new Abobe interfaces, but short of buying a whole new bay just for the new suite, I don't see how it's gunna work, and even then old plugs may take some time to catch up, ie. Sythetic Aperture and others...

So what's everyone else doing?

Thanks for your feedback, this is my first post here, and it looks like a great place.

Jigs in Nepal
where it's all falling apart...
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Old April 12th, 2006, 02:33 AM   #63
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feathering in ppro 1.5

i know ppro has edge feathers but its really dull. how do i do the kind of feathering wherein its sort of a wild vignette with the vignetted part actually an alpha? like an edge feather with shaped boundaries and not just the 4 sides.

do i need a plug-in for it?

also, if ppro 1.5 has an opacity that you can gradient

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Old April 12th, 2006, 02:36 AM   #64
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lock the video timeline and voila! delete the audio
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Old April 12th, 2006, 04:28 PM   #65
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Quicktime Reference movies from Premiere?

Does anyone know of a way to export Quicktime Reference movies from Premiere Pro? I can export Quicktime movies, but not reference movies. Are there any 3rd party plugins for this? I need to export directly from the timeline and I don't want to have to render out long sections.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 12:18 AM   #66
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Solved. The file needs to be a Photoshop file set to a PAR of 1.2... it's got to be a Photoshop file. Exporting as a TIFF or TGA doesn't work.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 02:30 PM   #67
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Premiere 1.5 not exporting the whole thing

Okay this is frustrating. I have a 1 hour and 12 minute project. When I try to export it to a DV microsoft codec .avi file it only seems to export 1 hour and six minutes cutting out the end of the film. I have tried both work area and Entire Sequence options but no difference.

There is no error, the exported movie is just missing the last 6 minutes.

I am exporting the missing part to a separate file a workaround for now but I don'k know how I can combine them into one file for work in After Effects as I need to run Magic Bullet on the whole thing. I am also trying to keep a few renders in the process as possible to preserve quality.

Does anyone know what would cause this?
Canon C100, 5D3
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Old April 13th, 2006, 04:14 PM   #68
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jittery video and compatibility issues!!

i just shot a demo video for a wedding reception center and i have 2 main problems:

1) The video is jittery on a few shots. It is most apparent on the slow-motion shots. I shot the video in 60i mode so i could allow myself a good deal of room for slo-mo. I'm aware of the "jitter problem" in premiere when slowing down footage, but i copied/pasted the footage over to After Effects and rendered an AVI from there to plug back into Premiere, still jittery.

2) The DVD works on one of my players but not the other one. It skips frames until eventually it "crashes". The same happened to me this last weekend at the public showing of a wedding video!!... The only way i could get the DVD to work with both my players was by exporting from Premiere as an MPEG-2 DVD format and then taking it over to Encore and burning it from there. Even then, it kinda goes weird at the very end.

The reason i'm so annoyed with the jitter is that i've shot footage before that i could slow down to 40% of its original speed with no problems. Of course, to get the best results, i had to move the video to After Effects and render it from there, which is what i did in this case too... so why is it not working now???

and what do i have to do to ensure the best compatibility i can??


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Old April 13th, 2006, 09:58 PM   #69
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Black and white line art in a slideshow PP 2.0. Help!

I've been struggling with this one for a few days now. I am putting together a slideshow that incorporates line art. My final output will be a DVD that will be played on a 16:9 43" plasma.
you can see an example of the images here.

My problem is the sparkly fuzzies on the edges when I render to mpeg-2. I have tested about everything I can think of in regards to the actual rendering. The images look great in photoshop but as soon as I stick them in PP2 and render them I get the fuzzies.
I am overdue on this project and would appreciate any ideas.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 10:34 PM   #70
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Line art is very problematic on a TV screen... any thin or high contrast lines are.

And this is definately a thin line / high contrast problem. Here are some things to try:

1) Make the background a medium grey instead of white.

2) Thicken the lines. (This won't get rid of the problem, but the sparkles will be less disracting because they will be a lower percentage of the line width.

3) Blur the image slightly. A greyscale transition will reduce the effect.

4) Redo the art at screen resolution. (720 x 480 for DV) Part of the problem is the rendering is trying to represent lines that are a fraction of a pixel wide in the final resolution.

5) Use color for the background and furniture. Pick values that would look nearly the same when translated into greyscale.

