strange happenings with CS5.5 at
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 03:52 PM   #1
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strange happenings with CS5.5

I haven't been on 5.5 for that long (I had upgraded to avoid some issues), but I'm finding some strange things going on.

Strange thing No. 1:

Almost every time I open a project, it wants to reconform the audio. On a small project, this is a small hinderance, but on a project with a TB or more of data, this becomes a pretty massive thorn in my side. I have waveforms on all my audio. Why does it need to redo this?

strange thing No. 2

I have added a Matrox Mojito Max to my rig. When I'm using the matrox playback engine, everything seems to be fine. However, I do the occasional small gig where I just need to quickly open a file, top and tail it, drop in new audio and a title and render. I don't use the extra monitor and such on those as I just don't need it. I've tried running under the adobe engine, but playback stops when I do that... I have similar issues when trying to render video that isn't using the Matrox for rendering- it will do it, but I've had to wait ass much as a minute to choose a simple MPEG2 DVD output. Anybody know of ways to avoid these issues?


Benjamin Maas • Fifth Circle Audio • Signal Hill, CA
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 04:05 PM   #2
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Re: strange happenings with CS5.5

Have you got the latest build installed?
Open Premiere while holding shift+alt until welcome screen also
trash your Media Cash.
See if that will help.
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Old May 4th, 2012, 08:03 AM   #3
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Re: strange happenings with CS5.5

Hi Ben,

To fix the slowness in choosing AME formats, follow these directions from Matrox -

If you find that switching the export format in the Export Settings dialog
box sometimes takes a long time, such as when you switch from Microsoft
AVI to MPEG2-DVD, rename the SurCodeWrapper.vca file on your system
(for example, rename the file to SurCodeWrapper.vca.bak). This file is
usually installed by Adobe Premiere Pro in the following folders:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5\MediaIO\codecs\

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CS5\MediaIO\codecs\

Next, if you find that editing is faster, why not use a Matrox Sequence all the time? Even if you don't need the external monitor, it takes the same amount of time to open a new Matrox Sequence as it does an Adobe Native one...Matrox accelerates many functions of Premiere, just use it all the time.

A benefit of running in a Matrox sequence is that any segments you render use the Matrox MPEG-2 I-Frame codec, very high quality.

As for the Conforming issue, that is not common. Verify you have CS5.5.2 update and are using the Matrox driver, and check where the Scratch disks and Cache files are going.


Jeff Pulera
Safe Harbor Computers

Originally Posted by Benjamin Maas View Post
I haven't been on 5.5 for that long (I had upgraded to avoid some issues), but I'm finding some strange things going on.

Strange thing No. 1:

Almost every time I open a project, it wants to reconform the audio. On a small project, this is a small hinderance, but on a project with a TB or more of data, this becomes a pretty massive thorn in my side. I have waveforms on all my audio. Why does it need to redo this?

strange thing No. 2

I have added a Matrox Mojito Max to my rig. When I'm using the matrox playback engine, everything seems to be fine. However, I do the occasional small gig where I just need to quickly open a file, top and tail it, drop in new audio and a title and render. I don't use the extra monitor and such on those as I just don't need it. I've tried running under the adobe engine, but playback stops when I do that... I have similar issues when trying to render video that isn't using the Matrox for rendering- it will do it, but I've had to wait ass much as a minute to choose a simple MPEG2 DVD output. Anybody know of ways to avoid these issues?


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Old May 4th, 2012, 11:26 AM   #4
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Re: strange happenings with CS5.5


I'll look at where things are caching... I am indeed on the most recent version so that is covered.

The big issue with the non-matrox timelines is when i'm opening old projects. I get clients that come back after a period of time and want projects changed just enough that I need to re-render the video. Becomes a bit of a pain when I need to copy everything over to a new Sequence so that I can do basic work.

It isn't just a matter of speed of working, the sequence literally does not play at all unless I have it on a Matrox timeline.

I'll also check out the Matrox MPEG2 codec. I haven't had the card long enough to check out all the different options with it.

Benjamin Maas • Fifth Circle Audio • Signal Hill, CA
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