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Old February 9th, 2003, 03:10 AM   #61
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Can you provide an example of a known film that includes the effect in question? It may be that you're just perceiving the greater dynamic range of film as the exposure is slowly cut.

You may be able to get a more pleasing result in a video fade-out as an in-camera effect if you can manage a nice slow closure of the iris.
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Old February 9th, 2003, 03:14 AM   #62
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I will try to find a section of a film. I thought that it might be what you said, the greater dymanic range, but then I thought it was a specific effect because it looked so much like one. I will see what I can do about finding the effect. (Would recording a 4 second section of a movie off a DVD on to my cam and then posting it on the web be considered copyright infringment?)

Scott Silverman
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Old February 9th, 2003, 07:30 AM   #63
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What you are looking for is a gradient wipe. You can find it in either Premiere or AE.

I don't use AE very often so I am really rusty. I don't use Premiere all that often either so I am a bit rusty there too. There seems to be at least two gradient wipes in Premiere 6. One is in the QT transitions and looks like just what you want except that it fades from top to bottom not side to side.

The other is the gradient wipe transition which is under the "wipe" group of transitions. The gradient wipe included creates a rather grainy fade on the diagonal - probably not the look that you are going for.

What you need to do is to create your own gradient fading across the screen. To do this go into any graphics program - Photoshop, Paintshop, whatever and create a greyscale image 720x480 pixels with a linear gradient going from white on one side to black on the other.

In Premeire drop in a gradient wipe transition. A gradient wipe dialog box should open. Click on "select image" and choose the gradient you just created. Adjust the softness using the slider bar in the dialog box and you should have what you want.

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Old February 9th, 2003, 11:50 AM   #64
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I've noticed something like what you're talking about in older movies that predate the digital age.. when they do a fade to black, it seems like the bright areas of the picture fade slower than the dark ones. I assumed it was something to do with the film negative itself.
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Old February 10th, 2003, 07:32 AM   #65
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fade to black

The question intrigued me, particularly since experimenting with some advice I read on creating transitions above V1 using gradient mattes and keyframes. I don't know that what I've done comes close to your intent but it does create a fade to black that emphasizes the whiter areas for much longer than the gradient transitions I tried out. If I played more with the percentage options in the transitions I might have got the same thing done more simply - but in any case here's a jpg of the timeline, showing the opacity settings I used on a clip over black video over a white (235) matte.
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Old February 10th, 2003, 12:32 PM   #66
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What Are Some Neat Editing Effects On Premiere?

What are some neat effects for premiere(effects that you do manualy not already created effects)?Thanks
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Old February 10th, 2003, 12:40 PM   #67
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Gradual saturation in Premiere

In premiere how do you have a black and white clip and have the color sort of drain in? ive been trying to learn this effect for weeks.if anyone knows please reply to this with instructions.THANKS!
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Old February 10th, 2003, 01:22 PM   #68
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what are some neat effects in premiere?

What are some neat effects for premiere(effects that you do manualy not already created effects)?Thanks
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Old February 10th, 2003, 01:23 PM   #69
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One way would be to put duplicate clips on track V1A and V2. Change the clip on V2 ro B&W and then fade it. The color on V1A will begin to show through until it is completely color.
Jeff Chandler
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Old February 10th, 2003, 01:55 PM   #70
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Heres a starter for all you people:

this effect makes the person transparent. first of all when you shoot the video the camera needs to be perfectly still on the ground or tripod.first you tape the the shot where the person is going to be with the whole picture in the shot.when the person comes the camera should be in the same exact position as it was when you were shooting the shot without the person.capture the one without the person and the one with the skater put the one without the person on video B and the one with the person on video A or vice versaTHE CLIPS HAVE TO BE THE SAME LENGTH. in between the two clips is the transiton bar.put the transition dissolve on the track and stretch it to the length of the two clips.double click on the transition you put on and put fade in and fade out on 40 then render it. all of this should make the person transparent
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Old February 11th, 2003, 04:53 AM   #71
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I am in computer programming and back in my younger years
also did some graphics programming. Fading can basically be
done in two ways:

1. just fade down the numbers
In this approach you simply process all the pixels and decrease
their values down with your step size (the size of the steps
depent on how fast you want to fade out). This has a side effect
in that darker parts of the image are gone a lot faster than the
highlights. Thus you will see the brighter parts longer.

2. controlled fade
In a controlled fade you will only fade down a color if there isn't
anything brighter left. This has the effect that all the brights
fade down first and more levels will start to fade down the lower
you go and will fade out all at the same time in the end.

Ofcourse you can do some other playing with this and come up
with other approaches, but these two are the basic ones in my

To get on topic again, I do not know which algorithms are being
used by the editors out there. But different algorithms or editors
might give different results. There is not one way to fade an image!

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 11th, 2003, 05:22 AM   #72
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I don't think anyone can tell you about a "neat effect". Because
generally "neat effects" tend to not look professional at all and
scream home video! The most things professionals seem to use
are (for effects):

1. straight cut
2. a fast fade
3. color correction

That's about it. Ofcourse there are lot of movies with special/
visual effects, computer generated images, compositing and
what not.

Are you looking for something specific? A lot can be done in
Premiere in combination with a decent paint program!

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 11th, 2003, 05:28 AM   #73
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Another way would be to use an animated Color Balance (HLS)
video effect.

Make sure you are at the point where the clip is to be black
and white. Add the filter and set Saturation to -100. Hit the
"Enable Keyframing" box (the one inbetween the filter title
and the 'f'). Go down the timeline to the point where you want
all the color back in. Change the saturation to 0 here. If you
scrub with rendering (hold down the ALT key, you can preview
it realtime!) you can see it going gradually from B&W to color!

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 15th, 2003, 10:19 AM   #74
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Upgrade my system to stop Premiere from crashing?

Hi, thank you for reading this.

I have a problem with premiere. It seems to crash alot and when you play the timeline it does not play smoothly.

I have a amd duron 900MHz processor, 128Meg ram, a 60Gig 7200RPM Hard drive, running on windows 98 2nd edition.

My computer almost never crashes, but it seems to crash everytime I load Premiere. I'm using Premiere 6 with the 6.02 update.

I have the auto save set to every minute and wonder if it might be that.

The question I have is do I need to upgrade my pc and if so what is the best way to go, please remember that I'm on a buget. Just shot a music video that I'm trying to edit and now I have this problem.

If it is not hardware related please also forward any suggestions.

Most of premiere is still on default settings.

Thank you all very much

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Old February 15th, 2003, 11:35 AM   #75
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Well seems that your low on RAM. Always the more RAM the better. Also you might want to change the preferences so that Premiere will use 90% of the RAM. Then if you have a second HD (hard drive) make that second HD the scratch disk drive.
Then one question. Do you have your camera connected to your computer via firewire when trying to preview?

Other than that you should be set.
I am running all the current apps on this:
dual 650MHz
512 RAM
3 HD (2x 20G Hd, 1x120G HD (scratch disk))
ATI Radeon 8500 128MB of RAM
Photoshop 7.01, After Effects 5.5 Pro, Premiere 6.0

I can run all those at the sametime too.
Normally I dont do anything major within Photoshop when I have the others up. Just small edits.
Hope that helps.
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