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Old June 20th, 2006, 12:28 AM   #226
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The missing avi files are still on one of the hard drives. The few clips still on the timeline are on different drives.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 11:28 PM   #227
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blurring logo on a moving object

do you guys have any suggestions for blurring a logo on a moving object for example a beer bottle or a clear glass with a logo on it? thanks.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 01:04 AM   #228
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you're entering after effects territory here. this is a relatively simple task with after effects' motion tracking tools. unfortunately, premiere, by itself, doesn't have the tools to do this.

in after effects, just keep in mind you can't apply motion tracking to a mask. first, duplicate your footage. the duplicate layer will be the one we will apply the mask to. you will have to create a solid layer with a mask the size of the area you want to blur. apply motion tracking to that layer, using your original footage layer as the guide. then use the masked, motion-tracked solid layer as a track matte on the duplicated beer footage. feather the mask on the solid layer, and apply a gaussian blur on the duplicate footage, and voila, you have a blurred out logo with soft edges that follows the bottle.

if you're limited to only using premiere, you will have to do this frame by frame. depending on the length of the shot, this may or may not be feasible for you.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 03:24 AM   #229
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Smart deinterlace plugin


I have a problem choosing a deinterlacing plugin.

I would like it to give output that would have got:
1) artifact-free image
2) smooth motion

Now. Some plugins, like Magic Bullet, take only one field of an image and interpolate it. This gives some choppy motion as only one portion of movement is used.

FieldsKit lets me mix two fields, which gives better motion as they represent whole of the motion information out of two fields. But, as this is just mixing two fields together, sometimes (fast motion, contrasty objects) one is able to distinguish those two separate field parts in the image, the image indeed looks as a superposition of two separate ones that are just time-shifted a bit.

Now, is there any plugin that would let me interpolate two fields, mix them down, but also add some motion blur between them to give smooth look of motion?
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Old June 21st, 2006, 09:28 AM   #230
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Impressive question. And I just have thought that nothing was going to shock me.

Well, to my knowledge, in Premiere, editing directly on field basis, as in other NLE apps, is not possible.

May you just clarify, what particular reason is that you want to edit sub-frame? What effect do you want to achieve?

Now, one trick or workaround that comes to my mind is to create a special mask (a BMP consisting of white and black horizontal lines) for use within premiere to aquire only lower field of an image. Then mask the last frame of a first clip, and overlap it over the first frame of a second sequence. That will create a trick frame in the trim point consisting of a lower field of the last frame of the first clip and an upper field of the first frame of the second clip (I assume you edit in PAL). I think that would work and could solve your problem.

If you want further instructions, just write.

Regards from Poland,
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Old June 21st, 2006, 12:32 PM   #231
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I believe that After Effects can separate the fields for you. But not Premiere Pro.
Steven Gotz
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Old June 21st, 2006, 12:37 PM   #232
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You will find that if you put the blur over the image at the beginning and set the keyframe, then move it to the last frame and reset the location of the blur, the in between frames should be pretty close. Just adjust along the way as necessary.

I would just place a copy of the clip over the original and use a garbage matte on the upper clip. Then blur the second clip. You can animate the garbage matte quite easily.
Steven Gotz
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 06:13 AM   #233
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strange workaround in PPro 1.5 while using proxies

Just wanted to report that i found workaround for one problem which is bugged me whole ppro 1.5 existence history:

system specs:
hardware - ibm thinkpad T23, 866MHz PIII, 256MB, S3 SuperSavage/IXC 1014.
software - Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, Windows XP Pro, divx 3.11alpha, XviD 1.1.0-30122005.

task description:
i use in my laptop proxy videofiles to make first step edition there later i copy created project file to desktop and replace proxies with original DV footage. Proxies are 2 times reduced dimensions and compressed with divx3.11alpha. My project is started as DV-PAL.

problem decription:
everthing works fine until i watch footage from left monitor. But if i put some clips to the timeline and try now watch it from right window(timeline monitor) then monitor shows it very flickery. Some seconds it works fine then monitor turns black only some pixels jitter on belowest line. It is dependent of source footage(like video files had some errors in it) - artifacts appear always in same moments in certain file.

as far my footage was 2 times reduced dimensions i saw image window somwhere in the center of monitors black area. So changed clip position value by one: 361(originally was 360) x 288. All other value combinations worked fine as well but never original.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 11:45 PM   #234
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HDV to SD - Which is better?


If I have some HDV and I want to deliver on SD, is it better to:

1) Capture HDV, place in SD project to edit, then export


2) Capture HDV, edit in HDV project, export to SD settings?




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Old June 26th, 2006, 05:49 AM   #235
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Audio in Premier

Hello All,

Is there a way in premier to adjust the audio so to somewhat hide that supper loud vibrating sound when you record something that was to loud for the Mic. I recorded a dance show and the camera was so close to the speakers that the sound did not come out clear because of it.. I know I can't get rid of it but can I hide a little of it..
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Old June 26th, 2006, 06:01 AM   #236
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Sounds - pun intended - like you're referring to audio clipping. Analogous to the clipping seen in overexposed digital video, detail is permanently lost because the recorded data remains at the maximum recordable value, rather than varying. I'm not aware of much that can be done within PPro. Adobe Audition has a feature called Clip Restoration that "rounds off the tops" of clipped audio; it isn't magic but with a little experimentation it can usually improve mild to moderate clipping enough to make it useable. I'd assume the major competing audio programs have similar functions.
Pete Bauer
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Old June 26th, 2006, 05:39 PM   #237
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Photo panning and zooming in Premiere 2.0

How would I create a pan and zoom effect for a photo slideshow in premiere pro 2.0?
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Old June 26th, 2006, 05:55 PM   #238
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Click on the clip on the time line. Look in the effects Window. Select motion. Controls are there for all forms of motion, including zooming and panning.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old June 26th, 2006, 06:01 PM   #239
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Ok, I always saw the motion bit, but just now realized you click and drag. Doi.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 02:17 AM   #240
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The final output would be the same, theoretically. However, editing in HDV would give you the option to export to HD in the future, should you ever want to. I also think the CPU load would be the same, as no matter what you'd be dealing with HDV footage. So, with that said, I believe it's up to you. Hope I could be of some help.
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