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Old February 27th, 2005, 07:46 AM   #436
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hampshire, England
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Hi dan,

I can't seem to find that shatter effecst in Premiere Pro?

What version of premiere are you using? Is it a 3rd party plug in? What sort of effect are you trying to make?

Ed Smith
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Old February 27th, 2005, 08:41 AM   #437
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If you're referring to the third party Boris FX effect, I'm not personally familiar, but here's the link to the instruction manual:

It is discussed around pp 79-82 as printed (pdf pp 58-62).
Pete Bauer
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Old February 27th, 2005, 12:11 PM   #438
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I assume you are talking about the Shatter effect in After Effects.

What is it you want to know?

You need to make sure the force and radius are sufficient to shatter the image.

This is my first try at using Shatter:
Steven Gotz
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Old February 27th, 2005, 12:54 PM   #439
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24P in Premiere 6.0?

I recently shot some footage for a project using my university's oh-so-shiny DVX100 in 24p mode. I'm hoping to edit it at home on my old Premiere 6.0 system. The DV tape plays back alright in my DV953, but I presume if I capture it without getting the settings right in Premiere, it'll wind up back in 30i. Can I set up Premiere 6.0 to take 24p, or will I have to resort to fighting for time on the FCP rigs at school?
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Old February 27th, 2005, 04:02 PM   #440
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System for Premier

I need to make a jump from my current 1.4 P4 due to crashing problems with Studio 9.

Dell currently has a good deal on Premier. Vegas seems like a good choice too.

Thinking about a dual Xeon but I've also heard that P4 hyper threaded might be just as good. Getting only one processor now and updating later seems to be a bit more trouble than it would be worth.

Any comments before I spend lots of money. I wonder if I will be greatly inconvenienced by getting the cheaper graphice card?

Dell Precision Workstation 470 Intel® Xeon™ Processor 3.00GHz, 2MB L2 Cache 4D302 [221-7724] 1
2nd Processor (Must match speed selection above) Intel® Xeon™ Processor 3.00GHz, 2MB L2 cache PR302 [311-4835] 2
Memory 1GB, DDR2 SDRAM Memory, 400MHz, ECC (2 DIMMS) 1GE2 [310-4985] 3

Graphic Cards 128MB PCIe x16 ATI FireGL V3100, Dual VGA or DVI + VGA Capable ATI128 [320-3958] 6
Boot Hard Drive 80GB SATA, 7200 RPM Hard Drive with DataBurst Cache™ without RAID 80SAT [341-1138] 8

Hard Drive Configuration C1- All SATA drives, Non-RAID, 1 drive total configuration SATA12 [341-1189] 9

Sound Card Sound Blaster_ Audigy™ 2 (D), w/Dolby Digital 5.1 & IEEE1394 SBA2 [312-0267] 17
Speakers No Speaker option N [313-2663] 18


Adobe Video Collection Standard 2.5
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Old February 27th, 2005, 04:09 PM   #441
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Unable to apply Alpha Glow in Premiere Pro 1.5

I believe I need help. I have been trying to apply "Alpha Glow Effect" in PPRO 1.5 However I can't see the effect take place. I have searched the forums. Tried key framing, Adjusting the brightness and Glow, Copying the same clip to the track above and applying 50% opacity but nothing works. I know it's something simple that I'm not doing. Could someone walk me through it. Thank you in advance.

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Old February 27th, 2005, 06:19 PM   #442
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1- With dual processor systems, you are paying significantly more money for very same performance gains. This depends highly on the program though.
Final Cut / Mac takes advantage of dual processors well. ~70% improvement in render times.
Premiere I don't know.
Vegas it's like 3%. With Vegas you can have two copies running, in which case you can render at full speed with one copy and edit away in another copy. It's generally not worth it to get a dual processor system for Vegas.

2- If you do go with Premiere, look into a hardware acceleration card like the Matrox RTX100. You should also check motherboard compatibility if getting that card.

3- Graphics card: Some compositing applications like After Effects and Combustion can take advantage of openGL acceleration from the graphics card. If you don't do that then you can get away with the cheapest dual monitor card available. Nvidia cards are better than ATI cards for video editing when you're dealing with the gaming/normal cards (as opposed to the workstation cards, like the nvidia quadro and ati fire lines).

4- Sound card: A sound card like the M-audio revolution will give you better quality analog-digital converters at about the same price. The drivers should also be less bloated.