Hope that helps!
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Old April 15th, 2006, 10:28 AM   #71
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System 'goes to sleep/half shutdown' (?) when exporting to DVD in PP1.5

Hi there.
I can honestly say, I've had it up to here (points to temple) with PP1.5.
After conceding defeat in some bizarre sound glitch battle, I'm now faced with a new one.
I'm running Premiere Pro 1.5 on an XP SP2, P4, 3.0 mhz, 2Gb ram, 2 x 200gig HDD system.
After completely gutting my system and starting from scratch, I installed premiere and completed editing and tried to export a 15 minute project to DVD. The export was interrupted by the good ol' "out of memory" error. I installed the fix from adobe. Now when I try to export, the computer is half shutting down on me a few minutes into the export. Very strange, it kind of goes to sleep. The monitor blinks off as if shut down, but the systems seems to keep running. It’s almost as if a screen saver kicks in.. but there is no screen saver,
I can’t get back in, so have to force a power down at the switch.
Tried four times now – same result.
No errors reported after I boot back into windows.
My system event viewer shows nothing.
PP1.5 seems to behave normally once I reopen.
I've tried exporting at high quality 7mb CBR 1 pass and 4MB VBR 2 pass.
Either way, the file is less than 1gig. (which would give me better quality btw?)
Would it help to maximize bitrate (I don’t know what this does)
What about changing fields’ to ‘upper’ or ‘none’??
Have tried exporting movie to AVI, that works fine.

Anyone have any advice here? PLEASE!?
I'd really appreciate it.

ps. Export info as follows.

Disc Name:
Timeline Markers: No
Loop Playback: Yes

PAL DV 4x3 High Quality 7Mb CBR 1 Pass
Comment: High quality, CBR transcoding of DV content

Video Summary:
Codec: MainConcept MPEG Video
Quality: 5.0 (high quality)
TV Standard: PAL
Frame Rate [fps]: 25
Field Order: Lower
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Frame Width [pixels]: 720
Frame Height [pixels]: 576
Bitrate Encoding: CBR
Bitrate [Mbps]: 7.0000 (high quality)
M Frames: 3
N Frames: 12

Audio Summary:
Audio Format: PCM
Codec: PCM Audio
Sample Size: 16 bit
Frequency: 48 kHz

Export Range: Entire Sequence
Fields: Lower
Maximize Bitrate: No
Force Variable Bitrate: No
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Old April 17th, 2006, 10:06 AM   #72
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here's what i've figured out so far.

The original XL2 footage was fine. No jitter. The imported AVI files were fine too when i played them using Windows Media Player. No jitter either. Although PPro's footage came out kinda choppy, it turned out to be an issue with After Effects where i'd set the initial Comp settings wrong (frame rate wasn't consistent with PPro's settings), so i adjusted that and added frame blending. That took care of the jitter issue to a reasonable level.

The compatibility issue still eludes me though... i've burned countless DVDs with various encoding settings and can't find one that will work with all DVD players... There has to be a way, or Hollywood's DVDs would make lots of people angry.

HELP!!! I know someone out there knows something!
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Old April 17th, 2006, 10:32 AM   #73
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Two additional factors to consider:

1) Compatability of the media you are burning to relative to your DVD players.

2) Your DVD burning software

For example, I presently have a batch of mid-price Taiko Yuden DVD-Rs that will not play to the end with SOME DVD players. I found could fix the problem in one of two ways: 1) use a different media; or 2) author the DVD to an image (.iso) file, and then burn that image to disk with the freeware imgburn (instead of nero which I had been using).

Go figure!

Imgburn is here:
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Old April 17th, 2006, 02:03 PM   #74
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Trying to capture clips/footage for first time

I have Premiere Elements 2.0 and I am trying to use it for the first time. I connected My GS400 to my computer and tried to capture footage/clips and a little pop-up said that no time/date was detected to divide into individual clips during capture. My question is......Is this due to the tape, camera, or software? Am I not turning something on that needs to be turned on or what? I thought all DV tapes provided/recorded this info &(I am aware that it detects pauses or stops from the recording and uses these as markers) and I also have the "divide into clips" feature checked on the capture features. HHMMMMMM????
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Old April 18th, 2006, 12:25 AM   #75
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No audio transition with speed changes?

I slowed down the speed of an audio clip and and trying to fade in the audio using Constant Power. But the audio does not come up at all until the transition is completely over, leading me to beleive you can't do it. Is this correct?
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