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Old June 20th, 2013, 08:49 PM   #31
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Re: No Encore CC

Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
The unreliability of DVD compatibility was always a challenge. Not fun when the sales person's DVD doesn't play in their potential customer's DVD player.

Honestly I can't speak for other parts of the world but everyone I know in any kind of sales position has either or both a smartphone and a tablet. Keeping the file on that and a dock to HDMI adaptor means they can play it in either 720 or 1080 on the HDTV. Granted if they don't have an HDTV and block any kind of files transfer (as you mention with thumb drives), that would be an issue.

As far as safety and training, maybe I'm interpreting it differently but I recently had a client who needed safety training with DVD delivery. After talking to them I find out there were potential issues with employees not being able to attend the training in which the DVD would be played. There were also concerns about retention when it was needed in the work environment. I asked how many of their employees carried smartphones on site. While not everyone had them, the supervisors did and a good number of employees.

The conclusion was that smartphone delivery would ensure access to the information on site for anyone who might forget aspects of the safety training. The presentations with the gathering of employees also didn't need a DVD. They had laptops and HDTV at those locations. Rather than an uprezed DVD they would playback the file from laptop to HDTV. They could distribute the file to anyone who couldn't make. No worries about needing extra copies either in that case. The result was a lower cost to them, better quality presentation in HD, file delivery to ensure on site information retention with files on smartphones.
Hmmm, maybe I'm just lucky but in roughly 10 years of doing this video thing I cannot remember
a single instance of a client that couldn't play my DVD. On the other hand, my 'file based' delivery
has been a hassle. Depending on what codecs are installed on a clients computer it may or may not
play....and even more issues arise in a corporate environment where IT will not allow QuickTime or Flash
or other media players to even be installed. And then I am blamed because their computer can't play
a standard .mp4 H264 file.
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Old June 21st, 2013, 03:38 AM   #32
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Re: No Encore CC

I agree, Gabe.

My corporate clients are much more retro and conservative, and the bigger the corporation the harder it is to persuade them, as they have established "systems" in place. Lowest common denominator is what they like. It's a miracle they ever got past MPEG1.
I had a client 2 weeks ago ask for another copy of his video. I said, "It's an MP4 right there on your PC; copy it yourself".
No, he wanted an official copy on another disk and he was happy to pay $85 or whatever it was I charged him.

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Old June 21st, 2013, 03:54 AM   #33
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Re: No Encore CC

It's important to remember that quite a few companies can still be using Windows XP in their systems. I know my bank does.
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Old June 21st, 2013, 08:08 AM   #34
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Re: No Encore CC

Trade Show Booth video presentations are another source of income for us - mostly small clients who setup a flat panel or rear projection screen and want looping DVD/BR discs.

It is about what the client wants and is happy with for us. Maybe Adobe might want to consider more what its clients want and decide is important to them instead of what Adobe thinks is good for them. I don't know all the ins and outs of CC including Encore - but Adobe's original upfront investment in Encore has long ago been made - it is hard to understand why, if so many of their customers still want the value of Encore, then why not just continue to include it? Why end a good working piece of the pie that is essentially already paid for?
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Old June 21st, 2013, 07:04 PM   #35
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Re: No Encore CC

Just came across this linked from one of the Adobe forums

Using Encore CS6 with PremierePro CC DAV's TechTable
Stills at:
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Old June 29th, 2013, 10:09 AM   #36
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Re: No Encore CC

What a shame!
I bough CS 6 for Encore because Apple left DVD Studio Pro… I enjoyed to make Blu-rays with interactive menus and DTS-HD surround sounds (thanks to optionnal plug-ins). Encore looked like the future of authoring softwares. But now Adobe let it down? Oh no! It's far too soon! Please Adobe, don't make the same errors that Apple's did!
One thing is sure: no CC for me.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 08:35 AM   #37
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Re: No Encore CC

Well despite the obvious continuing need for delivery on optical media, I continue to read that Adobe is standing by their decision to EOL Encore.

Everyone I know thinks that is a bad decision. Adobe is starting to feel very Apple-like... Adobe was listening to their customers ... but loosing that feeling now.

Encore was a fine working and very much useful product - why not keep it in the CC with Dynamic Link and just leave it alone - no need for further development. The investment was already made and works fine.

Last edited by John Richard; July 17th, 2013 at 07:57 AM.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 09:26 AM   #38
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Re: No Encore CC

I view this as bad news for me... one day in the future at least.

I'm still using Production Premium CS5 and make DVDs all the time using dynamic link. I love that feature.