5- If you want a cheaper system, look into custom computer builders like local computer shops or online vendors like Monarch for example charges street prices for parts (I think their prices are pretty good), they charge a small fee for building your computer ($50/75), and you may not need to pay tax depending on where you live in the US.

Dell's upgrades are quite overpriced. Their base systems can be good deals and they make their profit off the upgrades. If getting a mid-highend system, you might want to look at specialized vendors for video editing like DVLine and Promax (I have absolutely no experience with those two companies and don't necessarily recommend them).

6- You might also want to look into other NLEs like Vegas and Final Cut. Basically ask yourself what you need to do and then figure out which system is right for you. Things you might want to look at:
ease of use
formats handled (would you need HDV, uncompressed, or HD support?)
advanced editing things needed- compositing, audio post, DVD authoring + encoding package, etc.
speed (related to above)
workflow for the kinds of projects you do
total cost (Premiere, Final Cut, and Vegas systems are roughly the same cost. Vegas is probably cheaper, but that would be neglible if you are using the system for a living.)

7- Budget for lots of hard drive space and dual monitors. Mac and Dell charge you more for more hard drive space than installing your own hard drives or a custom build would.
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Old February 27th, 2005, 08:44 PM   #443
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Hi Ryan,

I'm using PPro 1.5 and AE 6.5 so my memories of Premiere 6 are pretty dim. You can capture and edit your 24pN and 24pA footage with Premiere 6, but you'll have to use 60i settings throughout. You must export at 60i; 24p isn't available and 30p would mix fields from different frames, making it look really bad.

So you could edit and export a 60i file at home, then at school bring it into FCP or another 24p aware program such as After Effects or PPro 1.5, make sure the pull-down cadence is correct, and re-export. That'll cost you an extra render generation, but if time is short, that'll save some of it.
Pete Bauer
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Old February 27th, 2005, 10:06 PM   #444
Capt. Quirk
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I don't know if this will help you, but when Premiere starts, you have the option to customize the settings. I tried using Quicktime setting, and could set it for 24 fps. I didn't play around too much, but you can try it.

On a side note, why are you doing this in 24p?
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Old February 28th, 2005, 04:17 AM   #445
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I don't have Premiere, but could this be an effect that applies a
glow to the ALPHA channel of an image? If so you need to have
this channel (which video does not have!).

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 28th, 2005, 11:25 AM   #446
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I'm thinking that yes it does apply the effect to the alpha channel. I could be wrong. All the other effects that I have tried I can see the effect take place. Not this one.
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Old February 28th, 2005, 06:16 PM   #447
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I hadn't used this particular effect before, but you piqued my interest. Clips do have an alpha channel within PPro; if they didn't have their own upon import, PPro makes sure that they do anyway...clip opacity, keying, garbage mattes and all that kind of stuff depends on the ability to use the alpha channel to adjust opacity.

Turns out that if you haven't placed a key or matte on the clip first to give the alpha channel some edges, the Alpha Glow has nothing to make glow. According to the help:

The Alpha Glow effect adds color around the edges of a masked alpha channel. You can have a single color either fade out or change to a second color as it moves away from the edge.

My quick little test went like this: I took a green screen test clip of my daughter and applied a color key to it so the green area turned black (representing transparency). Then I applied the Alpha Glow effect and voila! Just like that, a colored glow appeared around her that I could adjust at whim in the Alpha Glow settings.

One GOTCHA in it though...if you want to adjust the color with the little eyedropper-shaped Color Picker tool, you have to DRAG it to the area within the Monitor Window where you want to select the color from, not just click to select the tool and then click in the window.

Although I haven't used this effect so far, I suddenly think I could find uses for it. Thanks for pointing it out!
Pete Bauer
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein
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Old February 28th, 2005, 07:58 PM   #448
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Thank you to all

Thank you for responding.
Yes, I was asking about After Effects that I use with Prem Pro.

After posting the question I stumbled across the answer to my problem. I didn't know that you have to change
"wireframe+force" to "rendered" to correctly see what the effect is doing.

Now I'm having a great time playing with it!

Steven, your examples are great! Thanks for sharing them.

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Old February 28th, 2005, 09:51 PM   #449
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Typewriter effect for titles

Hey guys,

I am looking for an effect for creating a title that looks and sounds like you are typing onto the page over video image.

I am on a pc working with Premier 6.5 - Has anyone seen this effect on associated plug ins?
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Old March 1st, 2005, 04:52 AM   #450
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Prem Pro 1.5.1 released.

head to for the free update which covers HDV templates, and capturing... havent had much of a chance to check it out though.. but its there.. released today in fact..
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