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Old June 11th, 2003, 09:23 PM   #316
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long play

Thank you for the answers. It worked fine. I wasn't sure if that was all that needed to be done but it worked great!
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Old June 15th, 2003, 04:24 PM   #317
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Interlacing visible in Windows Media Player but not in Premiere

I recently imported some test footage from my PV-DV852 onto my computer using firewire. I noticed that in Premiere the footage looks smooth as it were played back on a television. No interlaced lines are visible. When I open the same dv avi file using Windows Media Player 6.4/7/8/9, it plays back with all the interlaced lines visible. The motion is blurred similar to film motion or a slower shutter speed. What causes this?

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Old June 16th, 2003, 08:20 PM   #318
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Hmm, Gerald, we probably need some more info. The replay you saw on Premiere may be the 50% reduced version that would hide some interlacing artifacts; or you may have filtered or changed settings that would affect the picture. Your encoder/decoder match up could be an issue with WMP. How does the video look when played directly to your TV using the RCA jacks or S video output from the camera? What settings did you use in each of the programs you mentioned?
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Old June 17th, 2003, 06:56 AM   #319
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gl2 and premiere 6.5 questions

hello everybody,
i'm using a canon gl2 as a record/edit deck on a fairly generic pc running windows xp (384mb ram, p3 800, latest updates). i have a few questions

when i'm capturing clips from the gl2, the capture screen in premiere will suddenly turn black after capturing perhaps 4-5 clips, and even though i can still control the deck, i cannot see or capture footage onto the computer. i am using a pyro 1394 card, and have a 60gb firewire drive (not in use) on one port, and the camera on the other. any suggestions? i was using premiere 6.5 on a dell inspiron and a single chip panny last year with no problems.

another problem which i have always experienced with premiere on different computers and installations, occurs when i am scrubbing through a clip to set the in points and outpoints before i put them in the timeline. at first i can scrub with no problem, but it eventually it becomes very slow and quirky, requiring me to restart premiere.

thanks for reading!
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Old June 17th, 2003, 12:48 PM   #320
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when i'm capturing clips from the gl2, the capture screen in premiere will suddenly turn black after capturing perhaps 4-5 clips, and even though i can still control the deck, i cannot see or capture footage onto the computer. i am using a pyro 1394 card, and have a 60gb firewire drive (not in use) on one port, and the camera on the other. any suggestions? i was using premiere 6.5 on a dell inspiron and a single chip panny last year with no problems.
I got this problem as well. I believe it's something to do with the camera. How are you playing back the footage? I found it would be fine if I just used the camera controls in Premiere and didn't touch the camera. If you hit stop on the camera while it's sitll capturing and then hit Escape, I think you might get this. When I get this problem I just exit movie capture, turn off the camera and go back in.
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Old June 17th, 2003, 01:23 PM   #321
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this is exactly what happens to me and i employ the same resolution. i use the camera's remote controls because i find them more natural to use than premiere's controls.

i'm now using scenalyzer, which is great because it doesn't tear up my heads, but i end up with 400 odd clips per tape and going through them to find the landed tricks isn't that fun.

i wonder if anybody else has this problem or we have bum gl2's or setups..

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Old June 17th, 2003, 01:28 PM   #322
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Re: gl2 and premiere 6.5 questions

<<<-- Originally posted by Harry Doyle :
when i'm capturing clips from the gl2, the capture screen in premiere will suddenly turn black after capturing perhaps 4-5 clips, and even though i can still control the deck, i cannot see or capture footage onto the computer. i am using a pyro 1394 card, and have a 60gb firewire drive (not in use) on one port, and the camera on the other. any suggestions? i was using premiere 6.5 on a dell inspiron and a single chip panny last year with no problems. -->>>

I get this problem sometimes too.
Usually happens when i'll be doing things like stoping, rewinding, and playing the camera....sometimes the screen just doesn't come back.
what I do is click on the settings tab and hit the Edit button under Capture settings. When the project settings window opens I don't change anything I just click OK and hit Play again and the screen comes back.
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Old June 17th, 2003, 04:08 PM   #323
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Gerald, I'm not sure how Premiere works, but other NLE's will only show you a line doubled version on the preview window. That means you'll be seeing every odd line, twice (Maybe every even one if they chose to do it that way). So in effect, the interlacing will disappear. But, the actual file data is still interleced, like DV should be, and when played through a real player you will see this.

