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Old June 24th, 2011, 11:09 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Coeur D'Alene , Idaho
Posts: 7
Premiere "where is the file xxxxx"

I7 720/9 GB RAM
CS5 latest updates
GTX 260 latest updates
Files are on an 1TB G-TECH external HDD.(which is half full)
.m2ts/.mts .psd
I am editing as avchd

Started a new project of a car show I shot, trouble started when I had about 12 min. timeline length.
"where is the file xxxx" appears when I reopen or if I browse to anywhere else.
Also loading much slower, as in alot slower. On load CPU is idle but RAM is nearly maxed out.
Once its loaded and if I dont go anywhere else it performs like it always has.
Is my External HDD crapping out?
I have more trouble shooting to do, cut it into smaller sequences, move files off the G-TECH, etc..
I dont want to but may have to start over with CINEFORM .avi files.
Any Suggestions?
Woody Wright is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 24th, 2011, 11:46 AM   #2
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Re: Premiere "where is the file xxxxx"

RAM maxed out at startup is typical if you have a lot of footage (it's the number of files that counts, not the total time) and/or a lot of cuts, effects and rendered files. Try deleting render files, it might make a small difference (Premiere indexes all rendered files it ever did for a project). 12 minutes should not be much of a problem, unless you have like 1200 cuts in it.

To test your external drive, copy the media to a different place and see if the problem persists, it might be a possibility. Are your project and render files on the drive as well?

Also, when you switch to a different application or window and back, Premiere needs to do a quick scan if all the media and render files are still in place - the more of them, and the slower the harddrive or the connection, the longer it takes to switch back. USB drives are especially bad at it.

Hope it helps a little bit.
Creative Impatience - The Solace of Simple Solutions. A few useful plugins for Adobe users, and my remarks on the tools and the craft in general.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 01:51 PM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Coeur D'Alene , Idaho
Posts: 7
Re: Premiere "where is the file xxxxx"

Thanks Bart, Moving files to another Hdd and doing some clean up. Thanks for your response. As far as the "where is the file" error I have only seen this before when I moved or deleted a file, so I gather from your post the external drive isnt keeping up. So this probably wont be helped by converting to Cineform .avi.
Woody Wright is offline   Reply

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