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Old November 8th, 2005, 09:09 AM   #1831
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The bluriness in vertical flip vs. horizontal flip might have to do with interlacing field orders. Vertical flipping changes the order of the fields and Premiere might have to do some interpolation on the image to display the fields correctly. De-interlacing the video first might fix this, and this would work better with a third party de-interlacer (such as Magic Bullet) than doing it in Premiere. Otherwise, maybe you might try flipping the video in After Effects if you have access to it.

But I might be wrong...
Jean-Francois Robichaud is offline  
Old November 8th, 2005, 09:17 AM   #1832
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If your aiff have a long duration, it might take some time for PPRO to conform the audio, and the file won't play until this is done. Check on the right part of the status bar for a "Conforming Audio" message.

If that's not it, it might just be that a camcorder is connected to your PC. By default, Premiere disables audio from the timeline to the PC speakers when it detects a firewire connection; audio only plays on the camcorder. You can change that behaviour in the preferences.
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Old November 8th, 2005, 01:04 PM   #1833
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storyboard feature

The old Adobe Premiere used to have a storyboard feature where you could lay out your clips in a window and then export the sequence to the timeline with any chosen transition in between. I can't seem to find this same feature anywhere in Pro. Is it gone, or am I just not seeing it? The reason I ask is because I'm doing a photo montage for a customer and that feature makes the process alot easier.
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Old November 8th, 2005, 01:26 PM   #1834
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Nevermind that. I found it right after the post. Thanks anyways.
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Old November 8th, 2005, 09:57 PM   #1835
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One possibility is your microphone is not muted for playback in Windows.
You can check this in the Volume Control window (double click on the speaker icon in the taskbar).
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Old November 8th, 2005, 10:19 PM   #1836
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When you encode the video for Flash (I am talking about Flash 8 here, not sure for the others), you will have the possibility to add cue points. And these cue points will trigger events in Flash, for example displaying text...
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Old November 8th, 2005, 10:32 PM   #1837
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Yeah, I knew that I had to wait for it, and that wasn't the case. Its only a 2 min aiff file, which shouldn't cause any problems. And I don't have a camcorder connected either. I had initially accessed the file via an external hard drive, but thought maybe I would have better luck if I copied the files to my desktop, then imported the files. Unfortunately, the same thing happened. I also updated quicktime, thinking maybe the codecs were missing, but that didn't do anything either. I'm really just totally dumbfounded about this one.
Erica Concolino is offline  
Old November 8th, 2005, 10:52 PM   #1838
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Hi Erica
If it were me, I'd try bringing the AIFF file into another editor - Cool Edit, Audition etc and exporting it out as a WAV file. I've found Premiere (v6.5)likes those best. The other problem I found was with differing sample rates - Premiere likes to have all audio at the same sample rate for a project i.e 48kHz, 44.1kHz etc so it may be worth checking the files to make sure the sample rate is the same (N.B it may be that Ppro's "conform" feature sorts this out...
Hope this helps

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Old November 8th, 2005, 10:59 PM   #1839
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Hi Joe
I may have the worng end of the stick here, but it seems your post concerns images being cropped when you bring them into Premiere. If you're viewing them on a video monitor (rather than a PC monitor) it could be that video monitors overscan and chop off the edges of images anyway. Does it crop them in the monitor window on the PC screen?
I always do all my stills work in photoshop (I have a plugin that allows me to preview Photoshop output on a video monitor) and don't have problems.
Hope this helps

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Old November 9th, 2005, 12:43 AM   #1840
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I will be working with flash 8. Will I encode the video and then, in flash, add these cue points? I can't do this from premiere before the encode right?

Also, I am new to going from premiere to flash. Does Flash Studio 8 give you a plugin or some way to encode straight to flash from i have to go to quicktime first? Whats the best way of doing this?

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Old November 9th, 2005, 09:35 AM   #1841
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To accomplish this task, you will need Flash 8 and not Premiere Pro. You need to export your file from Premiere Pro as an AVI or MOV (or a bunch of other formats), then open up the Flash Video Encoder > Encode your file > Import into flash and add the trigger points.
Aanarav Sareen is offline  
Old November 9th, 2005, 12:41 PM   #1842
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To Multicam or not to Multicam?

Well I've just been retained to shoot upcoming Cheerleading competitions with three cameras. I've got two events to shoot and edit before 12/20.

Now come on Adobe, release 2.0 so I can upgrade to the new version and not have to purchase United Media Multicam as well. Cause I know you're going to have multicam in 2.0, right?

I guess I'll give them till late next week and then I'll have no choice but to give UM my hard earned money.

Jay Handleson is offline  
Old November 10th, 2005, 09:20 AM   #1843
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We just got in our copy of flash so I'm going to try it.

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Old November 10th, 2005, 03:20 PM   #1844
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I think the cable might be the culprit ... try a known good 6 footer... the easy trouble shoot is to attempt again with your xl1 and the deck... As to why only the XL2 allows for a clean transfer is odd ... it should also be suspect if the cable was too long / defective...
Jimmy McKenzie is offline  
Old November 10th, 2005, 04:35 PM   #1845
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Ok, here's what I've discovered so far.

I can export directly to flash video from after effects. I just open my premiere clip in AE and that's that. However, I'm editing the footage in 720x480 and I need to export the video to 360x240.

When I resize the output in AE, it just crops. Same thing when I resize the video in the timeline. Anyone got a solution here?

I can export to a smaller screen size with Quicktime from Premiere, but I'm prepping for a big job and being able to cut out that step would be nice.

Do they make a plugin that allows you to go straight from PPro to Flash?

Rick Step is offline  
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