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Old January 24th, 2015, 03:28 PM   #1
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HELP! Encoding troubles.

Hey fellow Forum members. I could really use some help. I recently worked on a video for a trailer company where they buried their dump trailer in a pile of gravel to show off how unstoppable it is.

Anyhow I am having some real trouble finding good way to output the video from premiere. They want to play the video from a laptop on 40" screens at trade shows. When I encode it using I am getting some artifacts, I think due to the fact that their is so much fine detail with basically the entire screen being filled with gravel.

I am using Adobe CS5.5... When I use the H.264 codec and encode it using the default Vimeo HD settings (1280 x 720) the video gets very shaky. I went back and re-did it using the 1080p 19.97 HDTV High qauilty settings in the H.264 codec, and it is no longer shaky, but instead there is kind of a grainy static effect going on. The customer described it as being sparkly. The original unedited footage does not have this issue, so I assume it is still the encoding having trouble with all the fine detail in the video.

I have tied using the black magic avi codec and using uncompressed, but I cannot even get that to play back smoothly on my editing pc so I assume it wont play back on their laptop. I have also tried cranking up the bitrate on the H.264 codecs and using max render, but it also wont play back when I get too high.

I am stuck I dont know what to do to get a non-staticy video that is also playable.

The HD1080p version is posted on vimeo here:
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Old January 25th, 2015, 12:03 AM   #2
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Re: HELP! Encoding troubles.

There might be a processing bottleneck on what the laptop can do, and the software is skipping bits in order to maintain a decent frame rate.

Why not make a BluRay disc and have them play it from a BluRay dedicated hardware player? Would sidestep plenty of possible issues.

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Old January 25th, 2015, 04:23 AM   #3
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Re: HELP! Encoding troubles.

Is there not any other codec you can try to render it that doesn't display these side effects? If that would work you could use another external program like handbrake to make a vimeo suitable file.
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Old January 25th, 2015, 06:50 PM   #4
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Re: HELP! Encoding troubles.

I think I am ready to throw in the towel on this one, blame it on the rain. I have tried pretty much every codec and setting combination, and cannot seem to get rid of it. I could try creating a blu-ray but I am guessing the artifacts would still be there, since I have encoded in H.264 and MEPG2 with a bunch of different settings, all of which have the problem. Plus the client does not have a blu-ray player.
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Old January 26th, 2015, 02:22 AM   #5
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Re: HELP! Encoding troubles.

There is no "try", only "do".

Make the BluRay disc and play it through a BluRay player. Let us know how it goes.

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