VOB to AVI won't play in PPro at DVinfo.net
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Old October 18th, 2009, 08:20 AM   #1
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VOB to AVI won't play in PPro

I have a short film on DVD. I converted the VOB file to AVI using AutoGK, and if I double click the resulting AVI file, it will open and play in windows media player.

But if I import it into PPro, it doesn't play - the time seems to be compressed. the audio plays for a few seconds then skips ahead, and the video skips ahead even faster.

I'm not sure how to approach this because I'm not really sure what's happening.

I imported it into AE, and I'm attempting to render it out as an AVI file - but it's saying it will take 10 hours for a 20 minute film.

any ideas?

Don't know what camera this was originally shot on
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Old October 18th, 2009, 08:58 AM   #2
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I suspect that something went wonky in the conversion to avi. I have had avi files play in the WMP that PP didn't like. Try the conversion again and double check your settings using the conversion tool you used before. If the same thing happens try another tool. I've had good results using Nero 9. It generates a dead vanilla avi file that I can use successfully in PP.
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Old October 18th, 2009, 10:37 AM   #3
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thanks for the reply. I found some freeware called Handbrake that's open-source VOB to AVI converter. I'll give that a try.

And it looks like AE is able to convert whatever format the AVI file is into "standard" AVI that WILL play in PPro.
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Old October 18th, 2009, 02:26 PM   #4
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Why not renaming the ".vob" file to ".mpg" and then import it into premiere?
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Old October 18th, 2009, 08:55 PM   #5
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"Why not renaming the ".vob" file to ".mpg" and then import it into premiere?"

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Old October 18th, 2009, 10:06 PM   #6
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Might be a codec problem...if renaming the vob doesn't work, you might try (freeware) mpegStreamclip from Squared5.com...much handier than handbrake, it has image preview and a number of excellent conversion features for vob files...I think renaming the vob will get you video but won't (iirc) convert the demuxed audio file and remux them into one file that you can edit....away from my stuff at the moment, or I would have checked this out before posting..../ Battle Vaughan

(Later) (revised) Renamed vob to mpeg worked ok. Conversions to avi and dv stream made in mpegStreamclip play back perfectly in VLC, in streamclip, etc. But when I put any of them .... vob, avi or dv ... on the PPro timeline they play back as you describe above...audio is right rate but skips, the video seems to be double speed....

(Still later) Duh, in my haste, I didn't render the files. The vob and dv files play properly on the timeline when rendered. The avi (apple pjpeg codec, default, there are numerous other choices in mpegstreamclip which I will try another time) still plays at double speed when rendered....so, try rendering the vob on the timeline and see..../bv

Last edited by Battle Vaughan; October 18th, 2009 at 11:08 PM. Reason: addendum, revise to simplify
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Old October 19th, 2009, 07:18 AM   #7
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I renamed VOB to MPG, which worked for the video but not the audio.

I tried Handbrake - but it gave me some video distortion.

so I'll try mpegStreamclip, just to see if it does the job. The first version that I imported into AE and re-rendered out as an AVI file plays fine.


The MPEG_streamclip progam asks me to uninstall Quicktime and install Quicktime Alternative 1.81. I see there are many more recent versions of Quicktime Alternative - why wouldn't I want to install the latest version rather than 1.81?
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Old October 19th, 2009, 12:17 PM   #8
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You can use Quicktime from Apple, but you have to buy the mpeg decoder separately. The alternative Quicktime app is only compatable with mpegStreamclip with ver. 1.81, the later versions apparently aren't, copy from their site:

"Apple QuickTime 7 is the official distribution of QuickTime. This free installer is recommended, however it is a very large file (more than 20 MB without iTunes) and it does not include MPEG-2 decoding (you have to buy the MPEG-2 playback component separately from Apple, for $19.99).

KL QuickTime Alternative is a free unofficial distribution of QuickTime. It has a quite smaller installer (less than 15 MB) and includes MPEG-2 decoding in the "Additional plugins". When you install it, be sure to enable the checkbox "Additional plugins", otherwise the MPEG-2 decoder will not be installed. You can choose either the full or the lite version.


Funny, and to my suprise, the vob file played with audio in PPro CCS4 just fine; and worked also when renamed to mpeg. I have had occasions where a vob file wouldn't bring the audio with it; it happened to work with the file I had on hand, I guess.

The avi file I made in mpegstrclp did the odd-fast-video thing....must be a codec thing. /bv
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Old October 19th, 2009, 02:04 PM   #9
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There is a hack to get Premiere Pro to see the audio from the vob renamed to mpg. I don't have it in front of me right now, but you take the ad2ac3dec.dll and copy it from Encore into the Premiere folder. Basically it allows Premiere to see the dolby digital audio file. The only problem you may find for something that is long format, is some frames dropped between vob connections.
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Old October 19th, 2009, 08:12 PM   #10
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I've never had any sound problems changing extension from .vob to .mpg in PPCS4. That's odd.

The hack that David mentions is a fix originally meant for CS3. I don't think it will work on CS4, at least it didn't on our machines at work.
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