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Old January 21st, 2005, 04:18 PM   #196
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Hi Andrew,

If you're getting a "failed to return video frame" message when using the Adobe Media Encoder to render or transcode, there is a simple workaround:

If that isn't it, could you please describe what happens in a little more detail?

Pete Bauer
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Old January 21st, 2005, 05:11 PM   #197
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The message says "failed to transcode audio/video" regardless of whether its set to NTSC or PAL or any encoding rate.
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Old January 21st, 2005, 07:19 PM   #198
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I searched Adobe's forum and FAQ and found one post where a person had the same message as you, but no answer.

Even though your error message wasn't identical, I think it is worth trying the fixes listed in the tech document hyperlinked above since the mpg transcoding engine Adobe uses for all of its applications would seem to be involved.

Note that if you are using PPro 1.0, there is a chance that the file renaming option might cause it to become unstable. No harm, no foul with PPro 1.5.

Beyond that, I don't have any other ideas for you. If using a capture board or anything else "non-mainstream" on your system, let us know and maybe someone will have some further info.

Best of luck!
Pete Bauer
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Old January 21st, 2005, 10:51 PM   #199
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Premier Pro 1.5 support for AE plug-ins?

Hi guys, I was wondering what kind of support does Premier Pro 1.5 have for AE plug ins? Is there a chance I could use the Frishcluft plug in for it?

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Old January 22nd, 2005, 03:22 AM   #200
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With old premiere, first you had to set keyframes and then mathematically set the positional keyframes for at least 2 keyframes. Worked ok but the new scrub bar built into effect controls makes this much more intuitive.
The problem is that when we are working with the micro scrub bar within the effect controls window, this should be a slave of the clip within the timeline. So when we are at the start we see the clip as should so be the case once reaching the end of the clip. One does not see the last frame of the clip when performing a positional keyframe entry.
I emailed this to Adobe. No reply.
It makes sense to me that when making a graphics adjustment in a gui interface that one be able to see the work they are creating. Not a black frame.
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Old January 22nd, 2005, 11:41 AM   #201
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Thanks guys, that was very helpful.

As it turns out, I opened the ttl file in notebook and found that they created it using XML (good move), so I can actually copy the file 50 times and change the titles there, which is much easier for me than doing it in PPRo.

All that work, and the event got snowed out today :(. But it will go on soon, and this will really help. Thanks again.
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB
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Old January 22nd, 2005, 02:29 PM   #202
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Ctrl-D, Page Up, Page Down keyboard shortcuts

Perhaps a useful way to apply the fade in/out process in single mode (not batch mode) is to select the track in which the titles appear (click to the left of the eyeball so that it goes from light gray to dark gray), then press Page Down and Ctrl-D, to jump to the next cut and apply the default transition as the fade out. Pressing Page Up jumps to the previous cut where you can apply the default transition as your fade in.

This is useful if you want to adjust how a particular title fades in and out. Or for the video and audio tracks.
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Old January 22nd, 2005, 08:08 PM   #203
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Project trim/Batch trim

Can anyone tell me if they brought this feature back? They took out with the first verion of Pro and I was upset to hear. For those of you who don;t know what this is, it is a feature that makes new movie files of just the stuff you are using. So let's say you captured 10 mins of footage but was only using 5 mins total it would render out new clips of just those 5 mins you were using. It's a great tool once your hard drive starts filling up and you still have tapes to capture.
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Old January 22nd, 2005, 09:51 PM   #204
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I haven't had a chance to use the mirrored "mini" scrub bar (the one next to the effects controls), but I will keep that in mind.

I also need to check out the Adobe support forums soon, too, to see what other problems users are having with Pro 1.5
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Old January 22nd, 2005, 11:18 PM   #205
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Need Help in Figuring Out fps problem in Adobe Premiere

I have been trying to edit an MPEG file which was encoded at the 59.94 fps Windows Media standard, and when I export the sequence in Premiere at the NTSC 29.97 fps default, the result is choppy playback. I suspect that every other frame is probably being dropped due to the fps difference.

Is there a way to convert the 59.94 fps rate to 29.97 NTSC and still maintain smooth playback? I have been trying to get this output to be compatible with playback on my TV... Is this even possible?
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 11:47 AM   #206
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Hi Dmitry,

Can't help too much -- not familiar with this plug-in and don't get any hits when I search for it. If it costs, money, I'd ask the vendor before buying.

General information on plug-ins is on page 293 of the PPro 1.0 manual; it is only about half a page. One sentence may help,"...many Adobe After Effects plug-ins can be copied into the Adobe Premiere Pro Plug-ins folder to use in your video work." So if you already have the plug-in, just copy it to the PPro plug-in folder and give it a go.
Pete Bauer
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 12:28 PM   #207
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I've certainly experienced crackling audio before, using both 6.x and in PPro. In line with the thread that Rob hyperlinked, it was always due to audio clipping...usually when the audio from two or more clips was being output at the same time.

It kind of sounds like that's possibly what's going on in your project, too, since you describe originally being "in the red" and just turning your gain down to avoid it. If so, you have at least three options:
1. Where "combined clipping" occurs, reduce the audio in one or both clips with keyframes or overall gain reduction to keep the sum total below 0dB output (more or less what you did, but you could tweak just the areas where clipping is a problem).
2. Reduce the dynamic range so there isn't so much difference between quiet and loud portions to prevent the loud areas from sneaking some clipping in on you.
3. A combination of 1 and 2.

PPro does have audio effects such as Dynamics and Multi-Band Compression that will very quickly and easily reduce the dynamic range of your audio so you don't have to make the quieter areas TOO quiet to avoid clipping the output of the louder areas. I suspect that if you play with your dynamic range a little bit, you'll find you get results much more like you were expecting and without crackles.

Please do let us know if that helps!
Pete Bauer
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 03:28 PM   #208
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How do I make a blurr over the logos in Premiere (6)

HI there

You know how some TV shows have to blur out the logos or names of products for copyright reasons? How do we do this in Premiere?

Do we have to make our own semi opaque title, or is there one already? I know how to superimpose different sized shapes on the video already.

And if we superimpose on item in the V2 (video2) line, can we further superimpose more things above that? Like, do we have to add more superimpose tracks???

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Old January 23rd, 2005, 05:56 PM   #209
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Thanks, I'll try that. Sorry I misspelled Frishcluft I think it's actually Frischluft
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 06:58 PM   #210
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Ja, ja. Jetzt sehe ich, das Frischluft ist in Aachen, Deutschland.

If you get it, please do let us know if it works in PPro and what you think of the plug-in itself.
Pete Bauer
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