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Old May 6th, 2005, 10:36 AM   #856
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The freezing issue sounds familiar - are you using premiere and encore 1.0 or 1.5? Premiere 1.0's media encoder didnt work so hot, and neither did encore 1.0 as a whole - 1.5 added a much improved (and cleaner) mp2 compression in media encoder (which is where you should encode the files, not in encore) and encore 1.5 worked out most of its write failure and related bugs. Of course, if you have 1.5 already, then its something else. So what versions exactly?
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Old May 6th, 2005, 11:35 AM   #857
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The keying works just fine, as long as you don't use any type of blur. In fact, you can use filters such as sharpen and it won't affect the keying at all. It's quite bizarre.

About the nested sequences... I'm new with PPro 1.5 (used Premiere 6 before) so haven't actually tried that yet. I'm assuming it's just a way of implementing several renders in order. First render the scene blurred, and the use that blurred version as a source key?

The most annoying thing is that Premiere 6 allowed you to have as many tracks as you wished with blur, or whatever you wanted and all keying would work just fine. Thumbs down to Adobe. I hope they correct this on the next version.
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Old May 6th, 2005, 12:14 PM   #858
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underexposure correction

I've shot some footage that is underexposed, what is the best way in pro 1.5 to correct this (without getting too grainy) The resulting footage will be projected and i'm worried about the grainyness. Might have accesss to after effects. I will consider free plug ins. Thanks
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Old May 6th, 2005, 01:33 PM   #859
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Start with the Shadows/Highlights effect and levels, and see where you might need to go from there, if at all.
Steven Gotz
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Old May 6th, 2005, 04:46 PM   #860
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Thanks Steve, will try those when I get back to the computer in the next few days, great site by the way. James Lindley
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Old May 6th, 2005, 10:00 PM   #861
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maybe i found the culprit

had to letterbox a new project and i think i found the culprit. if i import the 16x9 footage in a 4x3 project, use interpret footage to 1.2 pixel aspect, then scale down to fit the whole frame, i end up with jaggies. BUT, if i import, then use .9 pixel aspect ratio and just scale down the height, the picture is clean.

just wanted to share. this is xl2 24p 2332 16x9 ppro 1.5 canopus storm 2pro
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Old May 7th, 2005, 06:30 AM   #862
RED Code Chef
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Hello James, welcome aboard (H)!

Depending on how grainy your footage is, you will most likely get quite a lot
of grain. Not much you can do about that, other then trying to remove this
grain again.

*ALWAYS* (try to) expose for the highlighst. That means dial everything in
so that it is over exposed and dial down till the brighest part is no longer over
exposed or sometimes you may leave small parts over exposed (depending on
the look you are after).

It is far easier/better to stretch the signal out/back to fill (in) the shadows
than it is to fill in highlights and not get any grain!

This is how the digital world works...

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 7th, 2005, 08:21 PM   #863
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Originally Posted by Dave Ferdinand
The keying works just fine, as long as you don't use any type of blur. In fact, you can use filters such as sharpen and it won't affect the keying at all. It's quite bizarre.

I just checked v1.5 and 1.5.1 and neither one works for screen or multiply here...with or without a blur.

I've been dealing with PPro since the beginning and these two keytypes have never worked on any system I've used.

You can try nesting a sequence, you would blur first, then key...since the keyer apparently works for you.
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Old May 7th, 2005, 08:45 PM   #864
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Originally Posted by Tim Kolb

I just checked v1.5 and 1.5.1 and neither one works for screen or multiply here...with or without a blur.
Tim is right (obviously). The screen and the multiply key do not work, regardless of the blur setttings. You version of PPRO might have different bugs. LOL
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Old May 8th, 2005, 05:47 AM   #865
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Premiere Pro 1.5 HD Output?


Can Premiere Pro output HD from its timeline? I'm putting together a short time lapse taken from Nikon still images (approx 2400x1600 resolution images) & i'd like to output both SD & HD if possible. What resolution options does PPro 1.5 have? Also since these are a series of still frames, will this make it a progressive movie? (since theres no interlacing from the still images)

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Old May 8th, 2005, 07:51 AM   #866
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After Effects would probably be the preferred tool, but yes, definitely; PPro will export pretty much any standard format, including various Hi Def. I've actually up-rezzed XL2 footage to 720p in both mpeg and WMV from a normal 16:9 DV timeline and it looks pretty nice. Just use File>>Export>>Adobe Media Encoder and choosing your options.

If you have high resolution sources going into the project, you might want to use HDV project settings (PPro 1.5.1 update) so you're editing in higher resolution than DV. You'd just scale any DV footage to 150%. I've never tried this end-to-end before, so don't know if you'll get less or more artifacts from a DV source than using a DV timeline and up-rezzing at export as I've done before. But worth a try, as I'd expect that the hi rez stills would be a lot better done on an HDV timeline...Hmmm, there's another exeriment to add the list of things I don't have time to do! ;-)
Pete Bauer
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Old May 8th, 2005, 09:14 AM   #867
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Premiere Pro 1.5.1 and DV Film Maker 2.2: converting to 24p...what to do?

Any folks out there shooting DV or HDV and then converting to 24p using DV Film Maker 2.2? If so, I was curious about what project type to start in Premiere Pro 1.5.1. Does one use the Panasonic 24p project settings/timeline to capture and edit 24p converted clips, or can I just use the DV (wide screen) project settings and timeline?


Andrew Stone
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Old May 8th, 2005, 07:02 PM   #868
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Well... it does work on mine... it always did.

Here you go:

Maybe it's the graphics card (Radeon 9600)
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Old May 8th, 2005, 07:12 PM   #869
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Hmmm...You are right. I just tried it on my editing laptop with the ATI x300 graphics card and it worked. Even the multiply key works. Weird.
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Old May 8th, 2005, 08:31 PM   #870
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My current laptop system has a 128mb Radeon desktop system has a Matrox 550...and my old laptop either had a 9000 or 9600...I'll have to look.

Those two keyers have never worked for me...weirdness.

(Obviously I don't have much insight on the blur problem as you're already way ahead of me... :-) )
Tim Kolb is offline  
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