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Old November 23rd, 2005, 11:50 AM   #1936
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If you have cut the audio from the timeline you can:

Paste the audio anywhere on the timeline by moving the timeline index to the point you want, the go to EDIT/PASTE on the menu.

If you want to put a different portion of the audio with the video (in other words and out of sync audio) you can cut out the portion of audio you want and paste it the same way as above.

Barry Oppenheim
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 03:40 PM   #1937
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You need to rip the footage to a DV-AVI with a program like ImTooDVD
Steven Gotz
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 05:45 PM   #1938
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Just a quick update

Well, I'm still not having any luck tracking down a solution to this one, but I have tried some further troubleshooting..

I tried removing the background completely - the lines are still there - so they're definitely part of the image which has the garbage matte applied to it, not a reaction by the background. Also, I just noticed the green lines (black lines on the exported frames, but they come out green on the .avi exported, and the DVD) also appear on this image, which also has a garbage matte applied to it, but this one doesn't have any keyframed motion:

So the keyframing's not creating the lines. Also, if you look at the image above, you can see the line actually gets thicker towards the top. Don't know what significance that has, but I thought it may be related to aliasing or interlacing, or possibly as a result of the speed increase applied to the clip.

So I tried slowing it down to 100% speed, but this didn't fix the problem. Also, I have other clips in the same timeline where I've used garbage mattes with sped up footage, and there are no lines!

I'm baffled. I'd greatly appreciate any help with this one - I'm looking at entering the film in a local festival, but can't unless I can get rid of these weird green lines!
Andrew Green is offline  
Old November 23rd, 2005, 06:40 PM   #1939
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Well well, boys n girls - after losing some sleep and removing some hair, I finally had a light bulb moment.. So, while I know it's a bit selfish to hog the whole thread like this, I thought I might share the solution with you folk..

It was all about motion settings - I had used 'motion' to scale up both of the bits of footage I was having problems with. At normal scale, the green line disappeared. So I tried setting 'motion' back to 100% scale, and applying the scale increase using a Transform filter instead..

Voila - au revoir green line, bonjour decent-looking garbage matte effect! So now, after I manage to copy and paste the new settings to each of the dozens of snippets of footage which need it, I'll be in business.. and hopefully in the film festival too..

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Old November 23rd, 2005, 07:05 PM   #1940
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Project File Damage

I was trying to export a quick low quality dvd for a preview for some clients of what there was edited of a video; it locked the computer up and when i restarted to reopen the project, the file came up damage and would not open, is there anyway i can open this???? i need the 10+ minutes of footage i edited, really really bad. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Wes Coughlin is offline  
Old November 23rd, 2005, 07:31 PM   #1941
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Have you check your "Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-Save" folder?
theres should be a back-up file there, (if you had auto save enable).

good luck,
David Aguilar is offline  
Old November 23rd, 2005, 07:55 PM   #1942
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all my auto-save files are also corrupted for some odd reason, any ideas?
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Old November 24th, 2005, 05:41 AM   #1943
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Originally Posted by Wes Coughlin
all my auto-save files are also corrupted for some odd reason, any ideas?
Try to import your project into a new project. It works sometimes, not always though...

Can you open any project at all in Premiere Pro? It is strange that all the audo saved files are corrupted.

A good habit is to take backups of your project files on a dialy basis and use the Save a Copy feature (File > Save a Copy) before and after major changes in the project. This will save you time in the future. :)

Roger Averdahl is offline  
Old November 24th, 2005, 09:08 AM   #1944
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Velocity Curves like in Vegas?

Is there any way to achieve the same as "velocity curves" in Vegas with Premiere Pro?

I know i can change the overall speed of a clip but how to change the speed in time?

(Sorry about my engrish but i life in the same town where schwarzeneger was born - what else can i say... )
Michael Karrer is offline  
Old November 24th, 2005, 09:15 AM   #1945
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Premiere Pro does not have that. After Effects does, it is called Time Remapping.
Steven Gotz
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Old November 24th, 2005, 09:27 AM   #1946
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Thanks a lot - now i know i have wasted two or three hours searching ...

I am still searching for my editing programm -
Adobe Premiere, Vegas, Avid or Edius.

I have absolutely no clue how to find out whats best for me... - maybe another thread ;)
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Old November 24th, 2005, 09:34 PM   #1947
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I have Premiere Pro 1.5.1, Vegas 6 and Edius Pro 3. By choice for DV I use Edius it is the fastest and if it has the capability to do what you want is the easiest. Vegas is by far the most flexible for DV and HDV but is also the slowest at almost everything. If you do long format programs ( events like theatre of several hours at a time) then Edius with Canopus hardware is the way to go with realtime output to DV. IF you need fine control of absolutely everything then Vegas 6 is the one. Although I started on Fast Video Machine moved to Premiere for most of the time, in the last year I use Edius the most and turn to Vegas for the things Edius can't do, special audio mixes , keyframes control of pan and crop etc.

Ron Evans
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Old November 25th, 2005, 01:13 PM   #1948
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Have you checked to see if you have a screen saver running in the background because if anything is going on in the background that might run over premiere while it's capturing it will automatically stop.

There could be a timer saver in the camera as well if nothing is going on for so long it will go into stand-by mode. This will cause the capturing to stop.

Those are a few options if you have not already considered them.

Hope this helps.
Josh Woll is offline  
Old November 25th, 2005, 01:18 PM   #1949
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Why its so difficult to capture a 3/4 channel

I already have Scenelyzer so please do not think this is another post about that issue.

I just find it difficult wondering how hard it is to have an editing program that will have the option of capturing all 4 channels?

I'm soon upgrading to Final Cut 5 when I finally receive my powermac and I know for a fact you can switch b/t 1/2 and 3/4 when capturing the footage.

Can anybody, or if you want to explain why this is so difficult?
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Old November 25th, 2005, 02:28 PM   #1950
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scenealyzer gives you all of the options that you need to capture audio channels from tape, including all four channels at once... are you saying that some unspecified editing programs are not capable of that?

since you already have scenealyzer, you don't have any problem capturing audio, so it's not clear what the point of your post is.
Dan Euritt is offline  
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