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Old June 18th, 2003, 09:40 AM   #324
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Drop shadow effect in Premiere

I am having a problem applying a drop shadow effect in Premiere.
When using the Effect Controls, I adjust the "distance," which affects how far the shadow is from the actual image. When I do this however, I end up shifting the entire frame of an underlying layer, somehow...I really don't understand what is going on, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!
Jerol King
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Old June 18th, 2003, 02:45 PM   #325
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Drop shadow effect in Adobe Premiere

I thought I'd try reposting my question, since I think it is explained a little better below. This question pertains to a drop shadow effect I am trying to accomplish using Adobe Premiere.

Background info:
I first created three layers
First: A black and white matte (with a black circle on white background)
This was put on video 4 track

Second: A color matte of a solid light blue color. This was put on video 3 track

Third: The orginal motion clip, of some parakeets. (this was put on video 2 track)

I applied a track matte transparency to the video 3 track.
The results are SO FAR what I want:
I have successfully made the clip of the birds only fill the black portion of the matte (the circle) and the rest is the light blue fill color.

However, this is where I'm stumped:
I would like to apply a drop shadow effect (from the video effects) around the parakeets (or the circle), NOT the blue color matte frame.
I've tried everything under the sun, including adding 3D effects, transform, etc. Whatever I have tried has only managed to put a shadow around the color matte, and not the parakeets (which are now only transparent within the circle)

If I am not stating clearly the problem, just let me know and perhaps I can upload some pics....

Thanks a bunch
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Old June 21st, 2003, 05:27 AM   #326
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Anamorphic (DVX100) editing with Matrox RTX100 and Premiere

I've shot some DV NTSC footage with my anamorphic (16x9) lens. Now, how to I edit in premiere. I cannot find a capture setting in matrox or Premiere that allows the pixel aspect ratio to be adjusted to 1.2. I can set my project settings as 1.2, but all of my clips say that they are .9 aspect.

If my final output will be anamorphic DVD, does it matter what my pixel ratio my clips are captured at and what pixel ratio I'm editing in? On my (4x3) NTSC monitor that I use with my NLE, I'd rather see the correct aspect ratio with letterboxing, but when I set my project to 1.2, the picture is still tall and thin.

Are there any procedures for widescreen DV 1.2 pixel aspect ratios capturng and editing with matrox and premiere?
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 05:56 AM   #327
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Don't know Premiere, being a Vegas user.
But I thought I'd mention that when you want to bounce your post (which in my opinion is perfectly OK, especially with a pertinent question like yours, and over the weekend, when so many people are away from their usual screens) it would be tidyer to reply to your own question instead of posting it as a new thread.
Anyway, this little bit of tut tut ought at least to save you from doing it this time around.
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 07:58 AM   #328
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I thought I saw a trick similiar to this explained over at
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 02:36 PM   #329
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compression premiere 6.5

I collect programs and im using premiere and im having problems compressing even the smallest video. I took a raw 10 secound clip and tryed compressing without losing its quality and the file is still high. its about 4mb for something soo small. any advice? i use .mov format. i dont like mpeg.
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Old June 22nd, 2003, 04:35 PM   #330
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well compressing without losing quality is quite unpossible. you could try a mped conform file that will end with about 4gb at 90 minutes with a quality that isn't far away from the original or create a small or very small one, it depends on what you wanna do with the file. for the internet ? for dvd ? just for you on the local pc ?
you need to try it with the premiere 6.5 included export until you have a nice one.
when it is for internet, try something with quicktime. since premiere 6 there isn't included cleaner ez in premiere :-/ it had some very smart export options
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