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Old November 16th, 2003, 05:59 AM   #766
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Upgrading to Storm 2 and Premiere Pro

Hey guys, for the past year or so I have been using Premiere 6.0 and the Canopus DVStorm 1.5. Premiere seems to do everything I need it to and I like the capablities of the Storm so I thought I'd upgrade to PP and possibly the Storm 2.

Now, I'm confused as to how I should go about this. I'm in the middle of editing a project right now so I'll probably have to wait, but do I need to upgrade the Canopus Storm or will my 1.5 version work with Premiere Pro? Lets say PP doesn't work with Storm 2, and I decide not to get the Storm 2, will I have to go out and get a generic firewire card for capture then? Or will I still be able to use my Storm breakout box to capture?

Is the Storm 2 really even worth it w/ the realtime capabilities and new color correction tools in PP? THe only thing I would seem to miss is the analogue breakout box, which easily allows analogue output as well as preview for my NTSC monitor.

I basically just need some advice on what you guys think I should do in this case. Thanks as always.
Brad Simmons is offline  
Old November 16th, 2003, 04:51 PM   #767
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actually, disregard this post. I have decided not to go with this upgrade and am buying a G5 instead. :)
Brad Simmons is offline  
Old November 17th, 2003, 02:09 PM   #768
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Frame Grabs

Does anyone have any advice/info on frame grabbers?

I've been using Premiere 6 for several years and finally upgraded to Pro. (Actually, I bought the Collection) Unfortunately, I found out that Pro doesn't support my RedHawk Vision plug-in for 6. (Pics 1.1)

Redhawk has a new grabber (although they say it's not a frame grabber) Paparazzi 2 that ships and stays resident on a USB flash drive for about $400 ($100 rebate for Pics 1.1 owners).

I tried the frame export in Premiere Pro, - just hoping. Pics are no where near the resolution of RedHawk.

Just hoping someone had knowledge of other software or maybe something in Pro or AE6 or maybe even Encore that would get me decent stills from DV.


Brad Tyrrell
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Old November 17th, 2003, 03:23 PM   #769
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Premiere Pro?

I've just upgraded to Windowx XP and the new Premiere Pro editing system. (I did have Windows 2000 and Premiere 6.5 with Canopus DVStorm, but gave up as DVStorm doesn't work with Premiere Pro, which seems pretty good on it's own).

My question is, has anyone found a good piece of hardware that does actually work with Premiere Pro (perhaps an accelerator card). Any suggestions or comments would be very welcome!
C.J. Cookson is offline  
Old November 17th, 2003, 05:52 PM   #770
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What's P.P ? Also, what kind of compression did you use for your output AVI file?
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Old November 17th, 2003, 05:54 PM   #771
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adobe premiere pro
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Old November 17th, 2003, 06:38 PM   #772
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Static sounds usually means that you are exceeding 0 dB somewhere in the audio chain and what you are hearing is the effect of having flat-topped waveforms.

Try reducing the volume within PP.
Mike Rehmus
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Old November 17th, 2003, 09:09 PM   #773
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Matrox RTXtreme and Canopus Storm 2 both work with Premiere Pro.
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Old November 17th, 2003, 09:24 PM   #774
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Premiere stablizer

I am told that Premiere has a add -on program called SteadyMove that stablizes the film footage.
My question, Is there any stand alone program that I can buy that does this, without having to buy Premiere Pro???
Thank you
Thanks for your help everyone.
Thomas Fraser is offline  
Old November 17th, 2003, 09:39 PM   #775
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Have you tried this site?:
Jan Roovers
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Old November 18th, 2003, 08:48 PM   #776
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Premiere 6.5 Exporting Options?

Dear all,

I am at the stage of exporting my project as a whole and would like to deinterlace the end product, but have a question...

Do I simply choose the "No Fields" option in the rendering settings or do I have to turn the deinterlace ON in the export settings.... Or can I and do I need to use both settings, what's the difference between the two options, would having both settings cancel each other out? Right now it all seems pretty much the same to me, hope you guys can clear this up for me.

Thanks for your time...


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Old November 19th, 2003, 12:54 AM   #777
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Thanks Adrian,

Thanks Adrian, having just done away with the DVStorm, I'm a bit reluctant to go for a DVStorm2. I was thinking more of a graphics card, though I suppose I would have to go for a dedicated editing card again...
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Old November 19th, 2003, 03:47 PM   #778
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I am having problems exproting with premire 6.0 please help..thanks

I just got a new computer for editing.I has 1gb or ram 2 120 gb hard drives, widows xp pro, and i am curently using premire 6.0 because it is what i use at work for wedding video and everything work fine there.Now my video card has like s-videoinputs and stuff i dont know if this matters but i only use firewire. and it imports fine with no problems at all but when the camera is hookes up for play back as like a moniter or for exporting it has bearly any adio and its all grey with little specs of video if you can help me i'd much appreciate it.if it helps my camera is a sony vx2000 and all of this works at my work so its either the program or the computer..thanks
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Old November 20th, 2003, 08:33 AM   #779
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A couple of things you could consider;

The first one is try connecting with a different firwire cable. Does the camera have to have DV input activated? In Premiere are you editing in DV mode? Have you got the latest Premiere update 6.01 from

Hope this helps.
Jack Robertson is offline  
Old November 20th, 2003, 09:34 AM   #780
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The only importance is the finished quality of the video outputed to the camcorder. What it looks like as it happens is of no real importance. When you export to tape is the finished product O.K.? Run some footage through and see what it looks like when it is done exporting by hooking up to the TV or a monitor and look at the tape.
Kenn Jolemore is offline  
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