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Old November 21st, 2005, 06:35 PM   #1921
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works flawlessly. as a matter of fact, I used to capture straight to an 80GB 2.5" laptop drive that I put in sleek little portable case that was connected to my Sony Vaio Laptop using DV Rack. The drive was bus powered by the USB and it captured the incoming DV without a hitch.

Remember, this is a 4200rpm drive... so a full 7200RPM 3.5" drive connected via USB2 is no problem (which I have done as well)

Only thing... make sure your computer is fast enough, because USB is not asynchronous like Firewire (which is why it is prefered). What that means is, when you use firewire, even though it is technically slower then usb2, it does not require any CPU or computer muscle to communicate. its like going from the camera DIRECTLY to the drive through the cables. The computer is there only to point it in the right direction. However with USB...the video has to go through the computer procesor to be told what to do and then finally spit out via USB2.

So basically, an old PIII crappy laptop with 256k of RAM can easily capture DV using a firewire PCMCIA card. But if you try that same computer with a USB2 PCMCIA can bet it will choke.

Shannon W. Rawls ~ Motion Picture Producer & huge advocate of Digital Acquisition.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 03:55 AM   #1922
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how to add again audio to clip on premiere pro?

If I, during edition, on time line "cut" audio of each clip. How can I, after finishing movie, add again original audio to some clips. I'm working on premiere pro. Thanks.

Last edited by Cesar Perez; November 22nd, 2005 at 05:54 AM. Reason: bad configurated cuestion
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 08:00 AM   #1923
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Originally Posted by Wes Coughlin
I've been having to use premiere pro 1.0 to capture from minidv because 1.5 does not reconized the device. But, latley for some odd reason, when i go to capture in premiere 1.0, it captures for about 10 or so minutes and then automatically stops no matter what tape it is or camera. I reinstalled premiere 1.0, and that did not fix my problem. So i was wondering if you have any suggestions on what to do next, and mabye know about any updates for premiere 1.5 that would allow me to caputre there. Thnx
I had the exact same problem about 2 months ago and have yet to understand why is happenning. The camera seems to work on and off between to different work stations. Sometines i encountered problems relatted more so to problems on my PC not accosiatted with Premeire.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 08:49 AM   #1924
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Not sure what you mean by "cut". Do you mean remove the original audio track from the timeline, edit the video, than add the original unedited audio to the video?

If so, what you want to do is right click on your video/audio on the timeline and select unlink audio and video. This will allow you to edit the video without affecting the audio track.

Barry Oppenheim
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 11:52 AM   #1925
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Okay, here's what's weird...

I connected the DVX to the laptop via firewire, and the laptop to the external drive via USB2, and set Premiere Pro 1.5 to capture from the camera to the external HD...

...and the capture went flawlessly; no drops, no hitches.

But, when I imported the captured video and dropped it onto the Pro 1.5 timeline, it wouldn't play back; I hit the 'play' button and the image just stayed frozen.

If I used the jog wheel, I could jog and shuttle through, just fine. I could step frame-by-frame, just fine. But playing the video back offa the external HD, wasn't working, at all.

Whaddya suppose was happening, there...?
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 12:45 PM   #1926
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If i have clip of ten seconds, and i need only 3 second of this clip....i cut clip in monitor and put the clip on timeline. Then i was lock the video line, and with right click on audio (that comes with this 3 second of clip), i choose "cut". So now i have clip without can i add again this 3 second of audio, without ctrl+z. Hope that you understand me becouse my english is bad.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 03:18 PM   #1927
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Capture straight from a DVD?


Just started learning Premiere Pro 1.5 and it seems a fantastic package.

Just a simple question. Can I capture footage straight from a DVD disc or must it be on the harddrive first?

Many thanks for any help.

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Old November 22nd, 2005, 03:19 PM   #1928
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Sorry Bro. now we are getting into software issues and I am a Vegas user, not Premier, so I can't help. *sad face*

But try this....

Use something OTHER THAN premier to capture. See how that goes. Maybe the free Windows Movie Maker that comes with XP? or anything else. Now you start narrowing down the issue.

Shannon W. Rawls ~ Motion Picture Producer & huge advocate of Digital Acquisition.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 03:29 PM   #1929
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Moderator note: I've moved this thread to our Premiere forum where you may find someone who can help with this issue
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 04:24 PM   #1930
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Originally Posted by Craig Bellaire
that's what I meant... Guess I'll buy the Matrox X100 then... thanks
You can also consider the Canopus cards, I've been using them for a little over 2 years and "love'em" no need to render, all realtime, I just hit play. Even exports are better than realtime, I can export to AVI a 15 minute wedding ceremony with effects and transitions, 2 video tracks, 3 to 4 audio tracks and some graphics in under 5 minutes.

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Old November 22nd, 2005, 06:04 PM   #1931
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Keyframed Garbage Matte Problem


There, now with that out of my system, I would greatly appreciate any sage advice on a problem I'm having with this effect.

Here's an image of the issue:

What I'm trying to achieve is a static background (the road - footage set to 'hold on out point' with hold filters and deinterlaced), with each of the cars separated from the background, so I can trigger them to travel along the road whenever I like. There may be a better way to do this (using a difference key?), but I used keyframed garbage mattes, and I've got it all set up so they trigger correctly, and it looks fine. So, everything is going swimmingly, except I get these outlines around each of the cars. In the screenshot above they look black, but they come out a teal green in the video.

I've searched the net pretty comprehensively, and the forums too, but the closest to a solution I've found is in the Vegas forum here:

I have no idea how/if this solution translates to Premiere. Aside from the garbage matte, there are no other effects on the footage, aside from it being accelerated by 3-400%. Ideally, I'd like to keep the garbage mattes and just remove the lines, but if the only way to fix this issue is to approach it completely differently, then I'd love to hear a good way to do that, too.

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Old November 22nd, 2005, 06:57 PM   #1932
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Originally Posted by Karl J Martin
Okay, here's what's weird...

I connected the DVX to the laptop via firewire, and the laptop to the external drive via USB2, and set Premiere Pro 1.5 to capture from the camera to the external HD...

...and the capture went flawlessly; no drops, no hitches.

But, when I imported the captured video and dropped it onto the Pro 1.5 timeline, it wouldn't play back; I hit the 'play' button and the image just stayed frozen.

If I used the jog wheel, I could jog and shuttle through, just fine. I could step frame-by-frame, just fine. But playing the video back offa the external HD, wasn't working, at all.

Whaddya suppose was happening, there...?

Is the camera on when you are doing this ? is teh video coming out to the camera and not in the pc ? if so, un check the proyect setting to disable the output video to the firewire.
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 01:13 AM   #1933
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Yup, 4:3 is exactly what I have to change. Anyone know if its possible to change between the two during editing? When I began the project i picked widescreen preset under panasonic 24p. When I go up to project>project settings>general I can see 16:9 there, but it won't let me do anything to it (its greyed out). Is there somewhere I can go to modify this setting. Otherwise I'll have to recut everything I've done so far :(

Or atleast if theres a way to import the cuts from another project...

*edit* oh hey! simply going to file>import then importing my old file fixes the problem. Thanks everyone :)
Matthew Coady is offline  
Old November 23rd, 2005, 07:22 AM   #1934
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Nope... A workaround (admittedly not a cheap one) could be After Effects together with:

As I said, not cheap but fast.

Max H
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 11:16 AM   #1935
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I simple yes or no would even help
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