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Old July 14th, 2006, 04:30 AM   #271
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Posts: 71 was actually PAL, I was a little bit unclear about that, but when I toggled the switch it all worked out!

I extremly thankful!!
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Old July 14th, 2006, 03:36 PM   #272
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new newbie magic bullet questions

whenever I apply a video effect in premiere pro using a magic bullet plug in it reduces my screen size and i can only see the center 20% or so of the picture. I cant see how to adjust this in the normal effect settings place, does anyone have the answer?
also how do I go about converting to 24fps using magic bullet, ive heard its possible?
many thanks
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Old July 14th, 2006, 05:00 PM   #273
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Clip Notes

I was just messing around with the new clip notes feature in pp2, and found it pretty cool--However i could not seem to be able to import the text pdf file exported by the video embeded pdf file correctly into my timeline. I keep getting a message that said this clip note was not made for this timeline; continue or cancle (although i was on the exact same time line i exported the orginal clip note from). I would press continue in hoping that it would still work, but nothing happens. Any ideas? thanks.
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Old July 15th, 2006, 05:24 AM   #274
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Hi Wes!

I have tried to recreate you problem and the warning message only appear if i import the .xfdf to another Timeline than the one that created the Clip Notes or if i import the .xfdf into another Project that created the Clip Notes.

- Do you have more than one Timeline in your Project?
- Are you importing the .xfdf to the very same project that created the Clip Notes?

When you say nothing happens:
- Did you write any comment in the comment field in the Clip Note and exported them as a .xfdf-file?
- If you import a .xfdf that has comments added in it and click OK and then press Home on your keyboard and the press Ctrl+Right Arrow, do you find any Chapter Markers? When pressing Ctrl+Right Arrow the CTI should go to the next Chapter Marker on the Timeline.

If you find any Chapter Markers, press Shift+Asterisk key or double click on the Chapter Marker to see any comments. Press the Next-button to se the next Chapter Marker, etc.

All comments added into a Clip Notes that is exported as a .xfdf and then imported into PPro (Sequence > Imoprt Clip Notes Comments...) will show up as ordinary Chapter Markers in the Timeline.

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Old July 15th, 2006, 10:00 AM   #275
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Unfortunately - NO. Best way, spend $29 and download Scenalyzer. Works great for all capturing and will capture 4 tracks of 32k audio for you. I recently did a project this way. Watch out though, Premiere Pro 2.0 still handles 32k audio poorly in that it will conform the audio which can take up lots of time and space. I tried using the 32k in a 48k project and PP couldn't convert the 32k to 48k without lots of artifacts. Sounded really bad. Worked okay the other way - 48k in a 32k project - but then it conforms all the 48k audio. Anyway, try Scenalyzer - great product!
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Old July 16th, 2006, 02:49 PM   #276
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Thanks for your help Roger Averdahl. I found out if your using an outdated acrobat version it does not work correctly. So i downloaded a new version and everthing went fine. thanks.
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Old July 16th, 2006, 04:38 PM   #277
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I also have this problem, although I'm using an fx1.
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Old July 16th, 2006, 05:30 PM   #278
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Hi Kevin and welcome to DVi.

I can't help too much, but have played around with one project in native 30F. Perhaps someone with specific technical knowledge can confirm this, but I am guessing that PPro's F-mode support is designed to read the proprietary Canon format and write it to disk with the mpeg file extension without transcoding, rather than doing a transcode to a standard mpeg format. No tape decks can handle so it doesn't surprise me that other software doesn't.

Adobe does specifically say that mpeg in general is not suitable for AE because of the overhead of GOP decoding. I tried doing dynamic link with the 30F PPro sequence and it did import to AE as a comp, but pretty much stalled out, just as Adobe said.

So unless someone has some better ideas, I believe that as long as you have a fast computer and you're staying within PPro until render to the final delivery format, native F mode will be fine. If you need to use the source files outside of PPro, including AE, then transcoding to another format seems to be necessary. An intermediate codec is one option, or right at the beginning you could render a new source file in Mov or AVI, whichever you are more comfortable working with.

