How to make Premiere CS5 work with GTX 295 and possibly all 200 GPUs - Page 2 at
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 08:36 AM   #16
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mmm.. its reading o.k. in the device manager but I dont know about the drivers. maybe because its not a GTX? Its a GTS-250 with a gig of memory.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 11:06 AM   #17
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Latest drivers are GeForce GTS 250
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:34 PM   #18
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just to be clear about something here

CUDA does NOT doing anything for your codec decompression - its handling geometrics, scaling, pos, rotation, composite mode ( hidden under opacity twirl down, thats new :) ) and any CUDA supported fx & transitions.

static images like titles too being composited over what ever is below or above.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:51 PM   #19
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I gotta a performance question, I went ahead and bought it but im a little disapointed as of yet (after playing for 10 min.) With CS4 I when I edited in a Black magic timeline it would scrub o.k. and do some dissolves o.k. but when I put in a push or something it would drop frames. I thought CS5 would do better with that even without acceleration because its 64bit and I now have a i-7 quad core but it still drops frames on slides and pushes. Is that normal?BTW I edit native AVCHD I dont convert to any other CODECs. Is this one those things that a supported card will fix?
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 01:04 PM   #20
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AVCHD is very CPU intensive. I assume you are working on a TL that matches your clips ? yes ? push and slide are not CUDA FX.... for now. what more important is how much RAM is in the machine. 4G would be very bare bones, 12-16G would be better. all 64bit means is that you can now use all the RAM in the machine, its not some magic accelerator feature.... well up to the point of where you use real RAM instead of swapping out to VM as you would with a 32bit app. in those cases, 64bit can indeed improve perofrmance provided your hardware is up to the job.

also are you using a blessed CUDA setup ? or a hacked one ?
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 01:32 PM   #21
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o.k. I should have done this to start with. BTW thank you all for your help I have been having bad luck lately getting friendly help. My system specs are:
i-7 quad 920
6 gigs of memory
Gigabyte MB
Currently I am not using CUDA I am trying to see if its worth it for me to buy a CUDA card. I do weddings my needs are minor compared to some of the more intensive editors on this forum. I just need like to streams of AVCHD and 1 to 2 second transistions to be RT and smooth. I use a BM instensity pro card when I pick the BM preset the only red line I get is over the transistion not the video.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 03:04 PM   #22
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you should be ok with that setup unless something is reall wrong with it. does BIOS see the RAM at its rated speed ? sometimes BIOS will down clock your RAM for whatever reason, but lets assume you are OK here. we'll also assume you have OK drive speed / aren't too fragments / ect.

the only way to try CUDA is to have a certfied card, or borrow one. seems like 1G of VRAM on the card is a given. I'd wait a month or two and see if adobe offers more certs for the newer cards.

as for using the BM drivers, try creating a TL that based on non-BM settings - like one of the DSLR presets that matches your camera. I'm suggesting taking the BM card out of the mix to see how that works. if you are good - no dropped frames, ect then the BM drivers / card are the problem. try it an see

as for CUDA, yes you will get RED bar transitions right now for sure, but they should still play, just not at full res / frame rate. with CUDA, you have to pick CUDA transitions ( which is problably most of what you need right now ) and they should all be yellow.

I'll also assume you don't have anything like a web browser with flash content running in the background as these can really eat CPU cycles. AE & PS seem ok, but other apps may get in the way. also any antivirus apps can be a problem with disk I/O, so turn them off

another thing with CUDA. Adobe chose to certify only a handful of cards for a reason - to be sure they work. those cards got a lot of testing to be sure they would deliver what was promised rather then having a looser spec where some cards would work better then others. its not so black and white with video cards - they can all have weird quirks with timing & I/O where the specs say they should work, but in reality, they offer limited performance because of these reasons.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 03:11 PM   #23
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Thanks Steve, FYI My bios do downscale my ram speed to 1024 it is seeing all the ram. this is the performance I have always gotten, with my old system (a older quad core and CS4 as well as my even older core2 duo) I just thought that going to the i-7 and CS5 which from what ive read is supposed to be faster even without a CUDA card that I would have a smoother playback.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 07:23 PM   #24
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I have a GTX275, with 1792 MB video RAM on it (non reference, but no apparent advantage to the extra video RAM that I could see, while monitoring RT with the software Everest). With the so called CUDA "hack", GPUSniffer shows that it's MPE capable and when I turn CUDA on, the CPUs do a lot less work (mostly decoding, I'm guessing) during previewing. Unlike a few other people's experience, PPro has not crashed on me yet. My experience with Vegas 32 vs 64 bit is that 64 bit software is generally much more stable, because of the larger amount of physical RAM available.

