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Old December 12th, 2003, 04:46 PM   #856
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Unfortunately my camera doesn't have de-interlace. Do I need to do that before I use any of these plug-ins (sry I've never played with this stuff before). Also, will it look choppy on the computer when I play it back, because thats how one thing turned out after I finished it, I haven't tried watching it on a TV yet...haven't had a chance to dump it to tape yet.
Tim Frank is offline  
Old December 12th, 2003, 11:26 PM   #857
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If your camera doesn't shoot 24p (which it doesn't) then the best solution is to shoot 60i and use special software to convert it to 24fps.

Shooting progressive gets you close to the film motion look. You have 30p compared to 24p.

Frankly, I can rarely tell the difference between material shot on film or on video. I stopped trying to tell the difference. Hollywood movies on TV have lots of motion blur which looks like realistic motion to me.

I'd be more concerned about making video look good. You can remove the "halos" around edges by turning sharpening down (sharpening is characteristic of video). Try to avoid highlights. Before digital clipping occurs one of the colors will not have clipped yet.

If you want to make your movie look closer to a Hollywood production, try to improve your production values. This overall "film look" in my opinion is a better use of time than trying to make video look like it was shot on film.
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Old December 13th, 2003, 09:11 AM   #858
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Glenn Chan Wrote: " Film motion: Duplicate the movie onto itself, de-interlace the superimposed movie, and set opacity between 30% and 70% depending on how strong you want the effect to be."

I totally agree with you Glenn, however I have even tried doing the above the following way with also great results...

Duplicate the movie onto itself, de-interlace the bottom movie, de-interlace the top movie (with it's field order reversed), and set the opacity of the top movie to around 30% (or so).

Both ways preserve relsolution as opposed to a simple deinterlace by itself, where you loose half the resolution just like that.

Obviously other factors that have been mentioned come into play... but this is mainly for the simulation of "film motion" on video.

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Old December 13th, 2003, 10:28 AM   #859
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Thanks for all your help!!! One other question, when I set it to deinterlace in the settings in Premiere Pro, does it automatically do that when I export? I'm asking only because I don't se any other ways to say "deinterlace" and it will start doing it other than exporting. I tried exporting a small clip but didn't notice a huge difference at all, could just have been the type of video it was in the first place though.
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Old December 13th, 2003, 10:36 AM   #860
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Old December 13th, 2003, 10:56 AM   #861
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Every single time I copy a Plug-in over to Premiere Pro's Plug-in folder I get an error upon opening Premiere that it can't associate some file with ****.DLL. Its different every time but I can't get a single plug-in to go over to that directory and sucessfully open Premiere, Any ideas why?????
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Old December 13th, 2003, 12:11 PM   #862
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Deinterlace setting in Premiere


I haven't used Premiere Pro, (I use Premiere v6.01) but in my version when I deinterlace a video in the timeline it has to be rendered and thus it should then play deinterlaced within the timeline. If you don't render the video and just export it it will do it during the export.

Yes there is a setting in the export box for deinterlace, but I would do it all in the timeline as you get to see what it looks like when editing, and adding effects and etc.

To deinterlace in the timeline in Premiere v6, you right click on the video and go to Video Options/Frame Hold/ then tick "Deinterlace" or you can do it in Video Options/Field Options/ then tick "Always Deinterlace" or "Flickler Removal" which blends fields together.

Just experiment a bit and get the look you need.

Jack Robertson is offline  
Old December 16th, 2003, 02:21 PM   #863
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Premiere Pro interlacing


I'm having to patch up a quicktime DV project originally out put from Final Cut. I have a demo reel which has some clips pulled from vhs. I just needed to replace the company name in the beginning and end. That is all done and it looks fine when i play it out to TV.
Now, when i encode it for DVD using the media encoder, the clips that came from VHS have an interlacing problem. It's not reversed fields. It looks like the video was scaled horizontally and the interlacing becomes visible. One line every four lines. All the other clips look fine. They are progressive CG animations.
I tried outputting a progressive mpeg, but it looks the same.
Like i said, the preview looks fine.

any ideas?

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Old December 16th, 2003, 05:38 PM   #864
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Feedback on Premiere

I'm currently editing the senior video from my school, and it seems that no matter what footage I'm capturing, I get this strange feedback. Its not like sqeaky mic feedback, its like this undulating noise. Like a drum beating, only electric. Its really hard to describe. Imagine a space ship, and think of the sound they would make, and its similar I guess. I thought it might be the firewire cable , so I bought a $30 monster firewire cable, and it still seems to be doing it. I also thought it might be the camera's mic, so I tried my XL1, and my partner's GL1, and then a shotgun mic on my partner's GL1, and it STILL does it. I'm not sure if its just my computer or not, but has anybody else had this problem?
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Old December 16th, 2003, 07:44 PM   #865
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I get little 'pops' in the audio while I capture but it's not on the clip when I play it back after it's captured.
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Old December 16th, 2003, 07:47 PM   #866
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This is a bit more than pops...its like major echoing pops. I'll see if it shows up on the clip when I capture.
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Old December 16th, 2003, 08:02 PM   #867
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Clipping in Premiere

Anyone have a problem with Premiere 7 (didn't have this problem in 6.5) where, when previewing, the audio is fine, but after exporting to a movie, the audio clips.

What makes it really strange is if i export to a wav file using the same audio settings, i don't get any clipping (just like when i preview in premiere)....

what's the deal!?
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Old December 17th, 2003, 11:31 AM   #868
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Premiere 6 bluescreen issues

I am making a video where the background is set in a car and the bluescreen effect is a hand. I want the hand black and white, and the background color. Everytime i try to render the effect with b/w or some other color settings, the effect no longer shows. Anyone know how to get around this?
Solutions for a small planet.
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Old December 17th, 2003, 11:39 AM   #869
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So...the bluescreen key doesn't work b/c you've now made the image Black and White, so now there's no blue in the scene at all, correct?

Possibly try the Color Pass video effect (included w/ Premiere 6, IIRC) -- this effect will make everything B&W, except for the one color you choose. Typically, you'll find it used to have, say, a child with a red balloon -- everything but the red balloon will be B&W. I assume you could try and use it to maintain a bluescreen as well.

If that doesn't work, try using the Chroma Key color picker to choose the background color (now probably a light grey instead of blue) -- use the sliders to adjust as necessary.
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Old December 17th, 2003, 12:38 PM   #870
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You can also try using a track matte. If you don't know how to do that, email me at and I'll explain. I use track mattes alot for this type of effect.

Mark Jefferson
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