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Old June 14th, 2006, 02:15 PM   #211
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Hey, Thanks Ervin!

I'm way into "used" so that will work just dandy for me. Will probably look for something with firewire built in. I'll need that card slot for Wifi.

"the difference between an amateur photographer and a professional is the amateur shows you all his pictures"
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Old June 14th, 2006, 02:19 PM   #212
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Try this.

Add some additional audio tracks to the project. Then, copy and paste your existing audio one, two or three more times. Eventually you will have more than enough audio to max out on the meters. Just watch that you do not peak out or the dreaded distortion monster will rear its ugly head. Stay just under -6db or so.
"the difference between an amateur photographer and a professional is the amateur shows you all his pictures"
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Old June 15th, 2006, 03:22 PM   #213
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Premiere audio and video not linking

Hi all,
Weird problem I can't figure out with Adobe Premiere 6.0. Lately when I drag video files from the Project window to the Timeline window, the audio and video are not linked. It's like the "Unlink Audio and Video" function is automatic now (usually you have to right-click on the clip and do this once it's in the Timeline).

Is there a setting somewhere that I must have inadvertently enabled/disabled? I can't even get the link/unlink tool to work without having the icon pressed (works while the icon is pressed in the Timeline window, but when I go back to the regular "arrow" icon, they're unlinked again).

Thanks for any help,
Jeff K.
Jeff K
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Old June 15th, 2006, 03:58 PM   #214
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I haven't used 6 in a while, and my brain has lost it back there somewhere, but I seem to recall an icon at the bottom of the time line that turned link on and off. If I recall, it is located in the same area where there is a control to expand and contract the time line. You got me curious if my recollection is right now. Let me know...
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old June 15th, 2006, 04:06 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos
I haven't used 6 in a while, and my brain has lost it back there somewhere, but I seem to recall an icon at the bottom of the time line that turned link on and off.
THAT'S IT! It was the Toggle Sync Mode icon, the last one on the right before the scroll arrow. If it was a snake, it'd a-bit me....

Your brain's still got it, thanks!

Jeff K.
Jeff K
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Old June 15th, 2006, 04:37 PM   #216
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PPro 2.0 16:9 footage in 4:3 timeline

I shoot in 16:9 but for cable and broadcast I need to submit the project in 4:3. If I capture the 16:9 footage properly and then import into a PPro 2.0 4:3 project, is there anything wrong with simply scaling the 16:9 down in the 4:3 project? I like how it looks but want to make sure I'm not missing some sort of technical problem with scaling down the footage.
Lyon Films;
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Old June 15th, 2006, 05:13 PM   #217
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Yahoo, as the scarecrow int "The Wizard of OZ" said, "I have a brain..."
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old June 15th, 2006, 06:59 PM   #218
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rendering problem

I have a project in Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 that is roughly 20-23 minutes long and when I try to render, it gives me this error message that's something like "Disk Full" even though there is, without a doubt, enough space to hold it. It also gives me a similar error when I render it with After Effects. Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be?

EDIT: fixed. i just tried again using a diff. HD and it worked.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 09:41 PM   #219
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If you want to submit your 16:9 footage letterboxed in the 4:3 aspect ratio, then no, there's no problem I'm aware of in using the method you described.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 09:59 PM   #220
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That appears to be a generic error message Premiere throws out when it can't figure out what went wrong. Don't know why the programmers couldn't just have programmed Premiere to simply throw up its arms and admit, "Something went wrong, and I have no idea what it is."

Never seen it happen in After Effects, though. Well, at least we know the two programs behave the same in this aspect. Not that it helps us any. ;-)
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Old June 16th, 2006, 10:47 AM   #221
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This is actually probably due to virtual memory (known as a page file). When there is not enoth RAM to store the data needed, it is written onto the harddrive and read etc etc. The HD you were using probably stored the page file, hence why it worked on another hd.
(Wishes to be more informative and helpful than a nuisance)
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Old June 18th, 2006, 08:55 AM   #222
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Adobe's MPEG Encoder for Prem 6.5....Help!!

For right now I'm using version 6.5 which came with Adobe MPEG Encoder version 1.1.Downloaded version 1.2 and 1.3 beta updates (free public version) from Main Concept website.It is critical that I be quickly educated as to what you'd reccomended what the exact settings would be best for my particular situation.Yes,there are the presets,however perhaps the advanced section would be more precise and beneficial.The average length of the program I will be producing is around 45 minutes or so.Using single sided dvd-r's.My burner is a Lite On combo with up to 16x.

First a couple of questions.

1)How do I know if the resulting encoded file will fit the dvd disc?If it's too long,it will not be usuable.I don't want to waste time and guess as time is in short supply.

2)How does the built-in/upgraded Adobe/Main Concept MPEG Encoder/V1.2 differ from Main Concepts stand alone application for Premiere 6.5?Is it worth another $60 and what are the benefits as compared to the built-on program?Pros and cons of either solution are...?

3)Based on you experience & the above,what's the ideal combination of export and encoding settings?

Now for the fine detail.........Advanced setting choices:Please help fill in the blanks,thanks!!

Basic tab/page:

I)Video type:MPEG-1,MPEG-2 or DVD?
II)Encoder:Is 50 the best quality,0 the worst??

Video Settings:

I)Bitrate type.. variable or constant?
II)If variable:Max,Avg and Min in kbps..what figures please?
III)If constant:
a)Bit rate/kbps and
b)Rate control mode: Should I select... Fast,Mode 1 or Mode 128?
c)Constant quality?


a)Rate is 48k?
b)Type (PCM,MPEG-1 or MPEG-2)
c)Reccomended audio bitrate =xxx

Multiplexing:on or off?What does this do?

Closest presets:Actually I think your tips would improve on these and refine them..

a)DVD 4x3 medium bitrate and
b)DVD 4x3 high bitrate.

Anybody tried the Main Concepts public version version 1.3 beta?Comments?

OK,that's plenty for now.Please patiently bear with me as I navigate through this!

Thanks...all advice,opinion and suggestions offered would be most welcome.

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Old June 18th, 2006, 01:43 PM   #223
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Final Matrox Premiere Pro 2.0 released

Matrox has released the final version of the Premiere Pro 2.0 RT.X100 driver.

Matrox build 6157 for use with Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 NEW
(June 15, 2006, 255 MB)

This release of Matrox provides support for Adobe Production Studio, and requires Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 (it does not support earlier releases of Adobe Premiere Pro).

All features available with the previous release of Matrox are supported with this new release, with the exception of full WYSIWYG support for Adobe Encore DVD 2.0. WYSIWYG support is provided, however, for previewing when using Adobe Premiere Pro's Export to DVD feature. WYSIWYG is also supported for Adobe Bridge.
Get it here: Matrox RT.X100 Software updates
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Old June 19th, 2006, 10:46 AM   #224
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Project files have disappeared, help !

I have just opened up a Premiere project and all the avi files have disappeared from the timeline and Project window. Premiere has not asked me where they are and there are no red offline replacement inserts. All that is left on the timeline are the transitions, black and colour matte clips and a commentary file all in their correct positions. I have tried this forum's Search engine but no luck there.
So what to do ? Is recovery possible ?

Premiere 6.5/RaptorRT2
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Old June 19th, 2006, 10:18 PM   #225
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Audio Problem

Hi folks,

I wrote a similar post over in the wedding/event area.

I am getting no sound from a file recorded form an iRiver but the waveform shows that sound is present. The weird thing is that I had sound up untill today.

This is only occuring with audio recorded through the mic on the iRiver files.

Any suggestion of how to fix this?

The files that I have on the timeline containing the sound from when it did work still play. weird....


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