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Adobe Creative Suite
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Old May 8th, 2013, 05:48 AM   #46
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

Sorry Andy. No idea how that happened!
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Old May 8th, 2013, 05:53 AM   #47
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

The quote came from the penultimate paragraph of my post #39.
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Old May 8th, 2013, 10:50 AM   #48
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

Here's an interesting read:

Adobe is killing Creative Suite; here’s why

Since its launch, Adobe’s Creative Cloud has clearly indicated where the company’s future lies. But no one expected the company to get rid of Creative Cloud’s predecessor, Creative Suite, quite so soon.
Includes an interview with Scott Morris, Adobe’s director of product marketing.

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Old May 8th, 2013, 11:07 AM   #49
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

It says "they will all be transitioning from bought-and-owned software at $200 or $700 or $2,000 a pop to the Creative Cloud subscription model, which can cost as little as $20 per month."

But according to the EU prices if I only want to get Premiere I"m paying for a full version every 3 years and if I stop "renting" I"m left with nothing. It actually means once you are using the creative cloud you are locked for life, stop paying the subscription and you can't open any older projects anymore. Adobe is trying to make it sound much better then it is.
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Old May 8th, 2013, 12:08 PM   #50
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

What this all means is that Adobe will cease development of new Creative Suite programs for retail boxed distribution. The current CS6 releases will continue to be supported with future critical bug fixes for the time being. Some of the cool new features in the Creative Cloud-only programs will eventually filter down to the Elements programs, which will continue to have new boxed retail releases for the time being.
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Old May 8th, 2013, 12:21 PM   #51
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
It actually means once you are using the creative cloud you are locked for life, stop paying the subscription and you can't open any older projects anymore. Adobe is trying to make it sound much better then it is.
But couldn't you just pay for a 1 month subscription when you want to open an old project in the future?
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Old May 8th, 2013, 12:51 PM   #52
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

Yes ok, but just the thought you have to pay extra each month you want to open a older project is plain ridiculous. If you would change to another nle you will have a lifetime subscription with adobe anyway anytime you need access to a older project.
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Old May 8th, 2013, 02:28 PM   #53
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

But you'd still have CS6 installed. Wouldn't you?
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Old May 8th, 2013, 02:30 PM   #54
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

would that version be able to open any projects made with the newer "cloud" versions?
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Old May 8th, 2013, 03:29 PM   #55
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

I think the best solution here is to hang on with CS6 and wait and see what happens. If Adobe start to see people not upgrading they may back down.

There is no compelling reason to use their cloud software right now. Perhaps in a year or two time they may have killer features in there. Or, you know, they may have even worked out the AVCHD bugs from Premiere (stop laughing!).

It's all about delivering results for their shareholders. If the leasing model doesn't perform as promised heads will roll and they'll have to rethink. Those of us already on CS6 can afford to sit tight as the "special offers" to entice us to the new offering aren't so special when you realise you are "upgrading" to the same versions of Premiere etc.
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Old May 8th, 2013, 05:01 PM   #56
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

the problem is not to pay, but how to pay ?
do you have to charge your credit card every month, do you give Adobe rights to renew and charge your card unless you say stop. and if you have no credit card, or only a personal one and want to charge a company account ? can you purchase one year in advance ?
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Old May 8th, 2013, 07:31 PM   #57
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

There's wisdom in the madness. The new business model likely gets Adobe off the hook over product liability fitness for purpose issues outside of the US. It might just leave the company wide-open for breach of contract class action in event of a major prolonged crashdown no matter what the clever lawyers have put into the small print. It is a whole different beast to an end-user licence agreement.

I anticipate that re-activation of existing licences after clean re-installs will be disabled sooner than later in order to put the cattle-zapper to the butts of the cashcows to get them moving. I have been twice caught out with software providers getting out of the game and no longer supporting existing product that has been locked up with activation codes. I remain majorly hostile about it.

