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Old November 6th, 2005, 08:25 PM   #1816
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Hi Stephen,

I just shot/edited a cooking show pilot called "Dish to Dish" using the smart sound plug-in w/ p pro 1.5. Very fast workflow New-Smartsound-Select music-Select variation(calm, fast, aggressive, ect)-Select duration-save.

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Old November 6th, 2005, 08:50 PM   #1817
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which reciever do you have? i dont believe mine has 5.1 input...
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Old November 6th, 2005, 11:07 PM   #1818
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Stills in Adobe

Hello Everybody,

I just recently upgraded to premiere pro from a pinnacle program. So I have taken a big leap. One big question I have is that I am trying to pull stills in from photoshop and I cannot drop it to the right size without losing part of the image. Any hints for the Adobe beginner?

Sorry for the basic question, if it has been addressed somewhere else, just point me to the right thread but my previous searches were not that successful.


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Old November 6th, 2005, 11:40 PM   #1819
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Hi Joe,
Welcome to the Adobe world :-). To export a frame from your timeline.

File > Export > Frame
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Old November 7th, 2005, 03:03 AM   #1820
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Originally Posted by Joe Moore
...pull stills in from photoshop and I cannot drop it to the right size without losing part of the image. Any hints for the Adobe beginner?
1. Select the still on the Timeline and go to the Effect Controls Window
2. Twirl down Motion and adjust the Scale on your image
3. Repeat step 1&2 on all stills if nessesary

Thats one way to do it, still by still. There are some other ways if you have a lot of stills on your Timeline.

If you work a lot with stills a valuable opinion can be found in Project > Project Settings > General. Check Scale clips to project dimensions when adding to sequence. This setting has no effect if the stills already are added to your Sequence, it must be checked before you add the stills to your Sequence.

Over and out!

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Old November 7th, 2005, 05:43 PM   #1821
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The good part about that is that you have headroom to zoom in/out or pan around. Having the extra pixels is great and I can't imagine now using a still image that was exactly the size of the video (720x480) as it would be pretty boring in todays style of editing to just use a static shot. There are a lot of resources to view on doing this if you do searches on the "Ken Burns" effect (I believe that's who it is) Hope this helps.
Sony Fan Boy! Sony AX100, VG20, RX10, A6000, CX760 and a GoPro 4
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Old November 7th, 2005, 07:04 PM   #1822
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capture problem- where?

i'm getting glitches when capturing, and it looks like this-

you can see them on the bars

it's accompanied by ticks in audio.

i don't know how to troubleshoot this. would like some suggestions. thanks.

footage is shot on xl2, no problem when capturing with the xl2.

problem is when i capture using my jvc sr deck BUT it doesn't appear during capture (on the pc monitor and tv), only when playing back the captured file.

the jvc sr deck has been serviced and its tape head has been replaced. that didn't help.

signal flow:
jvc sr- firewire (25')- storm2pro- svhs(video) - tv monitor
jvc sr- firewire (25')- storm2pro- rca (audio)- mackie mixer- jbl lsr speakers

any help appreciated. thanks

Last edited by Mo Zee; November 7th, 2005 at 08:02 PM.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 08:18 PM   #1823
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All of the above is valid. A few warnings: Best to use .psd files not jpeg in PPro. Skippy / odd renderings can occur. Watchout for pixel dimensions in excess of 1500x2000. This can also cause unwanted hiccups in PPro in large projects. I didn't think 2 gigs of ram and a fast p4 with 256 Video from the approved list would cause problems ... just plan well and keep your frames tight.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 08:27 PM   #1824
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Is this your first cature of 16x9 content with the deck? Perhaps the 1.2 par is an issue. Has the recording drum been serviced on the deck? Perhaps swap out the cable?

Just a few ideas...

