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Old June 10th, 2005, 02:33 AM   #1036
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Hi Ken,

Obvoiously Premiere should not be crashing out. But I guess theres a few things you can try.

Upgrade to version 1.5.1 it has a few bug fixes which might help the situation.

Try rendering a little bit at a time to see if it helps i.e render every 5 minute chunk rather than the whole 30mins.

Make sure that no programs are running in the background, or that you have any screensavers set that might interupt the rendering.

You could also check event viewer to see if there are any message that might relate to a hardware or software problem.

Does it always stop/ crash at the same place? If so there might be a possibilty that its having trouble render a certain effect you have created?

Hope this helps,
Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old June 10th, 2005, 06:01 AM   #1037
Capt. Quirk
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I had the same problem with Prem 6, but it wasn't the program... the motherboard was the culprit. It seems there was a setting in the softmenu I needed to tweek. Once I changed that setting, the problem dissapeared.
K. Forman is offline  
Old June 10th, 2005, 06:44 AM   #1038
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In PPro, there is no white flash per se, Additive Dissolve does not do this naturally.

You need to go to File->new->color matte, and select white. Then you just insert that matte on the timeline, change its length, and use whatever dissolve transitions you want on its ends.
Adam Kampia is offline  
Old June 10th, 2005, 06:53 AM   #1039
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That's useful to know.
BTW Maybe Premiere's Additive Dissolve can be quite addictive to some :)
Sorry, I couldn't resist that one!
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Old June 10th, 2005, 08:31 AM   #1040
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Best Progressive DVD workflow from 24p footage?

Hi folks,
Long time member of this time. I have lurked now and then, however, now I need your help.

I own a DVX100 (the original, not "A") and never shot in the 24pa/advanced mode before. I am going to be shooting a 10 minute educational video that will be outputted to Progressive DVD and shown on a HI-DEF widescreen plasma (Link to model).

I need to know the best workflow for an awesome final product. I am editing on Adobe Premiere 1.5 and have access to Adobe Encore if needed. What preset should I use for outputting to a progressive DVD in Premiere or Encore? What settings should I use in the camera's scene file for a great final product? Lastly, I am having a 3d animator create a 3d animation for the video, are there any known issues with inputting animations into 24pa footage? If so, what should I tell the animator to export his file as?

Thanks for any help!
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Old June 10th, 2005, 08:44 AM   #1041
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This happened to me with PPro 1.5 when i was testing Trapcode's plug-in, Shine. This happened several times and everytime it happened was when i used Shine. (It was the trialversion of Shine i was testing.)

This was the first and only time/s PPro 1.5 just shut down.

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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:40 AM   #1042
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Thanks to all for the useful thoughts and tips.

Ed: I'll certainly try the upgrade to version 1.5.1.

The interesting point is that the problem does not appear while rendering. Rather, after completion and when I click on something such as a timeline tab.

I do ensure that there are no other programs running and no screen savers. One thing that I do during rendering is to boost up the priority of PPro from Normal to High.

I will check the event viewer - good idea.

Keith: do you remember which setting fixed the problem?

Roger: I have previously used Trapcode's plug-in Shine on that system. I'll now ensure that it is fully removed.

Thanks for the helpful ideas!
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Old June 10th, 2005, 01:24 PM   #1043
Capt. Quirk
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I don't remember exactly which setting, but it was an Abit board. It took me over a year to find this out, and lots of trial and error.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 07:03 PM   #1044
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Newbie audio question

I have been digitizing a video tape via PPro1.5, and something odd is happening with the audio.

After capturing the video (via my DV camcorder), I can see the video clips just fine in PPro, but I don't hear any audio. At first I thought that it was capturing the audio properly, but when I open the captured clips in Windows Media Player it sounds fine, or when I render and then watch in WMP is also sounds fine.

I'm sure I'm not clicking a box or something. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Old June 10th, 2005, 07:05 PM   #1045
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Also, when I drag the "line" on the timeline I hear sound (blurred of course), when I press play I hear nothing.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 07:21 PM   #1046
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I already found the answer:

That's why I'm a Newbie!

Sorry for wasting harddrive space!
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Old June 11th, 2005, 08:57 AM   #1047
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Thanks everyone for your great replies to my question. They are very helpful. I am still new to Premiere Pro so it is great to have people that are willing to give of their time and knowledge to help people like me. I really appreciate it.

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Old June 12th, 2005, 06:43 AM   #1048
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I'm not working with Premiere, so I can't help you with any specifics. However,
what you need to do is make sure EVERYTHING is set to 24p.

Make sure when you start the project (before capture) in Premiere you select
a 24p advanced profile. Then capture the footage and do your thing. When
exporting make sure you select a profile that has a name like "DVD MPEG-2
24p" (you get the idea). That should get everything going.

The best a 3D animator can do is export an UNCOMPRESSED (ie, no codec!)
AVI at 24p or offer an image sequence in 24p (test beforehand you can
load such TIFF/TARGA/PNG sequences!).

Rob Lohman,
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Old June 12th, 2005, 06:01 PM   #1049
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Right Settings for a Filmstrip

I'm putting together a filmstrip of photographs that were taken on a vacation to music in PPro. All the pictures were digital so I took them into Photoshop and reduced them so that their width wasn't more than 720 pixels and their height wasn't more than 480 pixels.

My question is what settings should I be using?

When I created the project, I choose the DV - NTSC Standard 48 kHz preset. When I exported it, I just chose the default settings.

Is there anything I can do more? Any settings to optimize anything?

Thanks guys. :)
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Old June 12th, 2005, 07:24 PM   #1050
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That's fine if you just want to display the pictures with no motion or panning/zooming. The NTSC size will cut down on rendering, provided that your images are only 72ppi. If they are more (150, 300), then you might as well nto have resized them.

If you plan on adding motion, then you want your pics to be larger than 720x480. Otherwise any zooming will pixelate.

Ppro can handle up to 4000x4000 pixel images. But that will tax your system.

I go for 1200x1600 (usually 200-300ppi res), because I use a lot of "ken-burns-ey" techniques.

Either way, you can just check the box in Project settings-> General to "scale clips to project dimensions" and you don't need to do any resizing prior to import. (Just re-import your stills if they are already in Premiere).
Adam Kampia is offline  
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