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Old August 9th, 2013, 12:14 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Des Moines, IA
Posts: 13
AME Stall

I shot a concert video for a band >15min and I've been spending the last two days tying to get it to export.

At the same point when exporting, AME stalls. The "elapsed" and "remaining" continue to run but the preview window stops.

I left it overnight to see if it would kickstart itself, but it didn't work. It should be worth noting that whenever this happens, the fan (which is usually very active during rendering) shuts off completely.

I need to get the video to the band soon as they've been patiently waiting.


I'm on CC on a macbook pro retina 15" maxed out. I've allocated 13gb of ram for CC and I've tried clearing the media cache.
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Old August 9th, 2013, 12:21 PM   #2
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Des Moines, IA
Posts: 13
Re: AME Stall

I just tested another video that was longer than 15 minutes and it ran for pretty much the same amount of time before it too stalled. I ran a 1 minute video through AME and it went through without a hiccup.
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Old August 9th, 2013, 11:32 PM   #3
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Re: AME Stall

I have no experience with Mac Book Pro, but in Windows machines I have had timelines fail to render due to the RAM maxing out during the render. Usually it would be accompanied by an error message of some sort.
The reason the fan stops running is because the render stops & the system is no longer generating heat.
You need a utility that will allow you to monitor RAM usage in real time (like Task Manager in Windows).
This may give you some insight into what is happening at the point of failure.
Premiere has a tendency to sometimes not release RAM as you preview, edit, render, etc. The RAM usage keeps building higher, higher, higher until consequences become apparent.
Simply closing and reopening Premiere will release whatever RAM PPro was holding onto and let you start the export render from a baseline RAM usage level.
Or, your problem may be something altogether different :(
As a last resort you might try rendering the export file as 3 separate 5 minute segments, then reassemble them on a timeline with appropriate sequence settings and re export using the same settings to get it stitched back together as a single file for delivery to the client.
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Old August 9th, 2013, 11:39 PM   #4
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Des Moines, IA
Posts: 13
Re: AME Stall

Thanks for the reply, I actually just fixed it by wiping Premiere and Encoder off of my computer and reinstalling. That seemed to fix it!
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