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Old April 20th, 2005, 11:27 PM   #721
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I bought Premiere Pro recently too, was using Premiere 6.5

What a difference! It's way better... Check out the 'Attend the world Premiere' in this forum. There's loads of useful info there.
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 07:45 AM   #722
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So whats teh go with Axio.. ??

did matrox show off a working unit at NAB??
Im just curious coz it seems (as far as spec is concerned) to be the bees knees.. and the fact that its only a PremPro HW unit makes me ask this question here..

being that its supposed to be the replacement for the DigiSuite, im hoping that $$ wise its not as ridiculous..

Obviously we have to wait and see, but what r ur thoughts on this??
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 09:10 AM   #723
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Auto Color flicker....what the flicker is going on?

Hello editing folks!

I'm just exploring PPro's more "exotic" features (or the ones I’ve always looked at and scratched my head), and I’m having problems with some of the “Auto” correction features in the "Adjust" video effects menu. For example, if I apply the default “Auto Color” video effect to my clip, the rendered version will often appear to “flicker” (this seems to happen even if I apply “flicker removal” under field options). It appears as if the color correction is different for each frame of the clip, producing slightly different color hues from one frame to the next (?). This same phenomena occurs with some of the other video correction effects as well. Has anyone experienced this before? Any advice? suggestions?


Andrew Stone
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 11:40 AM   #724
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Hi Peter,

The Axio does look like a really cool HD/ SD solution. They have been promising it for quite a while now... And you know what I think they are pretty close to releasing it fully. Probably expect something around May/ June (Possibly).

They have been showing it at shows throughout the past year...

From my understanding, if you are a previous digisuite user, you'll get quite a good discount.

I’ve seen it working and it looks pretty decent.

Ed Smith
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 03:20 PM   #725
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Originally Posted by Andrew Stone
Hello editing folks!

I'm just exploring PPro's more "exotic" features (or the ones I’ve always looked at and scratched my head), and I’m having problems with some of the “Auto” correction features in the "Adjust" video effects menu.
Andrew Stone
I am having the same problem with auto-color. I am trying to use it to correct a long video where I didn't white balance properly and I had colored gels on my lights. I can't get the rendered video to stop flickering, even when I changed some of the settings. Seems like auto-color in Premiere isn't going to work for me :-(
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 04:26 PM   #726
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Sounds like it might be a problem with the method being used rather than Premiere. I get the same flickering with the auto level plug-in Vegas (click here). See the video with "changing lighting conditions" for the most severe flickering.
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 06:21 AM   #727
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By any chance were you guys shooting 24pN (2:3) video? There's a known issue with rendered "superwhite" areas, eg pixels with birghtness beyond NTSC standards...maybe this is related?
Pete Bauer
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 08:32 AM   #728
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Nope...I shot Sp DV at 60i with the Sony Z1
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 09:44 AM   #729
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Originally Posted by Pete Bauer
By any chance were you guys shooting 24pN (2:3) video? There's a known issue with rendered "superwhite" areas, eg pixels with birghtness beyond NTSC standards...maybe this is related?

I filmed regular NTSC DV with a VX-2100. It seems that the auto-color works "ok" for 80% of the clip or so, but it flickers often during a clip for no discernable reason and especially when there is a zoom in or other large change in the picture, so that it thinks the color needs to be adjusted.
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 02:38 PM   #730
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HDV Preview with premiere?

hello all...

Just wondering if there was a way to preview my HDV Video on a computer monitor fullscreen off of premiere pro. A little info on my pc, I have the Ge-force fx-5200 128mb video AGP card, with dual monitor outputs. I plan on using a crt monitor to preview, but is there a way to set it up in premiere to preview my video out on a second monitor? will a CRT support it well enough? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks Much

Carlos Rodriguez III
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 05:52 PM   #731
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Doing it is easy enough, but is it a valid option? Does it provide the same information as an HD monitor? No. It doesn't.

But it can be done. One of the SP2 functions is to allow a second monitor to play the overlay full screen.

It goes something like this for a GeForce I believe:

1. In Windows Display Properties Click on the ‘Settings’ Tab
2. Select the second monitor in the ‘Display’ drop down menu
3. Be sure that the check box “Extend My Windows Desktop onto This Monitor”
4. Click on the ‘Advanced’ button to view the nVidia Card
5. Click on the Tab with the nVidia Logo and the model name/number of the card.
6. In the side menu that pops out select ‘Full Screen Video’
7. In the ‘Full Screen Device’ drop down menu, select ‘Auto-Select’
8. Apply the settings
Steven Gotz
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 09:52 PM   #732
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Hi Steven, can you say more about why this does not provide the same information as a HD monitor - and are there ways to improve on that situation still using a PC CRT for video. I would be interested in any references to read on CRT color vs HDV / HD TV color.

On a related theme I have thought about using an ordinary SD TV to monitor color adjustments etc - is that a workable approach - not sure one can even output the right signal if Premiere is working with HD but the fundamental idea is 'use SD TV for color adjustment, use PC CRT for everything else'. Any thoughts (maybe very stupid, like many others I am still working into the ins and outs of HD editing on a budget that is not limitless).

Andrew Hall
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 10:41 PM   #733
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Sorry Andrew, but I am not an expert in this area. I know that the way a PC screen displays colors and the way a television displays colors are different. I merely trust the people who told me that I needed a monitor to color correct, not a PC screen. I always thought that there should be something that software could do to deal with this, but apparently not. The gamma being different is readily apparent though.

Worse yet, I have to trust them when they discuss color spaces. With SD and HD being different for reasons beyond my understanding.

Not that I couldn't learn I suppose, just that I trust the folks who explained it to me and have never needed to dig in.

I have found that my LCD monitor is extremely close to my LCD HDTV. Which is good enough for me because my stuff is shot and edited to be shown on that TV, or televisions pretty much just like it. If my stuff was designed to be broadcast, my guess is that I would be in for a rude shock.

So if anyone with the right answers happens to be hanging around, a short explanation of why Andrew needs, or doesn't need, an HD monitor would be welcome.
Steven Gotz
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Old April 24th, 2005, 12:12 AM   #734
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hd previewing

I just posted a new thread on this subject. Like andrew my budget has limitations. I am curious to know the differences as well.

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Old April 24th, 2005, 12:30 AM   #735
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Hmmm.... thanks for the tips guys, I'll give it a try. The reason I thought I would have better luck with a second CRT monitor is because I figured there would be no way to get the hdv signal out through the firewire realtime. Or is there? I have the JVC 30k deck hooked up through firewire to my pc, and that has component outputs for and hd monitor, would that work out through the firewire realtime? I also have a dazzle dv hollywood bridge i was considering connecting through firewire to get a picture on a television, but that only has a composite out. I figured that wouldn't work.

So, if I go through the advanced settings you mentioned before, my premiere timeline will preview fullscreen on the second crt?

Thanks again!

Carlos Rodriguez III
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