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Old February 21st, 2005, 07:47 PM   #391
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looks pixelized. almost like vcd quality. mostly affects diagonal curved outlines. odd enough, i tried it again using scale and all is fine. i will post screen caps when i get the dub-out back.

maybe it had something to do with scale: i accidentally unchecked uniform scale, changed scale to 75%, then, upon realizing the mistake, checked it back. the clip aspect was now correct, but one dimension remained 75%. but this is just speculation.

thanks. i'll try using maintain aspect
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Old February 21st, 2005, 10:25 PM   #392
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mini 35 and premiere pro 7

after i have flipped the image horizontally and vertically in premiere pro 7 and try and export it either to tape or as an avi, the footage ends up having a strobe like effect. Its looks a little like the image is moving up and down extremly quickly. so has anyone had any problems like this and found a way to fix it? maybe by using another program to flip the image. i vaguely remember people talking about programs or plugins which did this.
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Old February 21st, 2005, 11:25 PM   #393
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Window problem in premiere

In the effects window, where you select audio and video transitions to add to your clips, suddenly my scroll bar on the right side (the only one in that window too) has turned into a scroll left or right bar instead of up and down. I can't get it to change back and I'm pretty certain I did nothing to make it this way. I cannot reach all of the effects in that project. Does anyone know how to change it back to scroll up and down (the one like the one to the right in your browser window). Thanks,

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Old February 22nd, 2005, 12:41 AM   #394
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i just rotate the image 180 degrees in premiere pro 1.5 and it seems fine when i render it out... i think what you are having is a fields problem.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 03:02 AM   #395
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Definitely a fields problem. Firewire in is generally lower field first. You need to de-interlace the footage, process it and export lower field first or reverse field order. I never had a lot of satisfaction from erecting the image in post.

Unless you can select a high quality once you have it all in your computer, apply effects then export to movie again as MicrosoftDV there may be a quality loss. I think there may be a qulaity loss assocated with de-interlacing as well unless Premiere Pro has been upgraded in this regard. Others more knowledgeable can advise better on this topic.

On this site there is are two articles relating to film look. One is for creating the 24 FPS motion blur effect. In addition to the motion blur effect you can invert your footage once the import of two copies of the same file are done as per the article. The method works for getting rid of the jitter.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 03:32 AM   #396
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Hi Jay,

What version of Premiere are you using?

On the effects control window there is a little arrow which points to the right. If you click this it will give you further options, whether or not there is an option to chage the scroll position, I don't know with out Premiere in front of me...

Ed Smith
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 03:44 AM   #397
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this is odd...

...but this functionality has occurred to me also. My version is PPro1.5 and the only Window that I have this happen in is indeed the effects library. Try this: Restart the machine. Resize the master window area across both monitors. Save that workspace as something new. Restart Premiere and load the new workspace. Be sure the library window isn't touching any other window.

If that still doesn't restore the right margin scroll bar, the temporary workaround is to max your screen resolution so the smaller size of all the windows will let you see the contents once you resize the offending window.

The above assumes dual head monitors. If you are working on one, perhaps check out the latest agp dual head cards. They have become quite affordable as of late.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 08:43 AM   #398
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Matrox rt2500 and premiere pro 1.5

Basically i have a system with an rt2500 and premiere 6.

I am going to upgrade the motherboard and cpu and purchase premiere pro 1.5.

wat i want to know is will my rt2500 work with premiere pro 1.5?

If so - will it give much improvements over using a standard firewire card?

Is there a thread on here that lists optimal hardware setup options?

I am thinking of;
a 939 amd proccessor(fastest i can afford)
1.5 gigs of ram.
2x40gig seagate barracudas raided as a system drive
1x250gig and 1x80 seagate video drives.
twin 19" monitors

Need advice on a suitable motherboard and display card ( i have a raedon7500 64meg but am thinking of upgrading?).

Any advice is greatly appreciated :)

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Old February 22nd, 2005, 11:15 AM   #399
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It took me over 2 years of tweaking my RT2500 and Premiere 6 to get it stable. I think you might run into a problem continuing to use the RT2500 and Pro 1.5. Instead if you are dead set on upgrading, then I would recommend abandoning the RT2500, replace it with a firewire card, and the fastest processor you can afford.

On the other hand the RT2500 and P6 will do about everything except for the high end cutting edge stuff. I plan to keep mine untill it self destructs then will upgrade to a new platform.


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Old February 22nd, 2005, 11:41 AM   #400
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I have tried all options about flipping the image in Premiere.
Rotate 180, flip vertical, de-interlace, etc. None was clean.
Did not export anything to tape since is just a test and I can see the jitter after rendering. Someone tried Pro while on the phone and said does a clean job but I did not test it myself.(I'll try it this week, I hope)
I have flipped the image clean in Avid express.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 12:45 PM   #401
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Premiere Pro will not work with the RT2500 Matrox have not produced any drivers for it. However you can trade in your RT2500 and upgrade to RTX 100 with Premiere Pro (Suite or Pro edition).

You will need to upgrade your system to the recommended specs on Matrox website. Please take a look at this site:

The Price of upgrading to the RTX 100 is about the same price of purchasing Premiere on its own. Even if you don't use the RTX 100 you can still run Premiere in software only mode (with IEE 1394 card) - I personally think that that makes more sense...

Ed Smith
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 04:07 PM   #402
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You should definitely check out the compatibility information at the Matrox website:

You might also want to look at an Intel processor as they are generally faster at video tasks (and slower at games). They are faster at MPEG2 encoding with the Main Concept encoder. I'm not sure about Premiere render speeds.

RAM: On Intel chipsets, 2 or 4 sticks of the exact same model RAM (same capacity too) is the fastest configuration. It only makes a few percent difference though.

2x40gig seagate barracudas raided as a system drive
RAID0/1 might run into configuration issues (see the link above) on the ICH6 RAID controller according to the Matrox website.

Your video card should be fine unless you use a program that takes advantage of openGL acceleration. In that case, go for a workstation card optimized for openGL performance (nvidia quadro and ATI fire series). If you must go with a gaming-oriented card, go Nvidia (better dual monitor drivers, you can quasi-calibrate your monitor to NTSC bars and tone, better openGL performance).

2- Dual monitors: How are you spanning Premiere Pro across both monitors? ATI cards can't do it (bad drivers) unless you get the shareware program Ultramon. I recommend Ultramon anyways, as it gives you a second taskbar. You can hotkey a key like F1 to switch windows between both monitors. I use it daily and find it extremely useful when I have 20 windows open. On a single monitor setup this would be hard to juggle.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 05:32 PM   #403
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Thanks for the input guys. It is 1.5 and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one this has happened to. It was driving me crazy wondering what I did. I will try this and I'll look for a way to get this to the folks at Adobe to see if we can get a correction. What a bug.

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Old February 22nd, 2005, 05:44 PM   #404
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There are a couple of basic functionality bugs that exist in premiere pro. They don't affect the finished product but one example is the final keyframe in the effects window. Just wait till you encounter that one!

Otherwise, Premiere Pro has risen to the top of the nle choices among wintel users. But that's just my humble opinion....
Jimmy McKenzie is offline  
Old February 22nd, 2005, 07:34 PM   #405
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You're scaring me!! What is the final keyframe issue? I gotta know.
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