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Old April 10th, 2005, 05:45 AM   #661
Join Date: Jan 2002
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I don't think its possible to capture to .mov with PP1.5.

In terms of quality between mov and AVI there should not be any! Everybody on a PC platform will generally capture to AVI.

You can always export your movie to MOV if you need to view it on a mac.

Ed Smith
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Old April 10th, 2005, 05:49 AM   #662
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There are also lots of DV conversion tools out there that can
convert between one DV format and the other. From AVI DV,
to QuickTime DV, or just plain .DV etc. etc.

Capturing to AVI DV or MOV DV would be the same thing, they
are both just container formats encapsulating the DV stream.

You should also be able to output to a .MOV DV file with Premiere.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 10th, 2005, 07:18 AM   #663
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Multi-Camera using DVCAM & Premiere

hi all,

my next wedding is my first wedding i'll be doing using 2 cameras simultaneously (2 angles)

i'll be using 2 x PD150's in DVCAM mode using continuous timecode (the one that keeps running even when the camera stops recording or is switched off) obviously matching the 2 cameras timecode precisely before we shoot.

can premiere read the DVCAM continuous timecode when editing? also is there a way of capturing the footage in the NLE then having it lay it out for you automatically on the 2 tracks on the timeline? (because one camera will be start-stopping doing close-ups etc) so basically the gaps in the 2nd camera will be shown in the 2nd track also (i hope this makes sense)

also can premiere view both camera tracks in 2 monitor windows simultaneously so you can see both cameras at the same time?

obviously i'll be only using the main cameras audio & the 2nd camera's audio will not be used when editing.

any advice on doing this would be appreciated & if there are any better ways on doing this please do let me know....

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Old April 10th, 2005, 10:44 PM   #664
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thanks guys. I knew I could export to .mov from avi...

I'm sure this question has been asked before- but if you rerender DV footage, lets say 3 times, does it recompress 3 times or does it just change anything you've done to the footage?

Thanks for the clarifications.

and another quick question:

Is .avi readable from most macs?
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Old April 11th, 2005, 02:51 AM   #665
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I think in this day and age a Mac (OS X?) can indeed read the DV
AVI files, or you can install something easily to get that supported.

A good NLE should only re-compress frames that have actually
changed, when you have straight cuts it should just put the
compressed frames back to back in the new file.

I'm not sure if Premiere actually does this when going from AVI to
MOV, however, most 3rd party tools who allow such conversions
do this without re-compression.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 11th, 2005, 08:08 AM   #666
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Premiere or AE updates???

Anyone heard anything/rumours about updates to the Video Collection anytime soon?
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Old April 11th, 2005, 08:19 AM   #667
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hi kent,
i'd like to know of any updates too as i'm considering buying the collection too in the next month or two...
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Old April 11th, 2005, 10:38 AM   #668
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I use uncompressed AVI almost exclusively. I was using a P3 733Mhz with 512MB SDRAM, and ATA/100 drives. I had my computer highly optimized (booted up Win2K using only 50MB RAM, or so. I was getting slightly choppy playback. However, if I did a clean boot and wasn't running anything but Premiere, it would play smooth.

Now I have a P4 2.8Ghz with 1GB of DDR2 memory, with a SATA drive. Also optimized running XP now with very little else going on. Very smooth, can even get away with some real time effects. Working in 24p instead of 30 or 60i means fewer frames to load off the disk, too.
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Old April 12th, 2005, 12:47 AM   #669
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Adobe released its creative suite 6 months before the video collection and estimating from their current release of the creative suite, looks like we might be seeing an upgraded version within 6-8 months
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Old April 12th, 2005, 11:04 AM   #670
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You know you're probably right on that. That stinks. Why would they put back to back marketing announcements out. Oh well, I guess I'll be waiting another 6 months. Encore really needs to be updated and Premiere is lacking in a number of places.
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Old April 12th, 2005, 11:21 AM   #671
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I'm not sure about DVCAM in continuous timcode, as I've never worked with it.

But assume the situation where you have scenes where timecodes between the two cameras aren't synced. Say you have

one scene that is 15 minutes long on two cameras. The workflow I suggest (without using additional software like

United Media's multicam) is from Jacob Rosenberg's Total Training DVDs ( The workflow

may be in his book, Adobe Premiere Pro Studio Techniques



Put both 15 minute scenes in a sequence's timeline, one in video 1 track, other in video 2 track. Make sure they

are synced from the start, either using visual or audio cues. Also make sure the clips begin where you want them in

the timeline (set their in point to start in the beginning of the sequence.)

