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Old May 2nd, 2005, 09:31 PM   #811
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Not really. In fact now I have no clips, but it takes ~3 minutes for ~10-15 seconds of video. I just have a few cuts with music in audio track 2.

What codec should I use, what quality, what resolution, etc? Do any of those help?
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 09:37 PM   #812
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Help with exporting interlaced AND progressive footage

Let me give you guys the backstory on this thread:

I figured that since this is the Premiere section, maybe you can help me out.

Me: My issue is the the film was shot in a progressive mode, while the behind the scenes footage was shot interlaced. Could that cause a problem?

Them: No or it might. Depends. You have no problems if you do not mix the clips in one movie. You can have interlaced extra's on the disc with a progressive main movie. Just make sure you output to progressive or interlaced MPEG-2 and the DVD authoring program is set to progressive/interlaced on the right clips as well (this make sure the proper flags get set to instruct the players how to play it back). If you mix and match interlaced and progressive in one movie (in the NLE, to show for example the scene in the movie you are talking about in the behind the scenes / extra's) you need to choose which form to output to. I'd say in that case output to interlaced. This can have the consequence that your progressive footage is "re-interlaced" by the program (depends on the NLE).

Me:Yeah, that's what I want to do. I use Premiere 6.02. How do I "output" progressive or interlaced? I just thought that it output in whatever form your original clips were filmed in. The only output options I see is the video codec to choose. Should I take the film clips and interlace them? Does Premiere Pro 1.5 support output configurations like progressive and interlaced?
Any ideas? Also I'll be using Encore 1.5 to author my DVD.
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 10:40 PM   #813
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I read the other thread, let me just make sure i am understanding this correctly: You have a feature shot in progressive, behind the scenes footage shot interlaced, and you are using premiere 6.02 and encored 1.5.

Ok - the answer lies in the project settings. You will need two projects - one for the feature and one for the behind the scenes. When you create a new project, note the load project settings window. If you choose ntsc dv, you will see rendering options on the right side. I dont have a copy of 6.0, so i am working from memory. I believe by default it should be set to Field setting: upper field first. this is interlaced. Use that field setting for your behind the scenes footage. for the feature, choose custom from the load settings, and i believe under the video section (i think, take a look for it), set the rendering options to field setting: no fields. This is progressive. Edit (and capture) your progressive feature footage there.

Now, i am not sure if the capture settings are set based on your project settings in 6.0 - they are in pro, and i am pretty sure they are. Just double check in the capture window for additional options.

So, edit the feature, export it as a full dv file, and import that into your behind the scenes project. When you import that progressive file, it will need to be rendered to conform to the interlaced project(note that you should have a render bar over the footage when you put it in the timeline because it is not the projects native setting, but the interlaced behind the scenes footage should not).

For the mpeg2 export settings, follow the same rules for fields. Again, i dont have 6.0, so i cant double check, but look in the settings on export at the field settings. Are you exporting the mp2's from premiere or using an external encoder?

In encore, you dont need to do anything. Import the mp2 files and put each in its own timeline, and each one will play progressive or interlaced on its own if you set it up right.

Hope that helped.
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 09:46 AM   #814
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Best Keyboard

Which is the best keyboard to work specially with Adobe Premiere Pro??
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 11:48 AM   #815
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By rendering do you mean exporting into a new AVI or rendering effects in the timeline?

When exporting your video out as a DV AVI file you need to make sure that the Microsoft DV AVI compressor is used.

Simply your computer should be able to cope with exporting a little quicker than you are experiencing.

Do you have anything running in the background, virus checker etc?
Ed Smith
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 11:55 AM   #816
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Any QWERTY keyboard will work!

Are you talking about QWERTY keyboards with Adobe Premiere labels?

Personally I don't use them, purely because they are a little expensive. But if you find it hard to memorize what keys are what then it can be a help.

However with Premiere Pro you are able to assign any keys to any function you like, therefore a dedicated keyboard for Premiere won't be of any use.

Is this what you are talking about?

Ed Smith
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 12:07 PM   #817
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Premiere 1.5.1 update error

thats what happen if i try to update my Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5

Hardware: Acer Travelmate 804LCI / 1.7G Centrino / 1GB Ram 333
System: Windows XP SP2 including all updates from M$ / the OS is new - no other applications installed... i am totally confused

thanks a lot for any advice

i am german, living in Kaohsiung / Taiwan R.O.C.
sorry my english isnt the best, if u find some blemish, take it and sale it on ebay or the store u prefer :)
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 01:07 PM   #818
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Bella I believe sells some keyboards that may be a little fancier, with labelling for Premiere hotkeys and a shuttle wheel. I have never tried it so I wouldn't know if it's any good. In any case, I don't think you need it.