Try another low end single chip camcorder for capture to see if the trouble can be duplicated...
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Old November 7th, 2005, 09:17 PM   #1825
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Hey thanks for the help... the black line issue I figured out - in case your wondering, the preview screen was shrinking the image down to the point where it wasn't displaying all of the lines of pixels, i guess, and as a result i couldn't see that black line, which was essentially a gap between the images. I fixed it by setting the display to 100% rather than 'fit'

as far as the clip Vs. crop goes - thank you greatly. I havent tried this yet, but I hope it works... i'll do it as soon as I get home...

it is video, by the way, that I'm making these kaleidescopes from, and they appear to be working aside from the blurrines... strangely enough, it also only blurs it when doing a vertical flip. horizontal is fine... you know, come to think of it, the clip vs crop thing shouldn't work since its not the crop thats distorting it, its the flip. the first of the 4 images, the one that i dont flip in any way [ and the one that just has a horizontal flip] looks perfect...

any other suggestions anyone??
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Old November 7th, 2005, 09:55 PM   #1826
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Hey Pete,

It was actually a hard drive problem. I am using quite a few external hard drives, and I was capturing to I and the video/audio was getting conformed to J drive. J drive was at capacity. So I moved around some files, created some space on J, loaded the project and let it sit for a couple hours. The audio turned up.

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Old November 7th, 2005, 10:05 PM   #1827
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Is this your first cature of 16x9 content with the deck?
nope. been capturing 16X9 with this xl2 for about a year now, and the problem just came up lately. oddly enough, for this shoot, the clips which are bad/good seem to be divided by the day the clips were shot (day 1 ok, day 2 not ok, day 3 not ok). this is all in 1 dv tape. i remember cleaning the xl2 head before day 3 shoot, though.

Has the recording drum been serviced on the deck?
deck, yes, and replaced. cam- no. but plays back and captures ok on cam.

Perhaps swap out the cable?
will try this. would cable length matter for firewire? i kinda suspect this to be the problem.

Try another low end single chip camcorder for capture to see if the trouble can be duplicated...
did this, even worse. same with using my xl1. it just works with the xl2.

what i don't understand is why the artifacts don't show up during capture- only when playing back from the captured file.

thanks jimmy
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Old November 7th, 2005, 10:05 PM   #1828
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Premiere Pro Brain Buster

This might be impossible but here's what I'm trying to do...anyone know if this is possible.

Lets say I'm editing a baseball game and it's going to be streamed in flash over the web. Beside the video viewer window, there are two spaces for text.

Is it possible to add xml, text, or some type of metadata to the timeline in premiere pro which, once encoded in flash, can act as a signal to change the text displayed in the two boxes beside the player.

For the first inning there are three batters and two pitchers. I put some kind of marker in the timeline that can be used to signal a database to update the info in the boxes once the batters switch and the pitchers switch.


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Old November 7th, 2005, 11:22 PM   #1829
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VO Set-Up for Premiere Pro

Hey Folks,

It is me again....

So I am trying to set-up to do some voice over in adobe premiere pro. I get everything going once I say the first thing while actively recording it starts looping what I am saying back into the recording, almost like it is an echo effect.. Now when I am in the audio mixer view there are no effects on the recording channel. I really don't want to record through audition...cause I want to see what I am voicing over....

I am using a basic electret unidirectional mic (I am poor) that is run through my Audigy2ZS Soundcard.

Any ideas?



PS- Thanks for the help with the stills that rocks and for those that helped me in PC design. I do like the dual core pentium.
Joe Moore is offline  
Old November 8th, 2005, 02:38 AM   #1830
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Problems with imported audio

I am working on a soundtrack to accompany a storyboard.
I have two *.aiff files from Valentino soundfx that for some reason have no sound when they are imported and conformed. I have a bunch of other files also from valentino that are *.aif files, and they play fine. I am able to play the two *.aiff files in quicktime, so I'm not sure what's going on when I bring them into premiere. If anyone can help me figure this out, I thank you in advance. I am relatively new to the editing experience, so layman directions might be needed:).

(BTW--I am using Premiere Pro 1.5 on a PC[celeron, 1gig DDR])
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