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Old February 16th, 2012, 02:15 PM   #1
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CS5 Premiere crash on import

I've had CS5 for a year or so. Recently I've had problems with a crash EVERY time I tried to import anything, video or still images. It would crash causing me to retart the Premiere and try again, same thing.

So when CS5.5 came out I thought to upgrade, do an entire new install. Still have the same issue.

I also have Matrox MX-02 with Max. Full upgrade to match CS5.5

What patch do I need or where or who can get the fix?

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Old February 16th, 2012, 03:07 PM   #2
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Re: CS5 Premiere crash on import

Try removing everything Matrox. That seems to help solve a lot of problems.
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Old February 17th, 2012, 12:17 AM   #3
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Re: CS5 Premiere crash on import

I have an MXO2mini which I've been using with PPro for several years on a PC. It has worked pretty well for me but some folks do have issues.

So first question: are you working on a PC or a Mac? If you are on a Mac, I do not know enough to be helpful, but probably some of the following will also apply.

If you are on a PC, the fact that problems started recently points to software corruptions of some kind. Chief suspect is a recent software upgrade. So, the second question is which version of MatroxMaxUtils are you using? Are you using the one for PPro CS 5.5 or, maybe, you accidentally downloaded the version for Avid Media Composer, instead?

Another question: what project settings are you using? If you have been using projects with Matrox timeline presets, have you tried a non-Matrox preset (and set your playback to use the Adobe engine)?

The fact that your computer started crashing recently also suggests the possibility of a problem with PPro. Can you open an existing project? If so, try deleting all the render files and clean up the media cache. My experience is that an overly full media cache can cause all kinds of problems.

If that does not help, the next step is to follow Harm's suggestion of removing the all Matrox stuff and trying a test. By "removing," I mean removing both the software and the hardware followed by a clean reboot.

If that does not avoid the crashes, you may have a corrupt installation of PPro (for which you would need to try reinstalling) or you may have computer hardware problems (maybe some failed RAM or a CPU that is heading for failure.) Also, just to be clear, you are not running PPro on a system with a single hard drive that is used for the OS, applications files and your media files, are you? Doing that can produce problems for CS5 and 5.5. I assume you are not doing that, but I just wanted to be clear about it.

So, if your problems go away after removing the Matrox card and software, your problem might be that you overlooked the Matrox manual's somewhat obscure instruction to install the board and software only after your PPro version is fully installed, Going from 5 to 5.5 is treated as a full version upgrade and that requires removal and reinstallation of the Matrox stuff. So, try the unisntall routine and see if it works. If you contact Matrox support (on-line or by pone) they'll probably tell you to take these steps, too.
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Old February 17th, 2012, 09:00 PM   #4
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Re: CS5 Premiere crash on import

Make sure that you've installed the latest updates:
updates for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Adobe Media Encoder CS5 & CS5.5 Premiere Pro work area

They fix a lot of problems.
Todd Kopriva, Adobe Systems Incorporated
After Effects quality engineer
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Old February 18th, 2012, 10:43 AM   #5
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Re: CS5 Premiere crash on import


Another thought occurred to me.

First, I just re-read you post and realized that you only said MXO2. The full MXO2 is only for Macs. Sometimes, however, we forget to put the "mini" in the name.

So, if you have a "Mini" and are using a PC, it occurred to me that your problem might be a corrupt Windows Update. This comes from something that happened to me about a year and half ago.

What happened to me was similar to your problem. As in your case, things had been fine until they suddenly were not. In my case, the crashing happened not when I imported files --- I was able to do that without problems ---- but rather when I dropped them onto a timeline. This happened right after a Windows Update. (Many people leave it on auto but I try to do periodic checks so it does not interfere with my editing. On my old system, it had a nasty habit of restoring itself to auto status and downloading tons of junk for MS applications I do not have on the system) Anyway, the problem disappeared when I did a system restore to a point a couple of days back. It did not recur when I manually re-dowloaded the update later, and that is why I suspect the previous download was corrupt.

If you can remember the date when your PPro started crashing, try doing a System Restore back to the day before. Your ability to do this will depend on whether you have any system restore points (some people turn this windows function off) and also on how long this problem has been going on. If it has been too long, the old restore points may have been replaced with newer ones.

The updates to CS 5.5 and the MXO2 Mini software will complicate this. You probably will have to uninstall and then reinstall before anything will work. I would reinstall PPro and see if it works. If it does, then reinstall the Matrox stuff.
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Old February 18th, 2012, 05:49 PM   #6
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Re: CS5 Premiere crash on import

Because the problem occurs with both CS5 & 5.5 and the problem suddenly started, I would look at the Media Cache drive which might be full and would cause the mentioned problem.

If not the MC drive, I also agree 100% to remove all Matrox software and hardware and begin testing. I am one of those users Jay refers to who had problems with the MXO2 Mini, and it has been collecting dust on the shelf for the last 2+ years. I only use it to record news segments from a DVR and I have a separate hard drive with a 2nd installation of Windows 7 and Matrox software; so, I can keep Matrox's software far away from my everyday work.
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