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Old September 1st, 2005, 12:12 AM   #1471
New Boot
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Is the file system your exporting into NTFS or FAT32. I think FAT32 will limit your file size.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 04:01 AM   #1472
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Resizing using the effect controls window allows for aspect ratio control. The other method is to apply the crop filter and adjust using the sliders or numeric controls in the effect control window.

For ultimate control over your stills, this is best acomplished in Photoshop.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 07:51 AM   #1473
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Are you trying to keep the whole picture but just make it smaller, or are you looking to black out part of the picture?
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Old September 1st, 2005, 07:54 AM   #1474
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My media encoder through Adobe will not register so I've been using Cucusoft.
I did not know that Canopus works as a plugin for PP. So if I get Canopus it will work inside PP 1.5? I know that you had a question and now I'm asking a question, sorry about that.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 08:52 AM   #1475
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Ah that must be it. My external harddrive is FAT32.

Thank you,

Mike Wham

Edit: It works great! Thanks!
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Old September 1st, 2005, 09:30 AM   #1476
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Jesse, im starting to think the plugin is less powerful than the full version. Im almost sure someone said the full version does up to three passes. From what I can tell the plugin only does two max.

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Old September 1st, 2005, 10:32 AM   #1477
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Progressive to interlaced, not wanted

I have some digital video which I'm pretty sure is 30p. When I open it in windows media player say, it shows up 'normal' looking (no jagged lines) on my computer monitor. I have brought this video into premier 7, I click on export>adobe media encoder>I make sure it is set to progressive video, and that it isn't trying to de-interlace it. Then when I watch the exported video in windows media player, it has all the jagged edges as if it were interlaced.

I've tried different project settings, and different export settings.

Any ideas why this is happening?
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Old September 1st, 2005, 11:37 AM   #1478
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If the footage was progessive from start to finish, there's no way it could show interlace artifact. That makes me think that the original clip is actually 60i.

The more recent versions of WMP can de-interlace on the fly to avoid visible combing artifact. Not sure if it displays interlaced video fields sequentially, or actually de-interlaces to frames, but I'm guessing the former and for these purposes it probably doesn't matter.

If the footage was originally interlaced and then output progressive, it is possible that the original interlacing was processed into progressive frames -- which of course then would show interlacing artifacts when displayed as 30p footage because the fields are combined into a single progessive frame...essentially "hard-wired" into both fields.

Try exporting the original timeline using interlaced settings, and if it looks normal in WMP, I'll bet that the above is what's going on.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 12:25 PM   #1479
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oops... I guess you were right, WMP auto-detinterlaces... I opened the original files in VLC and it showed up with the interlaced jagged edges (as long as it was set no to de-interlace). the thing is, that before I posted here, I tried treating it as interlaced within premier and it still came out wrong... but that could be because there seems to be about 5 different places where you speficy between interlaced or progressive, so maybe I missed one.

Anyway now that I know what the original video is, I'll give it another try and it will probably work.

Thanks, for your help.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 12:28 PM   #1480
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Why does Premiere render unfiltered audio tracks?

I have noticed that Premiere will render audio tracks, by command, that do not have any filters added to them. Why is this? I have a theory that it will do this if you make any adjustments to the bands, in other words ANY alterations/adjustments to the native file. Is this the case? I have also noticed that if you choose not to render the tracks, assuming no filters were added, it doesn't make a difference in playback or export. So why would it allow you to render audio if you chose to, if it's not necessary (doesn't show an obvious difference)? We all know that if video is not rendered we get the default image/message not yet rendered. It seems like the rendered preview files are just taking up extra space for no reason if they aren't noticeably changing audio on playback or export.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 03:04 PM   #1481
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I just got Canopus and it says that I need a Dongle before I use it. I would'nt think that the plugin would be less than the actual program, I thought they were the same thing. What do I know, I'm still learning the ropes around here.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 03:49 PM   #1482
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The full version is $500(procoder2.0). A big difference in price when compaired to the $60 plug in. I just encoded a wedding last night and from what I can tell the colors pop ALOT better than adobie. It is strange that one in ten shots on average looks soft compaired to adobie when running the same manual compression settings.

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Old September 2nd, 2005, 10:04 AM   #1483
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Help needed in prem pro

I'm used to using vegas as my main editor, but there is a transition in prem that is not in vegas, so my usage of prem is limited.
I have stills on the time line with a transition between them. I want to shorten the stills, but when a right click on the event to adjust its duration a gap occurs and the transition has disappeared. I could put all the clips on again with the transitions, but there must be a way of correcting the event length - but I can't seem to find it!
Anyone help please.

(reading through the manual is a much too long winded job)

Thanks Mel.

Last edited by Mel Davies; September 2nd, 2005 at 11:04 AM.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 10:06 AM   #1484
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No export workarea bar option! From what I can tell, you can't export smaller clips with the workarea bar in canopus. That is a huge drawback for overall workflow.

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Old September 2nd, 2005, 10:37 AM   #1485
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Correction........ It exports just the workarea bar. With adobie you have export entire sequence or workarea bar options. My bad, im new to this plugin myself.

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