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Old January 10th, 2016, 10:01 AM   #16
Inner Circle
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Re: Next big revision of Premiere Pro?

Before spending a lot on hardware make sure the software will take advantage of it.
That's the most important aspect of any mac/pc you buy or build for a NLE, it's not because it's a general Mac or a pc workstation that it can get the most out of Premiere if the used hardwarecomponents are chosen wrong or not working together in a right way, A too slow videocard might hold back a otherwise very powerfull system or a too slow processor might give you playback issues depending on the used codecs. First you need to know what codecs you expect to be handling the coming time and then you need to see what components will give you the best results.

That's why I linked to that article which can give more insight about what to get, no matter if it's a Mac or a Pc.

Edius for instance is also very specific on used hardware, it doesn't gain any speed when rendering out using a fast and expensive graphics card, it even functions without such a card, it only needs the right type of motherboard and processor with a build in gpu and that gpu can render out much faster then even the fastest pc processor can. A dedicated videocard is only useful if you use gpu accelerated transitions and effects. Premiere otoh likes fast dedicated videocards, lot's of memory etc.

Every NLE has different requirements. Having a pc custombuild for a specific NLE is the best option if you want no hassle and a stable system, if you do it yourself you better know what you are doing and if you buy just a prebuild system, like a dell, you could be in for a disappointment. If you buy a Mac you will be limited with hardware choices, that might be perfectly fine for most applications but it could hold a program like Premiere back if you can't install a specific videocard in a Imac as you don't have any choice as far as I can see. It will function just fine but a other faster card might speed up rendering times a lot, don't know, but it's something worth considering if speed is important for you.

If you ask for opinions people often say it runs just fine on their mac/pc, the same like I say in may case, but you have to be careful with that, it might be perfectly fine for them but it could be a source of frustration if you have other expectations.
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Old January 14th, 2016, 10:08 AM   #17
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Re: Next big revision of Premiere Pro?

Dave Dugdale's latest video covering the building of the "Beast" with JJ Guerrero an integrator from ASUS is a pretty good overview of what you can build today in a very capable 4K box without totally busting the bank. All built around the latest X99 mobo and the Intel i7 5960X 8 core Haswell E CPU. Interestingly there is some good info on GPU choice and more isn't necessarily better. Also good info on how some software uses more threads than others and how to optimize the PC's performance for various programs. I think my next box will be built around a similar spec. Edius would scream on this build especially using Intel's Quick Sync which which Edius can access for high speed rendering.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
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Old January 14th, 2016, 10:14 AM   #18
Inner Circle
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Re: Next big revision of Premiere Pro?

This set up would not make use of quicksync in Edius because the Intel i7 5960X does not have a integrated gpu.
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Old January 15th, 2016, 01:25 AM   #19
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Re: Next big revision of Premiere Pro?

My bad you are so correct Noa. It should still fly though.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
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