I have been a buyer and user of Adobe since the original Premiere v6 way back when and have been a skip version upgrader since. I have not gone the hack route.

This move by Adobe could be the greatest ever incentive for previously honest people to use the hack for CS6, if for no other reason than to get a vindictive kick in before departing the bar. Loyalty works both ways. People do not have such short memories as to forget CS4. Trust and respect are earned, not demanded.

For myself, when Linux, Resolve, Cinelarra and Cineform are able to cohabit with acceptable functionality, that is where I shall be headed. In the meantime, I shall stock up on computer parts to keep my existing rig enduring for as long as possible.

Last edited by Bob Hart; May 8th, 2013 at 07:33 PM. Reason: error
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Old May 8th, 2013, 08:57 PM   #58
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

I have bit the bullet and purchased a year's worth of Creative Cloud.

I actually welcome this system. I understand there might be teething pains, and I'm sure to grow a few white hairs dealing with service, but it seems every aspect of life has this problem nowadays.

Will Adobe raise prices after the year is up? I assume so, for my own sake and sanity. It's up to me to justify the expense, which is still cheaper than buying a whole boxed suite. When I compare it to an Autodesk Flame or an Avid system, the price is cheap.

Will I have problems with Adobe authentication? Sure, I expect so. Why? I have had problems with google, gmail, facebook, hotmail and yahoo, too. This is a fact of life now.

Am I concerned about privacy? Not really. I don't have to upload my files to the cloud if I don't want to. But if I want to, I can, which sounds cool. The Adobe Anywhere idea sounds cool.

Am I locked in to Adobe? Yes and no. It's a business, not a marriage. If I earn my money with Adobe, I can continue the business.

Do I trust Adobe? No. I've used Adobe since the beginning of my career 12 years ago. I know it like the back of my hand, but I don't trust them. Why should I? It's just a tool. If it doesn't work, I'll move on. As far as I'm concerned I'm taking an acceptable risk. Actually, all things considered, it's not risky at all.

Will the software work? I hope so. Even an installed boxed version can develop snags. That's why there is tech support. Will they help? Maybe, if you make a hundred calls. Factor that into your head before you begin, and it will seem okay. It's out of my control, so why worry about it?

I can use it on my mac and pc, and any other system I want, as long as I don't use it at the same time. I have no clue how Adobe will know I'm using it at the same time. Maybe they don't, but if they catch you they might terminate the agreement. That's a risk they're taking, which seems like a big risk.

All things considered, I think it will work out for me. Adobe has always delivered, so I have no cause for concern. Will it end in disaster? If yes, so what? My office could burn down, I might meet with an accident, or my clients might stop answering my calls. There are bigger problems in life than software.

I'll definitely post my experiences in the coming months. Expect a lot of twists and turns. I am.
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Old May 8th, 2013, 09:52 PM   #59
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

I think that in a week from now, when the shock has worn off, a lot of people are going to have second thoughts and sign up. Unless I am missing something, I am pretty sure I'll give the discounted first year a try.

Every so often I have to use Photoshop CS4 on a buddy's laptop. I hate it! In fact I hate having to cope with ACR6 and Photoshop CS5. I'm using Photoshop as meter here, because I still know it a lot better than Premiere Pro, and way better than After Effects, but I must have saved countless hours with some of the cool new tools from the last two or three upgrades. I just asked in a DPReview discussion how long it takes to earn $600 (the cost of the CC for a year) Surely most people could do that in a day?
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Old May 9th, 2013, 09:56 AM   #60
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Re: It's not Creative Suite anymore... news from Adobe

I wonder if cameras could ever do this. I mean, implement some firmware into the camera so
that it quits working if you don't pay your monthly fee. Then they could price it at say $500 a month.
I mean you have to upgrade your camera every year anyways when a new one comes out right?
This way, you could get all the new improvements that the new model has, without now feeling
that your camera is obsolete. Maybe Red could try and implement something like this to
truly make their motto true, once and for all.....
(Yes people, I am kidding).
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