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Old July 6th, 2006, 12:51 PM   #256
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How do I do this with the Audio?

I have been working on a length project and it was near completion. However, just recently I moved to a new city and upon hooking up my editing system I realized one of my hard drives had died. Luckily this hard drive did not have any of my original media on it. However, it did have all of my rendered media. Once I fixed my system recovering the video wasn't really a problem, all I had to do was re-render it. However, I did the final audio mix in Audition, and those wave files produced by audition are gone. So now I have a projected with all the video there, but no audio.

Is there anyway I can have adobe just restore the orignal raw audio associated with the video clip? For example can I take Clip1 on the video track and have adobe automatically put the audio from clip one down on the audio track? The only other way I can see to fix it is to go through my timeline clip by clip, record the in and out timecodes on the video, open up the raw clip, set the same in and out, then drop just the audio down on the timeline. Doing this for every single edit in my project though could get very tedious.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 03:08 AM   #257
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Premiere Pro 2.0 and MPEG - Problems?

I have heard that there are problems with Premiere Pro 2.0 combined with Cineform Aspect HD and MPEG export/import – Can any confirm this?

I was told that you should have install Premiere Pro 1.5 at the same time to make it work.
Kind regards
Flemming Loevenhardt
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Old July 7th, 2006, 09:35 AM   #258
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The problem is a licencing issue, rather than a software bug.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 11:19 AM   #259
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Yup, and while I can't be 100% sure it is due to AspectHD, I have also found that in a system with PPro 2.0 but not 1.5, Adobe Media Encoder cannot export QT7 files either. Worse, even if you use the new Adobe presets and capture/edit in MPG without making use of Cineform technology, I still am unable to export to DVD, other standard MPEG, or QT (v7.1 free version installed). I haven't done RealPlayer exports, so can't speak to that.

Many months ago, Cineform posted that they expected to have the PPro 2.0 export issue resolved by the time AspectHD 4.0 came out. Obviously, that didn't happen...David T. and David N., any updated ETA on this problem?
Pete Bauer
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Old July 7th, 2006, 03:49 PM   #260
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sweetening, mastering sound

I will have someone sweeten and master my sound (Acid , Soundforge) for me on a short, which I edited on 1.5. I dont know much about cleaning and know nothing about mastering sound, so my question is. How can I save the audio so that they are seperate tracks that are synced? I exported 6min of footage (with 5 audio tracks) and burned them as a audio cd. When my friend brought it into soundforge it was as one track. I am trying to avoid having to give him the tracks individualy and then having to resync them in premiere after he is done. Is this possible, to give him the entire 43 min (with up to 5 audio tracks synced up), so I can just drop it back on the time line when it is done?
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Old July 7th, 2006, 05:50 PM   #261
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I'm affraid there is no simple way to do it, but there is a keyboard shortcut that might help you - when you have a video track selected and your timeline window is active, press T to open in the source monitor the clip which is under you cursor. It will open at the exact place that your cursor is positioned at, so it might help you establish the inpoint and outpoint.

Plus you can adjust the length of audio manually on the timeline using the edit tool, so you don't need to be very careful about the outpoints, just turn your snapping on (S key).

Hope this helps.

Best regards
Bart Walczak
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Old July 7th, 2006, 06:00 PM   #262
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Do you have the Audition project? What were the source files for Audition and are they still around? let Audition re-render the output just like Premiere did?
Ron Evans
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Old July 10th, 2006, 08:29 AM   #263
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Relinking audio from "Breakout to Mono Clips"

I have a project, and recently had to redo some of my hard drives. This resulted in the project being on a different drive letter. The project has some mono audio generated via "Breakout to Mono", so there aren't any actual files backing those up, except the original stereo. Everything else has relinked fine, but the mono-clips don't. Is there a way to get "Breakout to Mono" clips to relink? There are some cuts that will be quite a pain to recreate if I cannot relink...

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Old July 11th, 2006, 10:33 AM   #264
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Moving clips without the mouse?

I am trying to sync up audio and video clips in PP 1.5.
With the mouse it is hit and miss if I get it correct.
Is there a way to select a clip (Audio or Video) and bump it ahead or back one frame at a time?

Thank you,
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Old July 11th, 2006, 11:07 AM   #265
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Found it, I could not find it in the help file so I started playing with the keys.
Alt-Left or Right arrow bumps the clip one frame in either direction.

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Old July 11th, 2006, 01:16 PM   #266
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Try breaking out just one of the original stereo audio clips as a test and see if it automatically relinks. If not, then it's putting the mono clips in a different location on your drive. Try to manually link the clip on startup (or right clicking the unlinked mono file) when the callout appears, find whereever PrPro put the mono clips.
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Old July 13th, 2006, 05:21 PM   #267
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using premiere captured footage in AE from a XL2

I have tried to set the comp but I can't get it to be 16:9
I have tried all the diffrent aspect ratios there is to choose from for pal and widescreen (1.42, widescreen, squarepix)
and the thing is, not even the window looks 16:9, still looks 4:3,
in premiere, the footage looked 16:9 as i used a widescreen project.
when i try to set a manual comp, in order for it to be 16:9 i set it to 1024x576 and then my footage snaps in correctly...I dont even have that resolution...
what is wrong, why cannot i get a widescreen with SD resolution comp...

It is very frustrating and i have tried everyting that I've come across in old threads...any advice is welcome.
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Old July 13th, 2006, 07:33 PM   #268
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How about 4 Channel Capturing in Premiere Pro 2?

Can it be done thru firewire (one capture)?
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Old July 13th, 2006, 08:11 PM   #269
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I have Premiere pro but this is how I think you could do it,

Have your workbar over the entire 43 minutes then export audio for each of the five tracks seperately, you should be able to do this by muting out four of the tracks (click icon in timeline) and exporting one at a time as a wave file (file/export/wavefile?), hopefully premiere will just export the audio track which isn't muted.

As long as your friend doesn't change each wave files length you should be able to import them all back into premiere when he's finished.

sorry I don't know all the technical names for premiere.

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Old July 13th, 2006, 08:14 PM   #270
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set up your comp as follows:

width x height: 720 x 480
pixel aspect ration: d1/dv ntsc widescreen (1.2)
frame rate: 23.976 (for 24p)

or simply drag your footage from the project bin to the "create a new composition" icon on the very bottom of the project bin. this will create a new composition with settings that match the footage.

in the preview window, make sure the "toggle pixel aspect ratio correction" is pressed.
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