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Old March 3rd, 2006, 02:56 AM   #31
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Location: Bradford, UK
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Thanks for the information provide there. I don't suppose anyone knows whether Premier has an alternative to Sony Vegas' Chroma Blur filter do they?
I need to purchase a video-editing tool very soon and need to make sure I've done my research and get the right tool for the job!
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Old March 4th, 2006, 03:55 AM   #32
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Deleting between in and out points in PP2

I have recently got Premiere Pro 2 and I am using it in the Pal format. Each time on the timeline when I mark an in (i) and out point (o) then hit the # key to delete this selction it always leaves a gap on about 5-7 frames everytime, is this a fault in the new software or do I have to change a setting somewhere?

Any help would be great as this is more than frustrating.

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Old March 13th, 2006, 09:24 AM   #33
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Adobe Premiere Pro and GOP settings

I'm required to deliver a file in mpeg2 format with these specs:
Specifications for sending Video/Audio files to FastChannel Network
via FTP
1. Video: 18Mbs, MPEG 2 Program Stream, 4:2:2, 9 frame
GOP, 29.97 FPS, 4 by 3 Aspect Ratio, 720 x 512 (recommended)

Audio: MPEG-1 Layer 2, 2 Channels, 48 KHz, 20 bit, 384 Kbps

2. 3 seconds Bars and Tone

3. 3 to 10 seconds of slate

4. Acceptable video and audio quality:

Ø Average digital audio levels must range between
-17dBfs and -20dBfs (Analog: 0dB @ +4 dBm ref).

Ø Digital audio levels should peak between -10dBfs and
-12dBfs (Analog: no higher than +3), with a maximum of three peaks per

Ø Setup level should equal 7.5 IRE.

Ø Luminance levels should not exceed 100 IRE.
Ø Chroma levels should not exceed 120 IRE.

5. The name of the file needs to include the ISCI code.

6. If any of these requirements aren't met, the file
could be rejected.

My question is how do I set the requested GOP? I see in the GOP settings M frames and N frames, Closed GOP every:, and Automatic GOP placement. I don't understand how to set a GOP of 9. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.

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Old March 14th, 2006, 10:13 PM   #34
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Capture DVX100B in Premiere 6.5

I just got a DVX100B and I was trying to capture the tape to my hard drive for editing. I was able to control it and do a movie capture while it was playing, but couldn't seem to make a batch capture work. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Old March 20th, 2006, 12:13 PM   #35
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Users of TARGA 3000 + Premiere 6.5

Hi folks,

Is there anyone that still uses the Targa ?

I have 2 or 3 questions, to the users.

Please answer here or write me directly.

Many thanks
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Old March 20th, 2006, 09:30 PM   #36
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maximum bit rate depth??

when capturing does anyone know whether its better to have this
option selected? what does it actually do?
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Old March 23rd, 2006, 04:46 PM   #37
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Film FX and PP2 HELPME

Does anyone own the BigFX Film FX plug in? It worked great in 1.5 but now I can't get it to load in PP2, in fact PP2 won't even load with it, I have to take out of the Plug-In's folder to get PP2 to work...please help because this Plug In rules, but BigFX doesn't seem to respond to my desperate e-mails for help.

Thanks all

Chris Vaglio

Chris Vaglio
Grey Sky Films
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Old March 26th, 2006, 11:53 AM   #38
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Avisynth scripts and Premiere Pro 2

Can someone suggest what is presently the most efficient way to get avisynth .avs scripts into PremierePro2.0?

I've kinda lost track of the various wrappers and whatnot that are floating around the web.

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Old March 27th, 2006, 03:18 PM   #39
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Prem. 6.5 Transitions Question...

Hey all...

I recently edited a wedding video that I shot with 2 cameras. I put the video footage on A and B and use dissolves to go back and forth. I've noticed that when going from A to B, that a black bar will appear at the top of the footage, and when I got back from B to A, the black bar stays, and is joined by black bars on the sides of the image as well.

Any ideas? Cams are the same resolution and same aspect ratio...


EDIT: When I get home tonight, I'll post a clip if that will help. These black bars don't show up on a tube TV because of overscan, but when I put them onto my DLP TV, you can see the black bars appear on every transition.

Last edited by Jeremiah Rickert; March 27th, 2006 at 07:43 PM.
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Old March 27th, 2006, 06:28 PM   #40
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PPro 2 Long Nested Sequences will not Render out! Beware!

I just purchased PPro 2 Saturday (3-25-06) bc I was at a loss with "Premiere has failed to return the video frame" errors with 1.51 (Yes, I did every imaginable fix, even reinstalled XP with SP1a, not SP2).

Anyhow, I have 2hrs and 2minutes in the timeline with PPro 2. I put that sequence into a main render out sequence (nested), apply auto levels, etc. I go to out put MPEG2 DVD files and as soon as I hit save, it just sits there, forever, no status window, nothing. I reboot, and test doing a DV AVI on a short 8sec portion of it, same problem, nothing, it never even creates the file name (checked windows explorer), no render status window, nothing. It's crunching away bc I'm using a cacheman (a ram monitor) and it shows 1GB of my 2GB of ram being utilized, but Premiere is unresponsive and won't even show up on screen.

I go into the embedded sequence source, redo the test and all is well with the DV AVI, renders out, no problem. I apply all filters (auto levels) a pain to apply to each clip. Render out via Media Encoder, and it seems to be behaving normally. Conclusion, there is a problem with long nested sequences. Wow, I upgraded to get around 1 problem just to inherit more of them. I've already submitted a bug report. Beware.

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Old March 31st, 2006, 03:20 AM   #41
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Jeez guys .... no-one has any thoughts on this?

Well anyway, PremiereAVSPlugin is working fine for me with Premiere Pro 2.0
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Old April 1st, 2006, 03:33 PM   #42
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still images on seq. track

I have a question. It may be stupid or even unsolvable but I'm sure there's something out there.

If I import, say....50 still images into Premiere. and then when I drag them onto the track, they all usually have a default length of 5 seconds on it. So is there a way to change that default length?
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Old April 1st, 2006, 03:38 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Herman Chen
I have a question. It may be stupid or even unsolvable but I'm sure there's something out there.

If I import, say....50 still images into Premiere. and then when I drag them onto the track, they all usually have a default length of 5 seconds on it. So is there a way to change that default length?


Before importing the stills, go to "EDIT" then "Preferences" then "Still image." It has a default setting of 150 frames, which is 5 seconds at 30 frames per second. Change that to what you want it to be.

Good Luck----Mike
Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 05:56 PM   #44
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HDV Downcoverted FRom FX1 in Premiere Pro 2.0

I opened a Premiere Pro 2.0 project in Standard 4:3 DV project. The capture is from my FX1 hdv tape, but downcoverted in the camera for a normal DV capture. This is an edit for my project in the DV Challenge from this forum. The capture works fine, every thing seems to have the right aspect in editing. I then save it out to a new 4:3, using the DV format and selecting .9 pixel aspect.

When I play with Windows Media Player, everything gets flattened into a very wide screen--- except at the transitions, where things come out in the right aspect.

Can anybody tell me what I doing wrong ?
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 07:16 PM   #45
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I have experienced this also.

I suspect Media Player detects some coding which carries over from the original camera footage and remains embedded which says it is a widescreen image and automatically flattens the image to suit the playback. If the image has been flattened or matte letterboxed, the new image gets flattened as well. If you play back in Quicktime player, it does not seem to happen.

There will be better brains than mine to comment, with hopefully a simple solution, so don't take too much notice of my comments.
Bob Hart is offline   Reply

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