Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it? at
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Old August 3rd, 2013, 11:53 AM   #1
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Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it?

I am using Premiere CS5.5. Can you still purchase the CS6 update and if so is the update worth it? This will, if possible, be my final Premiere version because of Adobe's new pay structure and lack of support for Encore.
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Old August 3rd, 2013, 03:09 PM   #2
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Re: Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it?

I'm sure you will be able to from somewhere - not sure where though! And as I found out a few months ago, only as a download (not a boxed set). I just made my own CS6 discs with the downloaded disc image for future backup use.

Was it worth it? Good question.

Well, I recently went from CS 5.5.2 to 6 Production Premium on a Mac Pro (and also on a retina MBP). I can now use the eyedropper for colour sampling without crashing Premier, Warp Stabiliser without relying on Dynamic Link with AE (which normally worked well, but occasionally would crash or loose the link) and a few other little things that improve the editing experience. There are however still some bugs to contend with in CS6 (thumbnails need to refresh every time you scroll through etc.). The Jog control "wheel" (bar) is also now gone.

I could have stuck with CS 5.5.2 very easily and saved a few hundred quid ...but since CS is my main editing tool (I use FCS2 occasionally and Vegas Pro too) I decided that I might as well have the last non-license version so as to be "as up to date as possible (sans CC) for the next 2-3 years". After that, who knows what NLE I might use, changing tools is something I can and often do so it's not something I worry about.

Adobe have promised to keep CS6 bug fixes coming (no new features though, its CC only for that) plus ensure CS6's ability to work on the next OS versions (both Mac and PC). We'll have to see if they honour those promises or choose to alienate their customer base even more (in many peoples eyes). Of course, I still have 5.5.2 on both computers too.

It's a gamble but in my mind CS6 is much more likely work well in newer OSX versions. I recently moved up to Mountain Lion from having been locked down with Leopard for 5 years but needed to be on a newer OSX to be able to run a better Mac graphics card (I went from an ATI4870 without CUDA support to a GTX285 with CUDA). Sure, its a bit faster now. Of course the next OS refresh is soon on the scene (for Macs at least with Maverick) so we'll know Adobe's true colours then.

If you're using it to earn your living, I would say do it. But others would argue that you might as well go straight to CC as that's "the future" with Adobe. Me, I'll play wait and see as I think Adobe will have to adjust their CC model for it to really take off. For me, pricing in general is too high plus some kind of guarantee that you can "retain usage of the software", after a reasonable period of subscription of course. That is really what I'd be looking for...I don't like the risk of the rug being pulled from under my feet or held at the mercy of whatever larger monthly fee Adobe might move up to in the future. So right now, its a definite business no no to go the CC route, CS6 will see me fine for a couple of years yet.
Andy K Wilkinson -
Cambridge (UK) Corporate Video Production
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Old August 7th, 2013, 04:07 AM   #3
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Re: Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it?


I have been in a similar situation, and found the CS6 download version at one of the sponsors:

I also refuse to rent so I will not be held hostage by Adobe without an exit strategy and will not buy into the expensive subscription.

CS6 will be my last Abode product, unless they change the rules of the game significantly, from a one way street to fill their pockets and forget about client satisfaction.

CS6 is worth the upgrade from CS5.5 since there are clear improvements over CS5.5 and it will be the latest version that gives you a perpetual license.
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Old August 7th, 2013, 07:41 AM   #4
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Re: Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it?

Harm I had forgotten about Videoguys! Thanks for the link. I just ordered Premiere Pro 6 update. This update will buy me some time to consider an alternative to Adobe Premiere. I completely agree with you that Adobe has made a major mistake forcing updates to be subscription only. For me the topping on the cake was Adobe's decision to drop Encore after version 6.

Last edited by Greg Clark; August 7th, 2013 at 07:42 AM. Reason: Name spelled wrong.
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Old August 7th, 2013, 12:49 PM   #5
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Re: Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it?

Videoguys have informed me that Adobe will not let them sell to anyone outside of the US. I contacted Adobe, was lectured about why I should purchase Premiere CC and then the salesman hung up on me. I phoned back, got a different salesman, and purchased a CS6 upgrade download.
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Old August 7th, 2013, 01:06 PM   #6
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Re: Can you update to CS6 and is it worth it?

Adobe is so helpful...

You feel it is a privilege you are allowed to buy from them and super-privileged to buy from outside the US at a 62% markup from US prices...(while their own profit margin increases by more than 100% for sales outside the US because of the Ireland construction).

This is plain thievery from the side of Adobe.
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