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Old July 31st, 2003, 02:39 PM   #421
New Boot
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Premiere 6 export error message

While exporting in Premere 6.0, I get an unusual error message. Basically it says: Support tunner, fatal error, contact motive system admin. Not sure what it means, maybe someone can help. I have to hit "End task," then it goes away. Problem is, I can't leave the program unattended as it stops at that point.

This is a great forum and am happy to finally be a member. Still finding my way around here.

Thanks all,
Fred Haber
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Old August 1st, 2003, 12:24 PM   #422
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Has everything been rendered?
Are there any loose connections?
Are your video sources clean?
Do you get the same pixeliations if you export via DV and analogue?

All the best,

Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old August 1st, 2003, 01:26 PM   #423
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Please help!
Proud Owner of the AG-DVX100 :D
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Old August 1st, 2003, 03:04 PM   #424
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My source video is fine when I view it on a TV or the LCD screen of my camcorder. I'm also able to capture the video without any problems, so the DV connections seems to be working okay.

When I select "Export to tape..." the timeline is rendered before starting up the camera and recording video. I've also tried the "Render Timeline" function prior to exporting, but there's no difference between the two.

I'm using an external drive connected via the USB port to store all my files. I thought this might be causing the problem, but I tried exporting a project stored on my local HD (with the external drive completely disconnected) and the results are the same.

The *only* other possibility I can come up with is that I don't have enough RAM (512MB) or processing power (1.6GHz) to render the video properly as it prints to tape. Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to upgrade... :-\
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Old August 1st, 2003, 08:37 PM   #425
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David, I am not a Premiere maven so I cannot tell you what to tweak. Can you post a sample frame? Full video resolution. Make sure it is a frame, not a field. Maybe 2 or 3 frames would be better.

Or send them directly to me at
Mike Rehmus
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Old August 1st, 2003, 08:40 PM   #426
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David, what mode was that shot in? 60i or 30P or 24P?

BTW, for 60i, that looks totally normal for motion, when it's played back normally, it will look fine, but if it was shot in 24p or 30p, then you need to change the project settings so that it's non-interlaced/progessive.
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Old August 2nd, 2003, 07:21 AM   #427
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I'm not sure, the field order still might be refersed - that sample he posted is pretty severe.

I think in Premier there's a way to interpret footage as being either lower first, upper first, or no fields. Try playing with those settings.

Although if exporting as a movie works fine, then maybe Alex is right and there's no problem.
Peter Moore is offline  
Old August 2nd, 2003, 10:58 AM   #428
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That's just a normal two-field image with, I'd guess, the camera panning. Sorry I didn't look at the posted image sooner.
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old August 3rd, 2003, 06:41 PM   #429
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Transitions in Premiere 6.0 not working correctly

When I add transitions between segments in Premiere, such as a page peel from A to B, the transition starts OK with the peel from A, but where the B segment should begin to appear, there is a black screen. As soon as the transition is complete, Segment B shows up.
So, it goes.. !00% A, peel to black, then when complete, 100% B.
Any Suggestions? I've made sure that the segments are butted tightly against each other. Nothing in troubleshooting about improperly functioning transitions.
Also, all transitions work just fine in Pinnacle Studio 7

Russ Evenhouse
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Old August 3rd, 2003, 07:34 PM   #430
Capt. Quirk
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I would zoom in to show frame by frame, and check it again. You may have something that doesn't belong, or a couple of frames off.
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Old August 3rd, 2003, 07:46 PM   #431
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Russ, are you sure that the transition arrows are pointing in the right direction?
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Old August 3rd, 2003, 07:57 PM   #432
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Russ, are you working in the A/B editing workspace or the Single-Track editing workspace? Since you mentioned A and B tracks, I'll assume you are working in the A/B mode. If that is the case, the clips need to be overlapped, not butted together. The amount of overlap determines the length of the transition.
Ed Frazier
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Old August 3rd, 2003, 08:09 PM   #433
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Premeir to DVD authoring Ahhh

Hello to all.....Iv got . 1x highend PC..Premeir 6.5..DVD it/ VEGAS/
DVD architech..a Plextor dvd burner...a Canon XL1s....a Cannon zr5o...and experience as a 3dmax animator and premeir editer..Im also a MCSE student....bla bla bla .Im pretty techie...The thing is ..with all this knowledge I still cant get a nice quality burn to my dvd..
Wat am I doing wrong it somthing to do with compression software and the fact that im capturing with a DV Canopus Rapter
card ..or the settings and resolution im useing in prem ..Please someone help....give me a dot to dot of the best process and settings useing the mpeg encoder in prem..and get a quality architech or dvdit anything will do.....IV gone through so many renders and burns ...I dont think I can take any more..sorry to rant on, but Iv had this thing for the last 36 hours
and its doing my head in.....and is 720 x420 the right resolution for dvd....oh man list of questions could go on forever....
Thanks in advance .....
Alan Burney is offline  
Old August 4th, 2003, 06:18 AM   #434
New Boot
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Russ, are you working in the A/B editing workspace or the Single-Track editing workspace? Since you mentioned A and B tracks, I'll assume you are working in the A/B mode. If that is the case, the clips need to be overlapped, not butted together. The amount of overlap determines the length of the transition.

Thanks for all the advice fellers. Ed wins the cigar. I feel a little humble now. I moved the second segment down to B and overlapped the edges to match the transition lengths, and the RAM previews show the transition working correctly now. I'm obviously not a Premiere afficianado yet.
Thanks, ED!!!

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Old August 4th, 2003, 07:47 AM   #435
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What settings are you using?

What is the quality like at the moment? Pixelated, blurry, jumps?

720x480 is NTSC DVD/ Video resolution not 720x420

All the best,

Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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