Export from Premiere to After FX at DVinfo.net
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Old July 23rd, 2010, 07:49 PM   #1
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Export from Premiere to After FX

How do I export small clips from the Premiere time line to After FX then back again in CS5? I read a tutorial but it was kind of old and didnt work.
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Old July 23rd, 2010, 10:03 PM   #2
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You have a bunch of options:

From PPro to AE:
1. Copy the clips in PPro, and then paste them into a Comp timeline in AE.

2. In AE "Import > Premiere Pro Sequence". It will come in as a new AE comp, and you can edit the whole sequence from there.

3. In AE "Import > Dynamic link > Select a PPro sequence". This method imports the PPro sequence and puts it as a single layer in a Comp. You can make changes to the edits in PPro and then when you go back to AE, you'll see those changes reflected in that dynamically linked layer.

4. Export a file from PPro and then import it into AE

From AE back to PPro:
1. Export the Comp to uncompressed video, or an image sequence, and import the rendered file into PPro. Put it in a new layer above the original footage.

2. Import, via Dynamic link, the AE comp. You will be able to see a low resolution preview of your AE work, and when you are ready to export a final video you can hit "enter" to render the AE comp inside premiere.

Beware though. In CS4, which I am still using, you can only really get away with importing one Dynamic link AE comp per project. If you import more than one, PPro gets confused with file paths and randomly assigning AE comps to different dynamic linked files.
Also, playback and stability aren't really at the level you need to be able to edit smoothly.
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Old July 24th, 2010, 01:23 PM   #3
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thanks! I will definitely give these options a try and see what one works best for me!

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