It is all a bit of a bother, to be sure. To me it kind of feels like the early days of miniDV, where everything was glitchy and on the edge of our computers' capabilities. Now miniDV is a walk in the park, but even more so than when I moved up from Hi8 to miniDV, despite the hassles, there's no going back! Probably another year or two of pain for early adopters, and then HDV will be easy. Of course, then we'll all probably be trying to edit 4K...
Pete Bauer
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Old July 16th, 2006, 09:41 PM   #279
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Originally Posted by Alexander Cooney
I also have this problem, although I'm using an fx1.
I have both Vegas and Premiere Pro 2.0 and the FX1. I just test captured FX1 footage with PPro 2.0 native capture, and then brought that into Vegas. No problem.

A couple of weeks back I posted that I was having a problem viewing some of my native hdv with MS Media Player. It was showing a strong green cast. Had that continue a couple of weeks, then, it was gone. I think that the constant upgrading in the XP system might have created a problem with the codec, that was later corrected by Microsoft in a subsequent date.

Are you updating your systems regularly ?
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 17th, 2006, 12:39 PM   #280
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Dolby V-plug and Premiere

Does any one have any experience using the Dobly v-plug AC-3 Encoder with Premiere 6.5? If so, is it working well for you and do you have any tips its use.

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Old July 18th, 2006, 10:20 AM   #281
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Pete offered a great idea. If you don't have the Audition software, just try the auto normalizing feature. It might help just a tad.
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
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Old July 18th, 2006, 11:38 AM   #282
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Dissolve Problem

I have a bunch of short shots that I'm editing into a montage and the camera work isn't all that steady. So I used SteadyMove to stabilize them, which works wonders. However, when I apply a cross dissolve between two shots that were SteadyMove-d, weird things happen, the image jumbles around during the dissolve worse than before it was stabilized. It looks horrible.

So I tried to export the sequence, then re-import it so I could cut the shots apart and apply the cross dissolve, but when I do that Premiere won't render the cross dissolve. It just sits in the timeline with the red unrendered bar over it and won't implement the dissolve.

Any ideas how I can add dissolves to this thing? It would vastly improve it.
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Old July 18th, 2006, 12:50 PM   #283
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I think I figured it out. I've been using the default center at cut for my dissolves and it is revealing half a second of shaky footage before my cut. What I need to do is use start at cut dissolves. Oops.
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Old July 20th, 2006, 09:19 AM   #284
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QT Alternate Download problem

I'm getting a weird result in the PPro 1.5.1 QT Alternate Download preset. The sequence renders and renders, and eventually PPro finishes. The resulting file is a 1KB file.

I've tried various settings for bitrate, spatial quality, etc., but always end up with a 1KB file...switched between Sorenson 3 to H.264 (not sure the difference, but I was trying to see if anything would work...).

The Streaming presets seem to work OK, but I'm trying to get a full quality encode. Is there a significant difference between the Alternate Download presets and the streaming presets, once I monkey around with framerate, dimensions, et al?

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Old July 20th, 2006, 02:58 PM   #285
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Filmstrips and Photoshop

Hey guys,

Recently I started playing with filmstrips exproted from Premiere Pro 1.5 and Photoshop CS2. The footage was 24p footage shot with an XL2.

I exported the footage and I got an error. I can't remember the first error, but I figured it could've been because of the 24p export. So I change it to DV (NTSC) 29.97fps and then a different error comes up. It said that the file could not be opened because photoshop could not parse the file.

So, I said "hhmmm..." I then took 29.97 fps footage and started a new 29.97fps project. Kept EVERYTHING Interlaced.

...VOILA! It worked. But I want it to work with 24p footage. Is there any way to get photoshop to correctly interpret 24p footage exported as a filmstrip?

Also, using a filmstrip made up of over 1000 frames is quite taxing on the machine, but I figure it could be my specs.

My specs:

1GHz Intel Processor

I figure upgrading to a 3.0GHz processor with DDR ram would greatly increase the performance of Photoshop with bigger filmstrip files?

What do you guys think I should/could do to improve performance, other than exporting small clips at a time. That would get too tedious.
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