BTW, here's something that I posted on another forum, with regard to the term "not supported":

Software vendors use the term "not supported" very loosely. It could mean that the video card won't work at all with the software. Next, it could mean that it might work somewhat with the software, but not optimally. Lastly, it could mean that the video card will work optimally, but the software vendor won't guarantee that it will and won't provide any technical support to you, if it doesn't work properly. Now some software vendors even put a check in their software to look in the Windows registry (or interrogate the video card directly) to see what device ID it reports. The vendor can block usage of hardware that they don't want being used with their software. As some of you know, users have gone to great lengths to tweak nVidia consumer cards to make them appear to the OS as being a Quadro card. nVidia has fought back recently against this "piracy" and has pretty much blocked that type of hacking, except on older model 8xxx and 9xxx series cards.
Jay Bloomfield is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 2nd, 2010, 11:22 PM   #25
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o.k. thanks to David I got the latest drivers and now this is what I get.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\edit 2>"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5\GPUSniffer.exe"
Device: 0000000000660928 has video RAM(MB): 1024
Vendor string: Microsoft Corporation
Renderer string: GDI Generic
Version string: 1.1.0

OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 1.1
DOES NOT support shaders!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7

C:\Users\edit 2>"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5\GPUSniffer.exe"
Device: 00000000002A0978 has video RAM(MB): 1024
Vendor string: Microsoft Corporation
Renderer string: GDI Generic
Version string: 1.1.0

OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 1.1
DOES NOT support shaders!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7

C:\Users\edit 2>
Randy Johnson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 3rd, 2010, 12:13 AM   #26
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seems you got an onboard graphic chip or a driver (remote control ? screen capture ?) that emulate a display adapter.
it is strange it does not see the real adapter (if you really got one !).
Giroud Francois is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 3rd, 2010, 01:17 AM   #27
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Figuring I had nothing to loose I CUDA ’enabled’ my Asus G51Jx-A1 i7 notebook with a GTS 360M GeForce GPU 1GB GDDR5 (rated 1.2) nVidia 197.16.

Wow. Easily handles 3 layers of EX 1920/24p and multiple effects. With the Matrox MXO2 mini pumping full res out to an HD monitor this is field editing! Of course there my be glitches because the notebook card was not certified by Adobe, but my feeling is that I can at lest experiment and take advantage of what works.
David Cherniack is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 3rd, 2010, 02:33 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Randy Johnson View Post
o.k. thanks to David I got the latest drivers and now this is what I get.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\edit 2>"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5\GPUSniffer.exe"
Device: 0000000000660928 has video RAM(MB): 1024
Vendor string: Microsoft Corporation
Renderer string: GDI Generic
Version string: 1.1.0

OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 1.1
DOES NOT support shaders!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7

C:\Users\edit 2>"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5\GPUSniffer.exe"
Device: 00000000002A0978 has video RAM(MB): 1024
Vendor string: Microsoft Corporation
Renderer string: GDI Generic
Version string: 1.1.0

OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 1.1
DOES NOT support shaders!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Use basic OpenGL (aka CPU mode) only!
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7

C:\Users\edit 2>
For some reason its not reading the details of your card - Not sure why that is though.

GeForce GTS 250

It should be reading OpenGL 3
David Dwyer is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 3rd, 2010, 05:03 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by David Cherniack View Post
Figuring I had nothing to loose I CUDA ’enabled’ my Asus G51Jx-A1 i7 notebook with a GTS 360M GeForce GPU 1GB GDDR5 (rated 1.2) nVidia 197.16.

Wow. Easily handles 3 layers of EX 1920/24p and multiple effects. With the Matrox MXO2 mini pumping full res out to an HD monitor this is field editing! Of course there my be glitches because the notebook card was not certified by Adobe, but my feeling is that I can at lest experiment and take advantage of what works.
David, just wondering do the Matrox MX02 drivers for CS4 work with CS5? I did not see that Matrox had released new drivers yet?
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Old May 3rd, 2010, 07:14 AM   #30
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o.k. for some reason I am having trouble copying from the cmd window BUT yes its showing now. I got the hack to work! but I guess the bad news is it actually is slower in CUDA mode ie a dissolve is a CUDA transistion which can be done easilly in RT in software mode BUT it chokes in CUDA mode. So I guess one of 2 things is happening 1. The hack is'nt really taking advantage of the card even if its unlocked or 2. maybe anything from my card back is actually slower than CPU. BTW when I play 1 stream of AVCHD my cpus are working at about %30 sometimes they spike to %80 when I hit play.
Randy Johnson is offline   Reply

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