Someone commented earlier about DVD compatibility issues... I know for me and my buddies in this area, we've been producing event videos for over 13 years now, and BIG events like marching band competitions and dance recitals with hundreds and hundreds of students and have had insignificant amounts of compatibility issues. Especially in the later years. Now, granted early on in the late 90's early 2000s it was somewhat of a concern, but I know I haven't had a single person say they can't play a DVD-R that I've made in the last 5 years. And I've made hundreds.

For a weekend warrior like myself, DVD is still the preferred medium of delivery.

My main concern with going to a digital delivery format would of course be unauthorized copying. I can see how this would be a problem at marching band competitions and dance recitals and would very likely impact my profits. I'm not too worried about the weddings, because I charge enough for those that they can copy all they want. lol

But, I guess maybe I'll have to look into some form of digital delivery in the future it looks like.

I don't plan to upgrade to anything new for quite some time, as CS5 is still working great for me... but when the time comes, I'll investigate the options for sure, because I believe DVD delivery will still be the preferred medium of delivery for event videos in the foreseeable future, say the next 5 years give or take.

I agree that things are definately moving towrds all digital delivery, but there are some niche markets like mine (and others as they have expressed here) where DVD still makes sense.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 02:53 PM   #39
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Re: No Encore CC

Originally Posted by Trevor Dennis View Post
Just came across this linked from one of the Adobe forums

Using Encore CS6 with PremierePro CC DAV's TechTable
I just ran into this while converting my last computer from CS6 to CC. The work around works - when you uninstall CS6 just uncheck Encore, and Encore CS6 remains. But my fear is that with lack of support Encore will become incompatible with future CC dynamic link versions.

Also, if you failed to save Encore before uninstalling CS6 - then reinstall CS6 and uninstall it and uncheck Encore to keep it.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 04:57 PM   #40
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Re: No Encore CC

Originally Posted by Charles W. Hull View Post
But my fear is that with lack of support Encore will become incompatible with future CC dynamic link versions.
That's exactly the gripe: Adobe is already not supporting dynamic link between PPro CC and Encore CS6. If they'd just kept Encore feature-neutral with CC, there would be few complaints.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 07:14 PM   #41
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Re: No Encore CC

Although I load a lot of client files to the web. I deliver on blu-ray as well.

If you want your client to see the detail and just how great a picture your camera produces, a bluray will beat the web any day hands down. And I think that's important that a client see that as they are paying a good price for it.

Craigs 1990 thought about incompatibility is quite bogus today. I can't remember a client having a compatibility issue in recent years or ever for that matter.

But I do here clients having bandwidth issues. All the time. Even Vimeo suggest 5000kps for HD uploads. I have neighbors who cant reach that consistently. ISP's in the U.S. want us to pay for it then they'll build it.

I'm all in favor of web delivery but it sometimes presents more issues. It's not the answer for large files and long form either. And it doesn't look anywhere near as good as your work delivered on blu-ray.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 08:16 PM   #42
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Re: No Encore CC

Adobe officially ends Encore - No More Encore – Adobe’s DVD Authoring App Gets End of Life Status |

I thought there was a huge wedding DVD industry...and what about Blu-ray movies?
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Old July 17th, 2013, 01:37 AM   #43
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Re: No Encore CC

I suspect it's very easy for companies to believe that everyone has cutting edge internet connections, whereas reality is somewhat different. Because a trend is in a certain direction, doesn't mean that everyone will instantly transfer over to the new technology. I know a number of people in the industry who still have CRT televisions because they prefer the pictures.
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Old July 17th, 2013, 07:55 AM   #44
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Re: No Encore CC

We do a great deal of work for trade shows using video in their booths. Even when we show these clients the ease of running the presentations from a laptop, they still prefer optical discs. Heck, many still prefer a DVD over a Blu-Ray.

Adobe has prided themselves on being ahead of the curve and we have all benefited from this. But this time, they have gone way beyond the curve and we are hurt by it. DVD and Blu-ray are still very much a part of this industry. Don't think they did their homework. As Pete said, just keep Encore in the CC as is - it's a no-brainer.
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Old July 17th, 2013, 10:20 AM   #45
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Re: No Encore CC

I'm thinking there is a Risk/Cost benefit to using a DVD as opposed to a Laptop or Media player. Perhaps as flat screen TV's with built in media player tech becomes more common, we could have clients play their video directly from a memory stick plugged into the TV. The only thing I can see may hold that up is people who are technophobes and dont understand the new technology. Whereas DVD has been around long enough that most everybody is comfortable with it, knows how to use it and it is cheap and low risk. If lost or stolen they are only out a copy of the disc and a DVD player (which can be replaced at any store for less than $40).
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