Can I copy/paste from one timeline to the other? at
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Old March 19th, 2010, 09:52 AM   #1
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Can I copy/paste from one timeline to the other?

I just finished editing a music video for a client. The original footage was shot 24F, but somehow I managed to capture into and completely edit in a 29.97 timeline. Is it as simple as copying the timeline and pasting into the correct one?

Does timecode even matter in this case? Seems to me like 24fps in a 29.97fps timeline would speed up my footage progressively throughout...silly silly mistake. What do I do?

Sorry I know I can test this for myself when I get to the studio, but for the next four hours I'm stuck at my 9-5 and this is bothering me.


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Old March 19th, 2010, 09:54 AM   #2
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Just nest your existing sequence in a new 24 sequence. Nesting works better than copy/paste.
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Old March 19th, 2010, 10:11 AM   #3
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Harm, thankyou for the prompt response. This was really getting to me!

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Old March 19th, 2010, 10:31 AM   #4
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Hang on.!!!

I just noticed 24F, not 24P.

So I assume you used a Canon A1/G1/H1 in F mode for shooting, right?

Being tape based cameras that can not change their tape speed, all 24F material is still wrapped in a 29.97 format, so you should not modify your sequence. Keep it in this wrapper.
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Old March 19th, 2010, 11:58 AM   #5
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Harm is correct, but I'm not sure I understand what the issue is for you and specifically why you think there might be a problem with timecode when having shot in 24F but edited in 29.97i.

When you finished editing, did the music video play properly from the timeline? If it played from the timeline, you shouldn't have any problems in exporting it to any of the common delivery formats.

At the risk of gross oversimplification, timecode only keeps track of frames. When you mix footage on a CS4/CS3 timeline, frames get interpolated, added, subtracted or adjusted to match your project setting. In other words, 24F footage does not play faster when you put it in a 29.97 NTSC Premiere CS3/4 project. I regularly do multi-camera shoots of concert and recital videos as well as wedding videos. Virtually everything I deliver is edited in CS4 and coded to 60i/29.97 widescreen AC3 stereo for DVD delivery. (I often use Cineform NeoHD, but not always). I've played around with F mode from my Canon XH-A1 and acccidentally shot concerts in it a couple of times when I forgot to reset that camera before going off to the gig. Also, sometimes when the scene is dark, I've also deliberately switched some cameras over to 30p and 24p for better low light imaging. I've never had any problems mixing the F and P video from the XH-A1 with "i" video from, say, my Sony FX1000, even where timing issues might be critical (say, in a close-up of the first violinist in a string quartet where discrepancies between bowing and sound would be very noticeable to the violinist.)

So, just check your video when you get home. If it plays properly from the timeline, you are okay. If it does not, you've got issues unrelated to 24F timecode.
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Old March 19th, 2010, 12:52 PM   #6
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Harm and Jay thankyou for your responses.

Yes, I shoot with the XHA1. Thankyou for clarifying. I haven't sat down for a review start to finish, but as I was editing each section, the words did line up.

I will keep it how it is. Good to know I didn't mess up as bad as I thought. I actually didn't know about the wrapper...interesting.

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Old March 28th, 2010, 01:55 PM   #7
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Your original question may be moot now but the answer is, yes, you can copy from one timeline and paste into another one. Just highlight everything in the timeline you've edited and copy that. Open a new project with the settings you want, click in the timeline and then paste.

This issue came up for me when I had a project I had edited in SD that I wanted to make HD.
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