Any keyboard should be fine...
you can get ergonomic ones which splits the keys apart, which may be more comfortable for you.
Keyboards vary in how the keys behave... which may make a difference to you. It's an issue of personal taste.
A few keyboards like ones made by Viewsonic are laptop-style. I find them extremely annoying because the keys aren't where you think they are.
Some keyboards have extra buttons which you may or may not like. (i.e. the mid-high end microsoft ones have buttons for favorites and things like that.)
Some keyboards have an f-lock "feature", which I find annoying. (again, some microsoft keyboards are an example.)

The buyer's guide has some keyboard recommendations if you want to check what other people recommend.
Microsoft Internet Keyboard

If you like Natural Keyboards, the Microsoft Natural Multimedia Keyboard is a favorite around the Ars Orbiting Headquarters. Older "click" models such as the IBM Model M are favorites for many, while some of us prefer quiet units such as Dell's Quietkey.

Keyboards are personal preference, so we pick a fairly safe conventional recommendation in the Guide, and you can pick and choose as you like from what you prefer — not necessarily what we prefer.

Cost: US$11.33 (4/19/2005) [Comparison shop for this item]
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 05:04 PM   #819
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Another good reference for setting up a monitor is right here on this site:
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 05:17 PM   #820
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From the timeline, yes. No effects even. I just want to preview from disk so I can see where I need to make precise adjustments to my editing. Could it be something with Premiere 6.02?
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 08:12 PM   #821
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Rendering Probs in Premiere

I imported my avi files into Premiere 6.5 for editing. I got the red rendering line so I rendered it. I make one adjustment to my video and I have to re-render the whole thing again! How can I stop this so I don't have to render everytime I do something? I'm wanting to preview my video on my tv screen and not just the little preview window so that's why I need the red bar to go away.

Last edited by Jennifer Graves; May 3rd, 2005 at 08:43 PM.
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 08:41 PM   #822
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Personally, I'm not interested in broadcasting my stuff, and I don't want to give up any bandwidth to make it "broadcast safe."

Video signals shouldn't be too far out of broadcast spec, or one can get problems like buzzing in the audio track regardless of whether or not the piece is broadcast. It's probably not a problem for your application (projection on LCD/DLP projectors), but it is something others should be aware of.
Christopher Lefchik is offline  
Old May 3rd, 2005, 09:15 PM   #823
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You can trick Premiere into not doing this. First, isolate the segment that you want to make adjustments to. Razor the segment at both ends and change whatever you need to. But, if you need to modify something in the whole clip, you will have to render everything again.
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 09:48 PM   #824
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NAsty bug with Premiere Pro 1.5.1

I think I found I really nast bug with PPro.

Place one clip in track 1, and another in track 2. Place a Screen Key or Multiply Key on track 2 - All is fine. Now add a Gaussian or Fast Blur to the clip in track 2... The keying doesn't work anymore. This used to work just fine with Premiere 6, and you could have as many keyed layers as you wished.

Any one knows a solution for this, or should I report the bug to Adobe?
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Dave Ferdinand is offline  
Old May 4th, 2005, 06:39 AM   #825
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Weird 24p XL2 Capture and Export Problems

Hey there,

I'm having a problem with Premiere 1.5 and my XL2. I have PPro installed on both my desktop and my laptop and have problems with both. The laptop keeps reading my 24p footage as 29.97 and incorrectly renders the footage as such (causing a slow-motion stutter effect) but exports to tape just fine. If i use the "interpret footage" feature, i can manually change the fps to 23.976, but then that screws the project's cuts. Ok, setting that aside a moment -- the desktop sees the exact same footage properly as 24p but when i export to tape, i get pulsing audio -- basically a burst of audio every couple seconds. The desktop can capture regular DV footage back to tape just fine, just problems with 24p. I've captured 24p footage using both Premiere and ScenalyzerLive and tried several different project settings but the problems on both computers remain unchanged. I have a 90min feature to edit but am leary about capturing more footage until i figure out this problem. Anyone got any words of wisdom? The desktop is a dual xenon 1.7 p4 with a SB Audigy sound card that also has IEEE. the laptop is a Vaio GRV-680.

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