Select the Video 1 track (1st angle) by clicking on the Video 1 track box that precedes the actual track. From the

timeline, move the current-time indicator (CTI) to, say 8:00 in the timeline. Press T (or double click on the clip)

to *Match Frame*, where the source monitor matches the timeline monitor. Then go to File, Timecode, and type 8:00

and select "current time/frame". Now in the source monitor, the source footage timecode(1st angle) will match the

timeline timecode.

Select the Video 2 track (2nd angle), and repeat the same process (you can start at 8:00 or whatever). You have to

perform the match frame process, then change the timecode in your premiere project.

To double check, scrub to random spots on the timeline, using both video tracks. Press T, and make sure the source

footage's timecode maches the timeline's timecode. So 5:00 on both v1/v2 match the timeline, 10:35, 14:00, etc...

This way, you can use 3 point editing to set in/out points on the timeline monitor (say you set the in point on the

timeline for 6:30, and the out point for 6:45.) You can select either the 1st or 2nd angle (or n angles) in the

source monitor, and set the in point for 6:30. Overlay the source footage by pressing comma (period does insert),

and it appears on the timeline.

Match frame (in premiere pro) and 3 point editing (I think common to most NLEs) are hard concepts to explain here,

so I can imagine you easily confused :) There is also multicam software by United Media, although I've never used

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Old April 12th, 2005, 11:22 AM   #672
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I'm not sure about DVCAM in continuous timcode, as I've never worked with it.

But assume the situation where you have scenes where timecodes between the two cameras aren't synced. Say you have one scene that is 15 minutes long on two cameras. The workflow I suggest (without using additional software like United Media's multicam) is from Jacob Rosenberg's Total Training DVDs ( The workflow may be in his book, Adobe Premiere Pro Studio Techniques (

Put both 15 minute scenes in a sequence's timeline, one in video 1 track, other in video 2 track. Make sure they are synced from the start, either using visual or audio cues. Also make sure the clips begin where you want them in the timeline (set their in point to start in the beginning of the sequence.)

Select the Video 1 track (1st angle) by clicking on the Video 1 track box that precedes the actual track. From the timeline, move the current-time indicator (CTI) to, say 8:00 in the timeline. Press T (or double click on the clip) to *Match Frame*, where the source monitor matches the timeline monitor. Then go to File, Timecode, and type 8:00 and select "current time/frame". Now in the source monitor, the source footage timecode(1st angle) will match the timeline timecode.

Select the Video 2 track (2nd angle), and repeat the same process (you can start at 8:00 or whatever). You have to perform the match frame process, then change the timecode in your premiere project.

To double check, scrub to random spots on the timeline, using both video tracks. Press T, and make sure the source footage's timecode maches the timeline's timecode. So 5:00 on both v1/v2 match the timeline, 10:35, 14:00, etc...

This way, you can use 3 point editing to set in/out points on the timeline monitor (say you set the in point on the timeline for 6:30, and the out point for 6:45.) You can select either the 1st or 2nd angle (or n angles) in the source monitor, and set the in point for 6:30. Overlay the source footage by pressing comma (period does insert), and it appears on the timeline.

Match frame (in premiere pro) and 3 point editing (I think common to most NLEs) are hard concepts to explain here, so I can imagine you easily confused :) There is also multicam software by United Media, although I've never used it.
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Old April 12th, 2005, 12:12 PM   #673
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Submit feature requests while you still have a chance.
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Old April 13th, 2005, 04:38 AM   #674
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thanks ed

the video card has one 10-pin video-out port, not a video/l-audio/r-audio. what cable attaches this to the tv? do you need a scart/whatever convertor?
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Old April 13th, 2005, 05:28 AM   #675
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Adobe Video Collection Software Questions

Hi all,

I'm thinking of buying the Adobe Video Collection Academic (as i'm a student) & have a few burning questions.

1: What is the quality like of the DVD encoder built into Premiere Pro 1.5? Does the collection have a better encoder?

2: Is there any difference between the AVID & Premiere encoders, both for DV & DVD? I ask this as the editor at my station said the old Premiere 6.5 software had problems with artifacts, blockiness, etc but AVID generally did not. But he wasn't sure if the Premiere Pro 1.5 software was better now.

3: Does Premiere 1.5 support HDV like the Sony Z1? Can it capture direct or does it need a plug in?

4: When editing in Premiere, do you have to render the project if you dont use any filters, titles, etc? Say if you're just cutting & re-arranging clips.

5: If i wanted to use a DVD encoder like Canopus Procoder, do I have to create an .avi file & then load it into Procoder or can I just load a project file into it?

6: Is the Adobe Video Collection missing anything or are there any issues to know about? The things i'm using it for are weddings & documentaries.

Thank you!..
James Darren is offline  
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