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Old August 29th, 2003, 06:09 AM   #526
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how is the slow motion? in 6.0 and 6.5 the slow motion was horrible.
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Old August 29th, 2003, 06:09 AM   #527
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Yes, if you have a copy of photoshop 5 or less, go to the plugins folder and copy the file called diffused glow and copy into premieres plugin folder. When you open up premiere it will be in the distort section of the effects folder. It gives clips with light a nice effect.
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Old August 29th, 2003, 07:18 AM   #528
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Slow motion looks better now because it is using frame blending similar to After Effects. But I think after effect does better slow motion overall so I import the clips I want slowed down in AE. They didn't give Pro a slow motion envelope, you still have to cut the clip if you want to change speed in a clip.
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Old August 29th, 2003, 03:08 PM   #529
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From the sounds of it Adobe really has cleaned up their act with Premiere. Beings it's an entirely new program not just 6.5 re-written with some changes works to it's advantage. It's really hard to make any hard judgements on it beings I have yet to use it myself but from the sound of it, it doesn't sound like it "surpassed" Vegas. Maybe caught up with. All those things with the exclusion of nested timelines (which sound very sweet) Vegas 4 already does. Plus Vegas supports 24p, HD, and has a glow filter that works (lol). Not to mention Vegas has compositing support- you need AE for that is using Premiere Pro.

Does anyone know if it can be upgraded to from 6.0?
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Old August 30th, 2003, 12:56 PM   #530
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Is it stable?
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Old August 30th, 2003, 11:25 PM   #531
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Losing rendered portions of timeline


When I mute an Audio Track it immediately removes the rendering and I have to start again. It take 4 hours to render the entire project.

What has changed? Certainly nothing on my side. Is there another setting to change?

PAL XL-1, DV Raptor, Premiere

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Old August 31st, 2003, 07:36 AM   #532
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A bit more information needed

I take it you are using Premiere, What version??

How many layers are you rendering?

I've tried it on P6.5 with a project which has 4 video layers and 4 audio. All which needed rendering. When I muted an audio track or all audio tracks I did not need to re-render!!!

What are your settings in keyframe and rendering options?

What is your processor and how much RAM do you mave?

How much space is left on your HD?

I take it this has not happened before?

All the best,

Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old August 31st, 2003, 08:28 AM   #533
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Preview Problem in Premiere 6.5

I've just added Premiere 6.5 to the Adobe folder, nestled up to 6.02. When I first ran it with an imported project the real time preview worked and video in source and monitor windows played properly. When I shut down to connect my VX2000 and set up device control everything played out to the camera/vcr perfectly but the monitor and source windows show a slideshow like preview while the camera/vcr view is perfect. Strangely, Alt-scrubbing plays perfectly all around. I tried a bunch of setting changes including disabling hardware acceleration to no effect. Must I disconnect the camera to get proper performance in preview? Is it something else I'm missing?

David Hurdon
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Old August 31st, 2003, 10:51 AM   #534
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Premiere Pro users get free MAGIC BULLET!!

Yeap. If you register the product at you are entitled to a complimentary download of MAGIC BULLET. This includes the 24p import/export feature which works hand in hand with the Panasonic Dvx100...but Im wondering if anyone knows more about this. Is this how Premiere is going to solve the 24p problem?
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Old August 31st, 2003, 11:31 AM   #535
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Hi Ed,

Thanks for the reply.

a) Premiere 6.0 with a DVRaptor Card

b) 4 Video and 4 Audio

c) All boxes in Keyframe and Rendering are unchecked but for Optimise Stills which is checked. It is set to Lower Field First and Preview from Disk.

d) It is a PIII @ 733MHz with 512M of Ram (it does not seem long ago that this was a "Hot Ship").

e) I use two Hardrives for Video (apart from my System Drive which is a 20Gig).

The First drive is a 40 gig 7200 Rpm WD which has all the project settings, preview files etc on it as well as some of the raw footage. The preview files are close to 9gig and this drive still has 3,7gig free.

The second drive is identical and has only raw footage and has 6,1gig free.

After this project I am replacing on of the 40gig's with a 180gig as space is a problem.

This has happened before but I thought it was something stupid I had done i.e. a keystroke. I can now duplicate the problem.

Lastly it is normal for me to be able to mute and unmute without having to re-render.

PAL XL-1, DV Raptor, Premiere

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Old August 31st, 2003, 12:08 PM   #536
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Wierd Audio Problems In Premiere 6.5

I do all my projects on an external hd so I can move between my computer and my friends computer. I finished a video and took the drive and went over to my friends house. When we got there we opened the premiere file and everything was there and perfect. We tried to output it to tape and at random points in the video (like in the middle of clips) the audio will slow down, like slow motion audio. Then after awile (again its random) it will return to normal. This was not the case on my computer. It seems to corolate to a greenish line at the top of the timeline (its right under the line that dictates how much of your project you want to render) Now were both using Windows XP (his is pro mine is home) and we both have Premiere 6.5 and all the project settings should be the same because the project settings are saved. If anyone could help me with this it would be great and HAPPY EARLY LABOR DAY to all you guys :)

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Old August 31st, 2003, 12:39 PM   #537
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This is a bug in Premier with certain sound drivers, I think. The solution is to re-render the whole thing to an AVI file, and then output to tape from the AVI file. It should be fine then.
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Old August 31st, 2003, 12:47 PM   #538
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Autoscale Stills in Premiere Pro?


Tried to make a Slideshow in the brand new Premiere Pro.... but I can't find any option like "scale imported media to fit"...

So when I import pictures ( some vertically and some horizontally ) I have to manually adjust the SCALE parameter picture by that the only way?

In Vegas 4, all pics are scaled to DVD PAL ( if I have set the program to autoscale )

Have I missed something? The manual is rather terse about importing/scaling ( they only mention that you'll loose quality if you zoom too much... )

// Lazze
Sony HDR-CX130,Canon 5DMKII,i7 930@4.0, 12gb memory, 3x SSD + 2x1Tb(stripe), Geforce 480, Dual 24", Win 7 x64
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Old August 31st, 2003, 04:57 PM   #539
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Actually, it's not Magic Bullet. From the Adobe site (

Movie Looks transforms your video using cinematic tints and glows with simple-to-apply presets. Movie Looks is a direct descendant of the award-winning Magic Bullet Suite from The Orphanage™, featured in the popular Hollywood films such as "Vanilla Sky" to music videos such as Cher’s "A Song For The Lonely."

Applies a cinematic look with a single click

Provides ten presets based on scenes from television programs and popular movies

Optimized for Intel® Pentium® 4 and Pentium 4 Xeon multiprocessor systems

Transforms clips with floating-point precision

Upgradable to a total of 50 Looks presets with the Movie Looks Library

So its just the Look Suite portion of Magic Bullet, not the deinterlacing part. And only a subset of looks at that. Not bad for free, but certainly not Magic Bullet.

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Old August 31st, 2003, 05:49 PM   #540
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aw damn, i knew it was too good to be true.....
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